Trump suggests a new fight over Obamacare if he wins another term, and Democrats lose their collective mind

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Trump suggests a new fight over Obamacare if he wins another term, and Democrats lose their collective mind​

A socialized medicine scheme we can’t afford with less government regulation is still just socialized medicine, so I wasn’t too invested at the announcement, but then I read the comments on X and had a laugh, because the overarching theme throughout the responses reaffirmed what we already know: arrested cognitive development plagues the “thinkers” of the left. (That’s about as nicely as I can put it.)

The trending hashtag was… #HandsOffMyHealthCare, and right off the bat, we realize that these Democrat voters don’t really understand the system, because it’s not really “their” healthcare when other people are paying for it.

Just wait until you check out the pathetic, entitled, snowflake in the video in the link below.
Not gonna fly. Too many people happy with it and no replacement for it.

And the only reason Trump wants to get rid of it is personal. Obama fucked with him during a Whitehouse Press party and made him feel small. So he wants to get rid of anything Obama.

I don't have health insurance because it costs too much and does not cover anything until I have $20k out of pocket. Then there are the ones who get it for < $100/month and want everything else for free.
Yeah, all of those who aren't paying for it because the rest of us are.

On Medicare. Automatically enrolled at 65. Right now, it's 164.90 outta my social security. Next year goes up to 170 something a month. Kinda takes away from the COLA raise.

Also use VA health care. Not too happy with them due to travel distance. Good for vaccines (free) and maintenance drugs (free.)

In my case, I'd like to be able to use the VA card anywhere I want in the United States. Combine it with Medicare and I'd be happy.

On a different note, I honestly consider health care a right and a necessity. Would like to see a single payer (the gov) for each and every American citizen. Then again, just my opinion.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion.

I just happen to disagree with it.

Health care is in no way a right and a single payer system is a horrible idea.

All legitimate rights have one thing in common: they are rights to action, not to rewards from other people. The American rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) impose no obligations on other people, merely the negative obligation to leave you alone. The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want — not to be given it without effort by somebody else.

Data shows that single-payer systems have significantly worse outcomes from virtually all serious diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
When I was working at my career job I paid $160 a month for health insurance, employer paid another $160 = $320 total monthly premium. Had health problems and retired got on COBRA for 5 months at $320. Previous employer changed policies knocking me off COBRA. Went on obama care for 8 months at $282 a month. But that was with a $1300 a month subsidy. So the total cost for the coverage was $1582 a month.
It seems ridiculous that just because I was no longer in a group that a lesser coverage policy would cost $1300 dollars more a month.
Now working for the State Park and my policy is $30 a month. All of these policies were with the same company.
If your a welfare recipient you get everything free. The welfare queens around here know the system inside and out.

I get VA health care as well. For me it works great. I guess I am one of the lucky ones that have decent VA facility nearby.
Not going to tout national health care here, but one thing I never understood is that our government can spent gazillions of our tax dollars all over the globe, in some cases our tax dollars are given to people who want to blow us off the planet and yet not spend our own tax dollars on a decent national health care system. WTF???????

It's American tax dollars. Let's spend it here on bettering American lives.
I'm in agreement with you on that point searcher.
Here's the thing, we need to vote every single one of 'em out of office.

But the issue is most folks think the problem isn't with "my guy" it's everybody else in politics who's the problem.

Nope! every single one of them
Nope! every single one of them

Yeah.......they all need to go.

Remember the brew haha over the dreamers? Immigration in general? Our budget? All they do is kick cans down the road, agree on some idiotic band aid then go on recess.

If you ran a business like this the business would go broke.
It's amazing...with the absolute chaotic WRECK the Left has made this nation...there are STILL people terrified about Orange-Man-Bad.

What in God's Great Hell is WRONG with them. Would it be so terrible to go back six years? Affordable housing, food, energy, and expanding opportunities?

I understand why Davos Man doesn't like it - Davos Man wants the whole world reduced to serfdom. Why do people HERE so fear it? And they do - I see it in person, as much as online. Are people THAT zombified, that they can't think beyond the mediuh propaganda?
And the only reason Trump wants to get rid of it is personal. Obama fucked with him during a Whitehouse Press party and made him feel small. So he wants to get rid of anything Obama.

From the link:

However, it is difficult to deny the presence of a personal vendetta. Throughout his speeches, Trump continues to refer to Barack Obama as if he were still the president. The Affordable Care Act was Obama’s most significant achievement and is colloquially referred to as Obamacare by all.

Could Trump’s vanity and pettiness be the driving force behind his willingness to strip healthcare from millions just to erase his predecessor’s legacy? That is for you to decide.

There is no doubt that Trump is an arrogant, self centered, egotistical, narcissistic, petty, little, man-child.
However, that dosen't change the fact that getting rid of Obamacare is a really good idea.
There is no doubt that Trump is an arrogant, self centered, egotistical, narcissistic, petty, little, man-child.
However, that dosen't change the fact that getting rid of Obamacare is a really good idea.
Let's quit ignoring the elephant in the examination room.

The ACA is the SOURCE of the CDC's sudden new power to, first, declare a "pandemic" and then, MANDATE TREATMENT PROTOCOLS for it. That's HOW it was that Remdesivir and ventilators were first used - AND STILL USED - on people who failed the PCR test (also mandated by the CDC) no matter its 60-percent fatality rate.

Buried in those 2000-plus pages, were legal powers for the CDC to do this in all hospitals, clinics, and practices that received government monies. Which is all of them - between Medicare, Medicaid, VA-referral patients and ACA subsidized "insurance."

The propagandist nooze liars would make this out to be vindictive and an attempt to punish "groups" and political opponents. In fact, the ACA is government democide codified into law.

The level of lying coming out of mediuh today, just shocks me. And this in spite of having grown up in an era where Nazi and Soviet propaganda was taught and discussed in high schools and universities.
But the issue is most folks think the problem isn't with "my guy" it's everybody else in politics who's the problem.
I see it moreso as most people just wanting something for nothing. Or at the least, to feel like they are getting more than they've actually paid for.

with the absolute chaotic WRECK the Left has made this nation...there are STILL people terrified about Orange-Man-Bad.

What in God's Great Hell is WRONG with them.
They've allowed themselves to be brainwashed.

I understand why Davos Man doesn't like it - Davos Man wants the whole world reduced to serfdom. Why do people HERE so fear it?
Mostly due to having been brainwashed to fear it.

The level of lying coming out of mediuh today, just shocks me. And this in spite of having grown up in an era where Nazi and Soviet propaganda was taught and discussed in high schools and universities.
That stuff ain't talked about no more due to the fact that those techniques are now being employed here.
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