Unrest in Israel (Hamas war)

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Just as they planned, #Iran used mostly cheap, low-cost drones and missiles to force #Israel to spend over $1 billion, launching volleys of multi-million dollar anti-air defense munitions to shoot down the incoming drones. This first wave was designed to help deplete Israel's munitions supply, stressing the supply chain of U.S.-supplies munitions.

Iran can rapidly produce thousands of low-cost drones, but Israel cannot easily replace these wildly expensive "Iron Dome" or "David's Sling" munitions, some of which cost millions each. So this is a losing exchange for Israel. The fact that Israel claims it shot down "99%" of incoming drones and missiles is NOT a win for Israel. It's a win for Iran.

BTW, Israel also can't do math because it admits 7 hypersonic missiles got through, so that means Israel didn't shoot down 99% after all. See my full analysis from last night: https://naturalnews.com/2024-04-14-iran-strikes-israel-region-plunges-escalation-cycle-nuclear-war.html

Square this: the IDF openly says several (i.e., more than one) Iranian missiles hit Nevatim.

You cite a pro-Israel (i.e., bias) “OSINT”
X post using extremely low resolution overhead to gloat about your assessment of the efficacy of the Iranian attack.

You make claims about the destruction of Nevatim that the Iranians never made. They simply say that 5-7 missiles hit the base, something Israel admits.

You ignore the fact that Iran was not seeking a knockout blow, but rather a demonstration of capability.

You also ignore the fact that Nevatim was defended by the world’s most advanced integrated anti-missile defense shield which incorporated Arrow 2, David’s Sling, THAAD, and Patriot 3 with the AN/TPY-2 X-band surveillance and targeting radar. You also ignore the fact that this system was designed to exclusively defend against the Iranian medium-range ballistic missile threat.

And yet…5-7 missiles hit Nevatim. The Israelis have acknowledged 2 runways and three warehouse structures hit.

Not a knockout blow—it wasn’t intended as such.

But any BDA expert would note that the point of impact was center mass, a clear indication of precision guidance.

5-7 missiles hit the world’s most heavily defended location, defeating an integrated ABM defense that was custom built to defeat the missiles it failed to shoot down.

The point of this exercise is to note that if Iran had send 30 missiles at Nevatim, the base would be inoperable.

Israel knows this.

So does the U.S. Army.

Which is why Iran has achieved strategic deterrence over Israel.

Which was the whole point of the operation.

How Iran uses proxies to checkmate Israel and America​

Apr 16, 2024
Unprecedented escalation is in the making, and armed conflict between #America, #Israel, and #Iran seems closer than ever.

Israel has attacked Iran. Markets getting roiled.
Re: Post 490

Stocks rattled, Treasuries rally after Israel attacks Iran​

LONDON, April 19 (Reuters) - Global shares eased, oil prices surged and U.S. bond yields fell on Friday after reports that Israel attacked Iran, in the latest reminder of how the Middle East tinderbox is casting a growing shadow over markets.

Israel's attack on Iranian soil was the latest tit-for-tat exchange between the two arch foes, sending safe haven currencies such as the yen and Swiss franc higher and putting gold on track for its fifth week of gains.

Oil prices jumped $3 a barrel on concern that Middle East oil supply could be disrupted, but later pared some of the gains after Iran said it has not plans for an immediate retaliation, denying that any attack had taken place.

U.S. Treasuries rallied, pushing down yields on the benchmark 10-year bond to 4.5899%.
The MSCI All Country stock index (.MIWD00000PUS), opens new tab was down 0.38% at 746.54 points, retreating further from its lifetime high of 785.62 points a month ago, though still up about 3% for the year.



Retired colonel has a theory why Israel attacked target near Isfahan​

Apr 19, 2024
A US official tells CNN that Israel has attacked Iran, as multiple explosions were heard near a military base in Isfahan province, where fighter jets are located, according to reports from Iranian semi-official FARS news. Retired Colonel Cedric Leighton and Bloomberg Opinion columnist Bobby Ghosh join CNN’s Laura Coates to discuss.


Report to Congress on Israel and Hamas Conflict, U.S. Policy Options​

The following is the April 16, 2024, Congressional Research Service report, Israel and Hamas Conflict In Brief: Overview, U.S. Policy, and Options for Congress.

From the report

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed. Hamas and other groups also seized 253 hostages on October 7. Iran reportedly provides material support to Hamas, and according to U.S. officials may be complicit in a broad sense, but President Joe Biden said in October “there is no evidence” that Iran helped plan the attack. The ongoing conflict could affect and be affected by Israel-Iran conflict elsewhere (see, for example, CRS Insight IN12347, Escalation of the Israel-Iran Conflict, coordinated by Jeremy M. Sharp).

In response to the October 7 attacks, Israel declared war on Hamas and launched aerial bombardment and ground operations in Gaza. As of April 15, 2024, more than 33,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, according to the Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry. Israel publicly seeks the elimination of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities and the release of all hostages; Hamas’s tunnels have made these tasks more challenging. The Israeli military has reportedly cleared some key areas in Gaza of visible Hamas control, withdrawn tens of thousands of troops, and apparently shifted toward lower-intensity warfare. Israel has said it will conduct a ground campaign in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah to corner Hamas’s intact fighting units. Israeli leaders are reportedly debating how to balance declared national objectives regarding Hamas and hostage recovery, and also international concerns about the welfare of the over one million civilians in Rafah—most of whom earlier fled other conflict areas.

Read the report here:

Sounds like Israel didn't do a lot of damage with the attacks last night, so the markets have calmed down. I still think there is a very good chance for further escalation.
Sounds like Israel didn't do a lot of damage with the attacks last night, so the markets have calmed down. I still think there is a very good chance for further escalation.
Sounds like school yard boys throwing accusations at each other: "Your mother wears army boots!" "Yeah, well your dad pees sitting down!""
"What has happened in Greece is what they're planning for the rest of the world." Regis Trembly


Prof Maria Nikolakaki from Greece joins me to explain how and why WWIII has already begun on multiple fronts. The globalists are risking Armageddon to hold onto their power and their goal for world domination. Russia, China and BRICS+ are standing in their way.

Here's part 2.

Black Man Spy Israel/Palestine Conflict History Part II​

Apr 21, 2024

Israeli media has reported that the US is launching a desperate last-ditch pressure campaign against the International Criminal Court (ICC) to prevent it from issuing an arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials for crimes in Gaza

Only under the ‘rules-based order’ can the United States launch a brazen campaign of pressure against a supposedly ‘independent’ international court to stop it from prosecuting war crimes and genocide committed by one of its proxy states

They didn't include Israel in the 'negotiations'...

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