Waukesha Christmas Parade Killer Receives Life Sentence

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Waukesha Christmas Parade Killer Receives Life Sentence​

Darrell Brooks (C) appears at Waukesha County Court on November 23, 2021 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Brooks is charged with killing five people and injuring nearly 50 after driving through a Christmas parade with his sport utility vehicle on November 21. (Photo by Mark Hoffman-Pool/Getty Images)

Darrell Brooks (C) appears at Waukesha County Court on November 23, 2021 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Brooks is charged with killing five people and injuring nearly 50 after driving through a Christmas parade with his sport utility vehicle on November 21. (Photo by Mark Hoffman-Pool/Getty Images)

6 consecutive life sentences plus 17-1/2 years for each additional 61 or so charges. Plus some other charges. Worked out to many hundreds of years.

I learned a lot about people that have been in my life watching this narcissistic twit and his antics
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