Warning: politics ahead

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Yellow Jacket
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"...this election pits a party that will dismantle the social safety net and put the rights of women, gays and African Americans on the endangered species list against a party that will drag the nation ever closer toward a socialist-inspired spending and regulation binge that will cripple the free enterprise system."


This is going to be election of who is the less scary candidate! Sadly, a lot of people admit this, yet still refuse to consider a Ron Paul or Gary Johnson?!
TPTB would never let Ron Paul win. Elections are just a scam to make you think you matter and keep us divided, unaware of the real enemy.
The only thing that really matters in this election is who counts the votes. [Diebold, a foreign owned firm with proprietary software in their electronic voting machines that they refuse to share with the government buying them]
My whole perspective on the process changed this past year after actually getting involved at the county and later State convention levels. I wrote a bit about it on the intertubes:


Essentially, the people who are grooming politicians at the local levels (no one runs state or nationwide races without establishing a name locally first) are equivalient to a high school social clique and they don't necessarily pay attention to issues. It's all personalities and back (ego) scratching.
My whole perspective on the process changed this past year after actually getting involved at the county and later State convention levels. I wrote a bit about it on the intertubes:


Essentially, the people who are grooming politicians at the local levels (no one runs state or nationwide races without establishing a name locally first) are equivalient to a high school social clique and they don't necessarily pay attention to issues. It's all personalities and back (ego) scratching.

I have seen similar things locally. There is a county near me where the two people running for sheriff are completely corrupt but, they made the right friends. Your choice in that county is to vote for the guy that has been to jail for corruption charges or the incumbant that hires cops that other counties fired for corruption!
Does the constitution matter if it is simply ignored?

Lets see..
Preventing Free Speech, check
Preventing Assembly and non-violent protest, check
Preventing Freedom of the Press, check

While I may not agree with the Occupy Wall Street group ideals, it is very chilling that law enforcement suffered no repercussions for thier actions.
Silly checks and balances idea:

"Although Senate Republicans rejected cybersecurity legislation last week, President Obama may yet rule on the issue, once again bypassing the legislative branch and the separation of powers set out in the Constitution.

According to a report in The Hill, President Obama is mulling the issuing of an executive order to create “law” where Congress failed to do so."

Luckily, this is now common...
"More recently, on June 15 President Obama ignored Congressional failure to pass the DREAM Act and announced his administration’s intent to “mend our nation’s immigration policy” and issued an order that effective immediately, the Department of Homeland Security was to begin taking steps to..."

I love reading anything by Thomas Sowell.

Let me get this straight....

We voted down the bill to cut funding of countries attacking our embassies, but we vote for the bill to go after a country that hasn't attacked us (recently).


lets keep this in perspective. The countries that are attacking our embassies, they are new to the democracy stuff and they are forgiven because they are in their learning/break-in phase. the country that hasnt attacked us, well, they hate us for our freedoms. they must be stopped! /sarcasm
"In other words, while the president knows there is a problem with Medicare and even privately has plans to address it, he’s using the threat of Republican cuts to the program as a political weapon. Those voting for Obama on the basis that he won’t cut Medicare but Romney will may be in for a rude awakening if they are successful in reelecting him."

That whole truth thing is a pain...
what a bunch of hooey. Sent this one around, thanks. We have a bunch of stupid crap like this here also. Got a wood stove a few years ago, they wanted a couple of grand to inspect and instal it. No one was available on Thanksqiving Day, though......:rotflmbo:
It must be nice, for the incumbent, that all the federal agencies are waiting until after the election to enforce their policies.


"After learning that the White House had failed to enforce the law in order to protect President Obama’s reelection chances from potential negative feedback, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) wrote a letter dated October 25 asking the president to comply"

"Not surprisingly, Inhofe didn't hear back from the president by the October 31 statutory deadline, and published his outrage at the website of his Environment and Public Works committee where he is a ranking member"

"The president has ignored the rule for a year, missing the deadline in April and then again in October. In the meantime, a veritable tsunami of regulations is piling up at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) just waiting for the election to be over. According to OIRA, there are 151 major regulations (those having an impact of $100 million or more) awaiting review, with 118 of them more than 90 days old."

That's the best thing I have read TO DATE from a political standpoint!

I thought it was about Obama right up until the very last sentence!!

I am going to steal this fair and square, send it to everyone and see how long it takes to get full circle back to me.

"the single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045. While mathematics is our tool – as opposed to the mathemagics of some of the more politically biased media who did not like our message – the painful reality in America is that: for increasingly more Americans it is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work."


"Republican leaders outlined a plan that they said would provide $2.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. On top of the $800 billion in new revenue from a tax code overhaul, Republicans estimated they could save $300 billion by cutting discretionary spending, $600 billion in "health savings," $200 billion in changes to the consumer price index and another $300 billion in mandatory spending."

At least the are up front about changing CPI to what ever suits their needs...
What a crock of shit. The republicans offer up 2.2 trillion in deficit reductions and the demotards say we will not even look at it without more taxes on the rich. These fucking clowns are unbelievable.

I would like to personally thank all of the jackasses out there who voted these retards in to office.
2 sides of the same coin. How could anyone be surprised by this?
2 sides of the same coin. How could anyone be surprised by this?
The basic difference between the economic policies of Democrats and Republicans is:
One likes to TAX and SPEND.
The other likes to BORROW and SPEND.

Anybody see a common denominator?

Hint to politicians on all sides of the political spectrum: Cut your s-p-e-n-d-i-n-g. There spelled it out nice and slowly for you.
Amazing quote that I found today...

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Now, I want you to think about who may have said this bit of wisdom before clicking on the below link to find out....

Amazing quote that I found today...

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Now, I want you to think about who may have said this bit of wisdom before clicking on the below link to find out....


talk about the pot calling the kettle black and such....
I say let the damn thing collapse in upon itself. Let the giant fraud centers we call banks and bank holding companies go it alone. Let them all fail. Let the economy grind to an absolute and complete halt. In that event, a phoenix would have no choice but to rise from the ashes. Monetary systems are based upon trust, even a gold backed money standard where paper certificates of attestation are substituted for actual circulating metals. When that system fails and the People lose all confidence, credit is withdrawn and barter takes hold along with direct transfer of goods for goods. The power is wherever the money is, the real money anyway. if we lose faith all at once in their fiat regime, and the People turn to hard commodities for trade, they can no longer peel a vig off each and every transaction [think ATM fees, credit card fees, etc.] and fall to the wayside. "They" cannot exist without a willing host and will die.

It really is just as simple as that.
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So racist.. :rimshot:

we had a customer at the grocery store complain that someone in my department didn't like Mexicans. They called us all on the carpet and asked us one at a time if we had any problem with Mexicans; when my turn came I told the unit director I hate minorities. He looked at my co-worker and said "he's married to an Asian isn't he?" He just shook his head and walked off. We finally did figure out what happened later on, but it was kinda funny. (A Mexican lady got offended cause another Mexican WAS laughing at her.) Had to have been there, but still it was funny....
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