West Virginia Sec of State Formal Pronouncement After Reviewing Evidence: 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN

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From a WV paper:

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Some Republican officeholders in West Virginia are already revving up campaigns for governor in 2024. But first, they have to sort out what happened in 2020.

Years after Democrat Joe Biden was declared the White House winner, Secretary of State Mac Warner and Attorney General Patrick Morrisey say they remain concerned his victory was not legitimate. They persist in those views despite repeated investigations, audits and court cases concluding there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud or improper counting that could have changed the results in Donald Trump’s favor.

"Some Republican officeholders" "no evidence"

Says a copy writer on the (unbiased) AP, thereby totally trumping the official findings of the W.VA elected office holders. Thus getting his drones to point to his well thought-out dismissal as total refutation.

Unless someone points out the far left tactic. Then they'll just say: "Just posting a newspaper article."

It gets boring.
I clicked through to the Headline USA article and did not see where Mac Warner disclosed any evidence to support his opinion. You would think that if he had any, he might have divulged it in one of the numerous lawsuits and investigations that played out on the issue.
Biden is about as popular as a wet leper, stayed in the basement for the entire campaign because when he did come out, he couldn't fill a high school auditorium. And we are supposed to believe that he got more votes than even the magic mulatto. GMAFB.

This is what fraud looks like.

(*sigh*) All here know that if the Republicans had:

1. put up illegal view blockers,

2. suddenly discovered millions of votes in a divide-by-zero slope,

3. were filmed moving huge containers of votes from under tables and

4. from the back of delivery trucks at 3AM

5. burst pipes where everybody had to leave, except those working the votes...

6. multiple counting (videoed) of the same votes repeatedly
20. Filmed mules delivering votes that they took pictures of, then dumped en masse into the vote boxes...

There would be a different reaction than the one quoted. I am not wrong. Blind eyes are wrong.

Your opinion is invalid on the face of it until you explain the view blockers, the statistically impossible vote spike that just happened to occur while the other things on the list above were going on, the under the table storage of votes, the delivery trucks, the photographing of votes by the mules for their payment.

Invalid is the best possible interpretation. Think about it.
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