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Big Eyed Bug
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Some of you were reading some comments in another thread on the ethics of depopulating. I mentioned there that I was tending to my mother who was dying.

I had the privilege of having such a wonderful woman to be the one God chose to raise me and train me.
She taught me that a person's life is not to be measured in 'things' but in character.
She taught me to love reading over T.V. (we never had one in our lives).
She taught me that just like the Bible says, "It is better to give than receive".
She taught me that money is a tool to be used, not an idol to be worshiped.
She taught me that there is no such thing as freedom without boundaries.
She taught me to never start my day without determining to do something for the glory of God and the good of others.
She taught me that it is not how long you live, but how well you live that counts.
She taught me that life is a gift from God and every day must be lived with that in mind.
She taught me that the worst kind of thief is the one who robs himself by wasting time.
She taught me that there is a huge difference between holding strong convictions and having an opinion, and never to confuse the two.
She taught me that honesty is not the BEST policy, it is the ONLY policy.

Most of all though,
She taught me to love God supremely, to love others before myself, and that the Bible says, "what will it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lost his soul?"

We were raised in poverty, but we never lacked anything we needed. Mom taught us that most things we think we need are really only wants.

This past week I had the privilege of staying by her bedside for 4 days and nights and had grace to never be away for more than a total of 3 or 4 hours during that entire time.

I had promised my father almost 20 years ago at his deathbed that I would care for her, and now I have been able, by God's grace to fulfill that promise.

After that, I had promised my mother that I would be there for her passing from this life into the presence of her Saviour, and was given grace to keep that promise.

I held her hand, looked her in the eye and placed the last kiss upon her as her soul departed to be with her Lord.

Now I have only one more desire of hers to fulfill. She insisted that I do her funeral. I pray the same grace that saw me through this week will see me through that service.

What has this to do with a PM forum? Only this.
It has helped me to keep things in perspective. Regardless of the price of gold or silver, life is not measured by that. And if I had 10,000 times as much, it still would not have made my mother love me any more.

I have no tears for her. She is in heaven now. My only tears are for myself, that I did not treasure her more than I did before she passed away.

To all who read this - I am not looking for a theological / philosophical debate. I simply wanted to let others know what a great mother I was blessed with, and that I probably wouldn't be on forums like this at all, if I had been raised differently.

To the owners of this site, - if you choose to let this remain on, I thank you most sincerely. If you choose not to, I understand.
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Condolences Jetstream. It's never easy saying goodbye to those you love.
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss Jetstream. Thank you for your post. It is obvious to me that you are a very lucky person to have such an amazing Mother . . . and . . . she was also a very lucky lady to have such a caring son as you . . .
you did good JS. My mom shot herself when I was six. I would have loved too have known her; you got to know yours. :)
you did good JS. My mom shot herself when I was six. I would have loved too have known her; you got to know yours. :)

I cannot imagine the pain of dealing with that. My heart goes out to you my friend.

Yes, it was a great privilege to really get to know my mother, especially after my dad died.

I did mom's funeral a couple of days ago, but though it was one of the hardest things I have had to do, it was truly something to see the lives she touched and affected in a positive way.
I cannot imagine the pain of dealing with that. My heart goes out to you my friend.

Yes, it was a great privilege to really get to know my mother, especially after my dad died.

I did mom's funeral a couple of days ago, but though it was one of the hardest things I have had to do, it was truly something to see the lives she touched and affected in a positive way.

Jetstream, I did NOT mean that in a meanspirited or snarky way (I know you didn't take it so, just saying). When someone tells me their parent died, that is the only thing I can think of to say. When my wifes dad died last year, all I could think was I'm so glad I've already been through that. I was six and eight when my parents died; I've been more than blessed since then.

My children did an almost audible sigh when they passed age eight; I could see the mental conversation going on in their heads "it's not going to happen to me..."
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