When the cabal/libs bring back mask mandates -- check this WHO graph first:

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I think the evidence is obvious to anyone who looks, with an open mind. Or even just a sentient mind.

All that are left, are two groups: The Woketards and Zombiecrats; and the fearful.

The fearful, run the whole gamut - from those afraid of being Cancelled - personally (loss of job) or business (shut down by Woke government regulators); to those who ENJOY the fear - find it comforting to strap on a Face Diaper, and get another Booster on the way to the Shrine of St. Anthony the Fow Chee. The masks and the shibboleths, they comfort, and they give the Believers their sense of personal worth.

Mental illness cannot be answered with facts. As to the fear of Cancellation...it's valid; but some people need to understand, there are outcomes worse than unemployment or destroyed small businesses.
I think the evidence is obvious to anyone who looks, with an open mind. Or even just a sentient mind.

All that are left, are two groups: The Woketards and Zombiecrats; and the fearful.

The fearful, run the whole gamut - from those afraid of being Cancelled - personally (loss of job) or business (shut down by Woke government regulators); to those who ENJOY the fear - find it comforting to strap on a Face Diaper, and get another Booster on the way to the Shrine of St. Anthony the Fow Chee. The masks and the shibboleths, they comfort, and they give the Believers their sense of personal worth.

Mental illness cannot be answered with facts. As to the fear of Cancellation...it's valid; but some people need to understand, there are outcomes worse than unemployment or destroyed small businesses.
It has happened before: People voluntarily showed up at the train yards because they were told to. They knew they were going to their deaths, but they volunteered anyway.

It is a peculiar human trait --> Obey "authority".

No matter what the cost.
What they did through psychological brainwashing, was they taught the lesser IQ folks that fear was actually a "virtue". And that the more fearful the person was, the more "virtuous" they were. That's why some of the biggest retards were wearing multiple face diapers (different colors for maximum virtue signaling benefits). These are the same idiots who fell for the whole "Ukraine is the next thing" psyop. These idiots will believe anything they see on television. They are nothing but sheep waiting for the hags on The View to tell them what to be offended about next.

I see the state that I live in currently is not on the list of those that will not comply with the mask bullshit. I will not wear a mask or take any GD shot ever.
It is a peculiar human trait --> Obey "authority".
I would posit that it's a GERMAN trait - European, to some extent, but most obvious in the Germanic people.

Such as those you reference. And I say that as someone with German ancestry.

The British/Scots/Irish who seemed to be leading the American Revolution had not such a strong OBEY instinct. There's some question in my mind if the Scandinavians are so compliant. The Russians, not clear.

But, do we have enough Goose-Steppers in our own world, to carry this madness on to the next level, or keep it going?
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