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A lotta peeps said the same about bitcoin when it first hit $10When I went to bed last night, the price for $TRUMP was about $9. I checked just now and it's around $21. I had seriously considered dumping a few bucks into it but didn't. I figured it was already too late to realize any Ponzi gainz. Oh well!
This is getting out of hand...
Ran Neuner said:I was ok with the $TRUMP coin because of the signal it sent to the world! After $MELANIA, it’s clear that they are now grifting at the expense of the entire crypto community - sucking liquidity out of the rest of the market.
Don’t get me wrong, as my timeline shows, I know about $MELANIA way ahead of the launch and obviously profited . Despite this , I can’t support this mess.
A fitting cartoon to the situation.They lasted a bit longer than $HAWK, but not that much longer. I read that 42% of purchasers of the $TRUMP and $MELANIA meme coins were first time crypto buyers. I'm not sure how that statistic was determined, but I suspect that a lot of Trump supporters (probably older and not very tech savvy people) bought these coins as their first crypto and got the full crypto experience.