Trial in Bombing of U.S. Warship Set to Start 25 Years After Attack

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GIM2 Refugee
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Hard to believe it's been 25 years...

Trial in Bombing of U.S. Warship Set to Start 25 Years After Attack​

The judge reserved a courtroom for fall 2025. Seventeen U.S. sailors were killed in the bombing, which was a precursor to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The death-penalty trial of a prisoner accused of plotting the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole warship has been set to begin in October 2025. If the plan holds, the trial would coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Qaeda attack, which killed 17 U.S. sailors off the coast of Yemen.

Col. Matthew S. Fitzgerald, an Army judge, reserved a courtroom at Guantánamo Bay for the trial from Oct. 6, 2025, until Dec. 19 of that year, according to an order released by the court on Friday. Based on the court calendar, it would reach trial before the Sept. 11 case, whose judge has set 23 weeks of pretrial hearings for next year.

Thats a speedy trial.
Is the defendant an American, or otherwise what is known as a "US person"?

If not, they don't get that Right.

That Right as stated in the BoR, is guaranteed to the People of the united States of Amrica, not everyone in the whole World.

With a foreign person, I'm pretty sure that the gov can take as long as it wants.

Edited to add: seeing as this is a death penalty trial, the gov is simply ready to off the guy and the trial is little more than the legal window dressing that's needed to make it official.
After all, everyone reading this knows that the chances of a "not guilty" verdict is, as the old saying goes, between slim and none, and Slim just walked out the door.
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