Weird Stuff on YouTube

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Said so on every truck. TINS
The garbage companies provide free snow removal in Miami.
If I recall, there once was a mayor in Denver that lost his job because he used garbage trucks to 'remove' the snow.
Not exactly youtube but it is a vid.

“You want to see something?” asked what might as well have been a trickster god. Because then the stranger turned around, showed the man his tail, and scampered off!

I repeat: His. Tail.

Click here to watch the video.


Photos of Cronulla in the early days. Compiled & edited by Ross Myers. 8:32
This is the stuff of nightmares! FrEaKy!

That's got to be fake. Dr isn't trying to remove it from her ear. If so, he'd just grab it with a pair of pliers and be done with it.
Ok, try this one. Short vid covering three supposed facts.

The first thing he mentions, I looked up and was shocked that it was in fact true. The Japanese are truly a tough crowd. At least, prior to WW2 they apparently were.

The second one I already knew, but what about the third one? Think that guy was really poisoned? If so, we really missed out.

This guy puts a 200hp outboard on a 14' jon boat. Pretty funny watching him use it. It nearly launches the whole boat out of the water like it's got a rocket under it. Lol

Best parts start around four minutes in. Before that it's setup and a float test.

Check out what this guy found in the wall of his garage.

Check out what this guy found in the wall of his garage.
I do not get it. It ended with "some movie" that "may have some clues". I watched it twice, and with this warning to others, I lost almost five minutes of my life.
It was a pron DVD. Stupid vid.
Thanks. I don't think finding a porno is some kind of prize. I would probably add it to the trash, along with all the other worthless things one finds in handling an estate of old people.
Road rage at it's finest. Try not to be either of these guys.

Check this out. The guy in the truck has balls of steel. With a guided middle bearing down on him, he waits until the very last second to take evasive action.


Pakistani Engine rebuilders:​

Rebuilding CAT Bulldozer Engine Completely || Repair and Restore CAT Engine Broken Crankshaft​

I am sure that is an amazing video, but could someone express in words here how the crankshaft broke in the first place? Why would it break? And how does one weld the two pieces back together? That is, so it has the original strength. Hopefully, stronger so it does not break again. Sometimes video is the best, but sometimes words are much better. Thanks.
The replacement crankshaft was new. They answered it in the comments.
Short vid of a guy who found himself in a tough situation.

What would you do in a situation like he wad in? Do what he did and lose your job, or sit back and watch a disaster unfold while keeping your job?

I don't use facebook, but for those who do, this guy might be onto something.

Short, maybe a minute long.

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