What kind of a grown man argues politics with a 12 year old?

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Noah makes mincemeat outta a stone loon.

Mike Lindell is correct.

The kid at 12 years old has been thoroughly brainwashed with the MSM talking points... How do I know? He sounds just like my 68yo liberal brother!

"You have no proof", "The courts tossed the cases" yada yada we've heard it all before.​

Notice how they cut off the interview lest the kid get exposed as a tool like Greta?

You'd have to be living in a cave to not know there was election corruption.

Trump recently said "Joe got 14 million votes." Trump also created Space Force who controlled all the satellite coms during 2018 and 2020. That's how he knows how many votes the D's needed to steal the election.

The 'D's are attempting to make "soundbite" hay with this. It ain't working.
Notice how they cut off the interview lest the kid get exposed as a tool like Greta?

A bit off topic, but I wonder if Greta is for real or in it for money. IMO.........no one her age would be doing what she does unless they were getting something ($$$$$) out of it. That is, unless they were insane.
Might as well challenge young brains, it is the only way to make them sharper....
A bit off topic, but I wonder if Greta is for real or in it for money. IMO.........no one her age would be doing what she does unless they were getting something ($$$$$) out of it. That is, unless they were insane.
Interesting observation.

It's akin to the hollywood starlet who adopts two boys that... turn into girls almost as if by magic!
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