I am Mr, KOFFI DANNI Am contacting you on behalf of my Community which
comprises of mainly local Gold miners to represent and as well look for a
prospective buyer for the bulk of Gold mined locally in our Community.
My Community in conjunction with the Village heads has in their possession
this article (Gold Dust)Kindly open the attachment. 1. 250Kgs Gold Dust2.
22+carat plus The Community as well as the right to go into any contract of
extraction or mining with any interested person or company depending on the
discussion reached between both parties concerned.
if you are not buyer then you can find us a buyer then there will be an
allocation of 2% for all transactions from your contact. If you are
interested do not hesitate to contact us back for more informations
I remain to hear from you soonest.
you can reply me directly here. rose_kouam3@yahoo.com
Best Regards KOFFI DANN
Sounds legit!