ChatGPT: Trump campaign promises

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Please list the major campaign promises that Trump made prior to being elected President along with a note indicating whether he kept/delivered the promise or not.
Certainly! Here is a list of major campaign promises that Donald Trump made prior to being elected President, along with a note indicating whether he kept or delivered on the promise:

1. **Build a border wall and have Mexico pay for it:** Trump promised to build a wall along the US-Mexico border and make Mexico pay for it. While some sections of the wall were built during his presidency, Mexico did not pay for it. **Status: Partially Kept**.

2. **Repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare):** Trump vowed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. While attempts were made to replace it, the ACA still stands, although some provisions were repealed. **Status: Partially Kept**.

3. **Implement a Muslim ban:** Trump called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States. An order restricting travel from several Muslim-majority countries was issued, commonly known as the "travel ban." **Status: Kept**.

4. **Tax cuts:** Trump promised significant tax cuts, which were passed with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. **Status: Kept**.

5. **Withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement:** Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which was completed in 2020. **Status: Kept**.

6. **Renegotiate trade deals:** Trump promised to renegotiate trade deals, such as NAFTA. The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) replaced NAFTA. **Status: Kept**.

7. **Appointment of conservative judges:** Trump pledged to appoint conservative judges to the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court. He appointed three Supreme Court Justices and numerous federal judges. **Status: Kept**.

8. **Rebuilding infrastructure:** Trump promised to invest in infrastructure projects. While significant infrastructure legislation was proposed, it did not pass during his presidency. **Status: Not Kept**.

9. **Drain the swamp:** Trump vowed to reduce corruption in Washington. Critics argue that his administration had its fair share of controversies. **Status: Not Kept**.

Please note that the assessment of whether a promise was kept can sometimes be subjective and open to interpretation.
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