Two Historic Naval Fortresses Auctioned Off for $1.3M Each

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Two of the world's most remarkable maritime properties have sold at auction in the UK for about $1.3 million apiece - roughly a fifth of the price that it reportedly cost the previous owner to buy and refurbish them. Spitbank Fort and No Man's Fort, which once guarded the entrance to the Royal Navy's largest base, now belong to a new (undisclosed) buyer after several years of vacancy.

Another British fort that's now occupied by civilians. Was used as a pirate radio station back in the day.

Welcome to Sealand, the world’s smallest state | 60 Minutes​

Nov 26, 2023 #Sealand #60Minutes #news

Sealand, an offshore platform off England's coast, is the world’s smallest state. It has just one permanent resident and its own royal family.


I would give them $750k cash for Gibralter.
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