Unrest in Israel (Hamas war)

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From DECEMBER 26, 2023 4:16 PM

U.S Destroyer, Super Hornets Splash Red Sea Attack Drones and Missiles​

A U.S. guided-missile destroyer and fighters from aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) interdicted a dozen suicide drones and anti-ship missiles on Tuesday, according to U.S. Central Command.

Houthi forces fired the 12 attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles and two land-attack cruise missiles from Yemen, according to the statement from CENTCOM.

The missiles and drones, “were fired by the Houthis over a 10 hour period which began at approximately 6:30 a.m. (Sanaa time) on December 26. There was no damage to ships in the area or reported injuries,” reads the statement.

The attacks were interdicted by destroyer USS Laboon (DDG-58) and F/A-18E/F Super Hornets that had sortied from the carrier. Since last week, Eisenhower and its escorts have been operating from the Gulf of Aden.


WOTR Commentary


DECEMBER 27, 2023

Since the brutal attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7, I have been filled with a familiar sense of dread as the Israeli government has squandered the sympathy and support of so many around the globe. Tragically, this is where comparisons with 9/11 hold the most explanatory power. What took America about two-and-a-half years from the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Israel accomplished in weeks. In the wake of the attack, President Joe Biden flew to Israel, where he delivered a strident message of support to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders, while cautioning them to avoid the mistakes that the United States made after the 9/11 attacks. But that advice fell on deaf ears amidst the rage, shame, and political maneuvering in the wake of Hamas’ bloody rampage. Despite America’s considerable leverage, Biden has not yet been willing to do what it takes to restrain Israel. The result has been a horror show for Palestinians in Gaza, as well as for the hostages held in Gaza and their families.

Israel’s military operation in Gaza is both strategically and morally unrecoverable. The legacy of this maximalist assault will haunt Israel for years. Its costs have cascaded around the world and acutely affect Israel’s closest partner, the United States. U.S. policy ought to reflect these realities, first by threatening to withhold further material and political support to Israel unless it announces an immediate ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid to flow, complies with the laws of war should combat resume, and commits to a positive political program on Palestinian governance of Gaza.

Read the full article here:

What you bet this gal's a liberal nut job...?

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Chicago makeup artist behind false viral claims that McDonald’s blue wrapper paper is Israeli propaganda​

A video that keeps going viral shows a woman confronting McDonald’s staff about a wrapper she says is pro-Israel subliminal propaganda. But what’s the story behind the video?

This is key. Brian's analysis is spot on here. Russia isn't "taking the bait" either.



28-year military vet & jet pilot, patriot, husband, father and prepper returns to SGT Report to discuss a topic that has been "off limits" for the entirety of our lives, Zionism. Specifically Rothschild Zionism, the reason for war after war and so much human suffering on earth. Thanks for tuning in.

Israel faces genocide charges at World Court; Gazans return to wasteland​

January 11, 20245:49 AM EST Updated an hour ago

  • Gazans begin to return to north as Israelis pull out, leaving devastation
  • Israel compares World Court genocide case to ancient antisemitic conspiracy theory
GAZA/THE HAGUE, Jan 11 (Reuters) - Israel faced accusations at the World Court on Thursday of genocide in its war in Gaza, as the first residents returned to northern areas where Israeli forces have begun withdrawing, leaving behind scenes of total devastation.

Three months of Israeli bombardment has laid much of the narrow coastal enclave to waste, killing more than 23,000 people and driving nearly the entire population of 2.3 million Palestinians from their homes. An Israeli blockade has sharply restricted supplies of food, fuel and medicine, creating what the United Nations describes as a humanitarian catastrophe.



The War Racket's Shadow Over Gaza: Unveiling the Ugly Truth Behind US-Israel Complicity​

Blinken's Betrayal: Bloodstained Diplomacy and the Hollow Rhetoric of Peace​

JAN 9, 2024

By: Gerry Nolan

In the shadow of Gaza's decimation, where over 23,000 Palestinians, primarily women and children, lie dead, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's words (Tuesday), ring hollow. Standing amidst the ruins, he decries the civilian toll as 'far too high,' yet his actions tell a different tale. The US, with Blinken at its helm, continues to fuel Israel's war machine, supplying the very arms that enable this mass murder. This chilling dichotomy of empty rhetoric and lethal action unveils a brutal reality: the US, under the guise of diplomacy, is complicit in a ethnic cleansing it could halt with a single stroke of policy change – a 'radical' change that upholds the sanctity of human life.

As Blinken navigates the Middle East, his platitudes of peace and rejection of permanent displacement in Gaza contrast starkly against the backdrop of ongoing US welfare-warfare payments and arms deliveries to Israel. These weapons are anything but tools of defence but instruments of an appalling onslaught against a besieged population. The US's veto of any meaningful UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for a ceasefire is not just a political maneuver; it's an endorsement of the carnage, a clear signal of where its allegiance lies. This is not about security; it's about perpetuating a war that benefits the few at the cost of tens of thousands of Palestinian lives.

Looks like things are heating up. From the ink:

By Jennifer Jacobs, Tony Capaccio and Courtney McBride (Bloomberg) —

The US and its allies launched airstrikes on more than a dozen Houthi rebel targets in Yemen, escalating a conflict with an Iranian proxy in response to a string of attacks that have disrupted commercial shipping in the Red Sea.


Military experts describe targets, weapons used in Yemen strike​

Jan 11, 2024
CNN's Alex Marquardt breaks down what is currently known about the US-led strike on Houthi targets in Yemen. CNN's Anderson Cooper discusses with CNN military analysts Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) and Gen. Philip Breedlove (Ret.)



Tom Compton from Scottsdale, Arizona joins me to talk about Christian Zionism as a fake religion and how these so-called Christians are blind followers of the Israeli Genocide in Palestine. He clarifies that Zionism is a political philosophy and unrelated to the Old Testament Jews.


Among the many risks inherent in the ongoing war in Gaza, perhaps the most dangerous has been the potential for broader escalation involving other regional fronts, pitting Israel and U.S. forces against Iranian-backed proxies in south Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria as well as Iraq. Yet, no less serious are the potential spillover effects of the conflict on Egypt. In particular, the prospect of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees into the Sinai constitutes perhaps one of the most destabilizing potential outcomes of the conflict. Such a scenario would pose not only a serious challenge to Egypt’s security but would also constitute a potential game-changer in the configuration of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Biden administration seems to understand the dangers entailed in the forceful transfer of Palestinians from Gaza, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling it a non-starter. However, the mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza, coupled with the strident voices within Israel advocating for the expulsion of Palestinians from the territory, means that the administration should be prepared to continue forcefully pushing back.


If Israel were smart, they would start razing Gaza down to bare dirt. Push all the rubble "from the river to the sea", and start constructing luxury resorts and golf courses for the Israeli citizens. Waterparks, theme parks, go cart tracks, roller coasters, something for everybody to enjoy. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants the palestinians. Muslims in general are extremely inbred and suffer very low IQs as a result. https://rare.us/rare-news/the-unspoken-plague-of-muslim-inbreeding/ Numerous studies have linked low IQs to violent tendencies and poor impulse control. https://www.cambridge.org/core/jour...l-population/AF21CE0AEDE9FFB0BC44AA1D059CF735

The muslim world wants no part of the palestinians because even they view them as violent lepers. They are the lowest of the low. Egypt is reinforcing their borders with more razor wire to keep the plague out. What do you even do with such a backward, violent people? Probably the best solution next to extermination would be to find them an island out in the middle of nowhere and dump them on it. At least then they wouldn't be hurting innocent people.
You don't know any Palestinians, do you? This is Zionist propaganda, and completely false. Stop believing the lies the genocidal maniacs in Tel Aviv spew in order to justify murdering Palestinians so they can complete their theft. Even if you hate Muslims, there are Christian Palestinians who are being killed alongside their Muslim neighbors.

They turned out in the streets and cheered wildly when the terrorists paraded their hostages on Oct. 7. There is no way that they are unaware of the terror tunnels Hamas has and the multiple rocket launcher sites. They simply turn a blind eye to it. As far as I am concerned, they deserve everything they get. Fuck around - find out. And they did.
Do you care at all about the thousands of Palestinian hostages that Israel has held for many years? They call them prisoners, terrorists and criminals, but they are hostages. They are people whose only crime is not being Jewish. Like the 13 year old girl who was raped by her Israeli captors so badly that she was ruptured. Whereupon they dumped her in the street. And then the charity organization who reported her injuries was suddenly closed down and accused of "support for terrorists". The girl is alive, but she required emergency surgery. Have you drunk so deeply of the cup of Zionist propaganda that anything Israelis do, no matter how evil, is justified?
South Africa, Indonesia, Iran, Black Lives Matter and even Greta Thundberg all stand with the “palestinians.”

The frivolous lawsuits in the UN court against Israel are very similar to those brought against Trump and the J6 protesters.

Have people seen vids of Gaza pre-October 7? It was not a slum: University, schools hospitals, ocean promenades.

Torture is morally wrong. What the Palestinian terrorists did on 10/7 was wrong.

God have mercy on them and us. Eternity is a long time.
So you deny reality. For you, history began on October 7th. The past 75 years of Israeli oppression, killing, rape and murder of Palestinians doesn't exist. The USS Liberty, the Lavon affair, and every other Israeli atrocity is fully justified. The meticulously documented south African case in the ICJ is just antisemitism.
Even a crazed leftist occasionally stumbles upon the truth, but your sense of morality is so relative, so situational, that just because people you don't like are pointing out the genocide being committed by the Israelis, you will side with those who are murdering innocents. I hope God opens your eyes before it's too late.

Nope. I don't even particularly like the jews. I think they are far from being our "friends and allies". But what happened to them on Oct. 7 was flat out wrong. And if something like that ever happened to my country, I would go full scorched earth on the bastards that did it. I wouldn't stop until I had killed every last one of them and turned their land into golf courses and theme parks.

That, alone, is enough to know that Israel is on the right side of things when it comes to this.
So it's ok for the Israelis to go " full scorched earth" on the Palestinians for an attack primarily against military targets (the rapes and beheaded babies have been thoroughly debunked, even in the Israeli press, and the majority of civilian deaths were from Israeli forces). But a minor attack by the Palestinians against the Israelis who routinely kill their children, arbitrarily arrest and torture thousands, committed massacres and atrocities over the course of decades don't have that right? You so are blinded by propaganda, you would justify murdering thousands of children. God help you.
Look, the "palestinians" are on record as saying that they will never rest until Israel is wiped off the map. They have zero intentions of living with a two-state solution. They state that. It is their desire to kill all the jews. How do you negotiate with people who think this way? Sometimes a people are just so toxic that the only way to deal with them is to eradicate them. It is clear that murder is the only thing on their mind.
Nah, man. It’s not so black and white as all that. History began with a promise to Abraham, and then his having sons from two women. Unfortunately he kicked Ishmael out of his house, and he never should have had him in the first place, but never abandon flesh and blood.
The blessing on Abraham’s children applies to the Arabs also. The series of events has been pretty messed up since.

You are using that word “genocide.“ It isn’t genocide, and it’s difficult debate from that standpoint.

May God let me, and us, see as He does.

I may disagree with you, it is a genocide, and meets every definition of one. And regardless of semantic games, deliberately targeting and killing women, children, and journalists is evil. Telling people to flog to "safe zones" then bombing those "safe zones" is evil. Using white phosphorus on civilians is evil .

"Amen" to your prayer, however.
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You need to get past the Zionist propaganda that is all you hear in the MSM. The PLO accepted the Oslo accords 2 state solution in 1993. The Israelis have been the ones to reject it, and Netanyahu is on record many times stating proudly that he has prevented a 2 state solution and will never accept one.

I haven't watched the news in years. And I'm not exactly a friend of the jews. But hamas started the bullshit. As far as I am concerned, Israel has every right to strike back at them. Wouldn't do much good if they left all those terror tunnels intact, so I fully support them destroying them. Oh, hamas built them under hospitals? Well, then blame hamas when the Israelis have to take out the hospitals as well. Because that's how it works. When you hide behind the skirts of civilians and children, civilians and children will get hurt. I'm not blaming Israel for doing what it takes to get the job done. Hamas is at fault for using civilians and children as shields. Blame hamas.
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