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Maybe even a bigger reason for gold and silver selling off is due to the CME quietly going back to full initial margin. They have returned margins to levels prior to the CME's panic MF-induced reduction. I couldn't find any notice of their decision on the CME site, but I confirmed it with my broker Rosenthal Collins. It was scaled in over 7 trading days between November 11th and November 17th. I suspect weak spec longs who took advantage of the temporary margin reduction, and not knowing when it would be reimplemented, are getting flushed. The timing for the margin hikes of course dovetails nicely with looming op. ex. and FND. It's kind of surprising that the usual sleuthing of ZH didn't catch this. Nonetheless it looks like the die is cast for gold until after next week, and maybe $1,800 will be all she wrote for 2011 if the yearly cartel percentages hold.
You may be right, but I don´t really care. I always hedge my physical positions 100% before options expiry and then sell my shorts right after it to buy more physical. This is free money given to me by the tbtfb. Just take it and get some more oz. It didn´t work every time (I´ve done this since 2007), but overall I´ve made about a 40 % outperformance to spot gold meaning I could enhance my physical position by 40 % thanks to opx manipulation.Opx or not, this is severe technical damage. The miners are in even worse shape. 1640/1650 is it before go back to previous lows. That is very bad
I agree, I think the Expiry, and the Europia Mess has folks spooked, and on the sidelines.
If they crash the Euro,then Pm's hit the elevator,and we could see $700.00 again.If they print, and /or separate(get rid of the bad actors) and make the EU more viable, it goes the other way.
Pm's UP,USD down.
And,as DoChen states, the EU mess has just taken the worlds eyes
off of US, for the time being.