What Would You Like To Hear from Trump on Day #1 RNC

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Sunshine State
GIM2 Refugee
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1. Thank God for another chance at life.
2. Say he is creating a movement so that even if they kill him the idea will continue.
3. Usher in a new golden era of peace & prosperity for all.
4. Call for an immediate cease of hostilities around the world.
5. Acknowledge some people may have had a problem with his style or the USA in the past and understand they may have gotten a raw deal at some time or another.
6. Put everybody and everything on the table for a new detente including Democrats, RINOs, Gaza, Israel, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, Venezuela, etc.
7. Ask the world to join our movement of peace and prosperity in our lifetime. and for the next generation.
It will likely be something in line with what he's posted to his Truth Social account:

1. Thank God for another chance at life.
2. Say he is creating a movement so that even if they kill him the idea will continue.
3. Usher in a new golden era of peace & prosperity for all.
4. Call for an immediate cease of hostilities around the world.
5. Acknowledge some people may have had a problem with his style or the USA in the past and understand they may have gotten a raw deal at some time or another.
6. Put everybody and everything on the table for a new detente including Democrats, RINOs, Gaza, Israel, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, Venezuela, etc.
7. Ask the world to join our movement of peace and prosperity in our lifetime. and for the next generation.
8. Send Seal Team 6 to visit all top democrat leadership.

Hey, they're the ones who are telling us that it would be perfectly legal for a potus to do that, so take 'em for their word.

After all, they are clearly the experts on what is and is not an official duty of the President.
9) Announce a phasing out of the SS tax and elimination of withholding taxes on everyone except for the 3 classes of persons who have had an income tax imposed on them.
10)Sending home all illegals
11) Eliminating welfare and putting welfare recipients to work to replace the illegals.
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