Will Biden defend his title?

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What is the thinking on whom the Democrats are going to send into battle in 24? The DNC goes through the motions for a second term, right? Primaries and all that. They can conceivably move away from Biden. Thoughts on old Joe for 4 more years? Will he make it?
Ahhhh certainly from the anointed one! Jesus H.

It's sad to think that Biden is the best you have, really is emblematic of a nation past it's prime.

I dunno if they can print enough votes to beat T this time, Biden's approval is in the toilet... it's going to take a "large voting fraud organisation" to help that out of the bowl!

Your polling stations are going to be war zones if it is T v B.... should make for great television.
If they win, they lose.

The nation is literally coming apart. I'm not convinced there will BE an election in a year - and if there is, and the meat-puppet wins it, there won't be another four years. We either die of a government-engineered famine or from a Washington-engineered thermonuclear war.

While half of us dies of genetic quackery. STILL being pushed by the people who're too smart to recognize they're not-at-all smart. The TED-Talk and WEFfer crowds.
Regardless of the next rigged election, Joe wins. If he loses the election he goes off into the sunset and that's when the real payoff comes.
Look at Obama. netted the WH with about 1 mil in net worth. Now controls a foundation with an endowment of 430 million. 130 a yer in revenue for the foundation. I wonder who exactly is feeding all that money into the foundation. While everyone is focused on the Biden crime family they completely ignore the Obama and Clinton crime syndicates.
There is no riding into the sunset for Corn Pop.

He's a late-stage Alzheimer patient; and if he makes it a year, I'd be surprised. He ain't gonna make it five more.

And he probably won't even die a natural death - the fellow perpetrators will be afraid his brain rot will loosen his mouth. Normally it wouldn't concern anyone - people dying of organic brain disease say strange things. Nothing incriminatory in that.

But the guilty never rest. So Joe's gonna Died Suddenly.

Next to Died Suddenly, will be that repugnant waste of oxygen Corn Pop calls The-Smartest-Man-I-Know. Yeah, the guy who's a painter (finger-painting, selling for millions to donor-wannabees) and seducer (of little girls and whores) and data-processing expert.
one scenario I imagined was this: Hunter suicides himself because his crimes catch up to him…..( whisked away to Epsteins hideaway )

the Big Guy steps down due to overwhelming grief

the Obummer wookie somehow gets installed as POTUS , Hitlerry Klinton Sec of State or VP……..blah blah blah fukin’ commies celebrate the Zimbabwe Flush of what once was America

unless 45 somehow wins

and then it is anyone’s guess as to what is next for America
They gotta find a way to get rid of Harris if Biden makes it to the end of 2024 so that asshole from California can finish the job. The fix is in I don't even know if Trump has enough support to keep it as close as the last election.
I'm not convinced there will BE an election in a year

I've entertained that notion, if they don't lock Trump up, I think their next move might be extreme.... or they may just shoot him. The lefties would be onboard with that no doubt.
The fix is in I don't even know if Trump has enough support to keep it as close as the last election.

OK... I thought Biden was polling badly?

Not that polls have been that great in latter years.

What are you looking @?
OK... I thought Biden was polling badly?

Not that polls have been that great in latter years.

What are you looking @?
Polling doesn't matter rule of law doesn't matter nothing matters.
unless 45 somehow wins

and then it is anyone’s guess as to what is next for America
Everyone with a pulse knows what'll happen if when (Imma gonna go out onna limb) 45 wins again. The dem/leftists/antifags are gonna go ape shit cRaZy again, and do their utmost to put the nation through hell the entire four years he's in office.

You know, same as last time he won.

Only question is, what will the fake allegations be this time?
....and what should the over/under be on how many times the fbi will lie to a court to get their warrants rubber stamped? That's always a fun game to play with the family.

Can't really do Russia! Russia! Russia! BS again, already tried that one and lost.
Sure they can they're about to do c19 redux.
Sure they can they're about to do c19 redux.

Yup, my very thoughts. They are ramping up to pandemic MkII all over the place. I'd be surprised if the volume doesn't hit 11 on that one in the New Year. Hell, let's make it a total mail-in election, for your safety "off course" !
Trump called out the mail in voting as fraud before the election yet did nothing to try and prevent it. Looks to me like he is now just controlled opposition. All this BS is just theater to keep the country divided.
Trump called out the mail in voting as fraud before the election yet did nothing to try and prevent it.

I hear you, however, isn't voting procedure strictly state based? Any attempt to control that would be seen as a Federal power grab by the States. I see that as one of the difficult problems in voting procedure reform, getting all these states to agree on a uniform and secure procedure would threaten so much vested interest it would be damn near impossible. JMO etc...
Yeah... but when you look @ the primaries, Trump is killing DeSantis, so this whole page looks off with regard to Trump's numbers. Off by so much you'd have to question its integrity. Trump is sitting @ 50 to 60% and getting stronger with every indictment. DeSantis is in the 15 to 20% range. That calls bullshit on this poll. Maths...

Vivek unlike T & B has a higher approval than disapproval. He is less polarising than the clown show, who both have greater disapproval than approval. Granted, the media hasn't set its mind to destroying his character yet!

T & B are pretty well level pegging if you consider how accurate these polls tend to be...

You know an awful lot about US politics considering your living on the bottom of the planet. . I couldn't name one politician from your country including whoever is running it. LOL

Yes it is up to the states to set election rules. However, in the case of PA, they broke those rules and nothing was done about it except some yelping by Trump. IMO there should have been a huge party push to end this mail in crap. In fact I would go one step further and say end the electronic voting altogether and go back to paper ballot. Yes you are still subject to whomever counts the votes but it isn't as easy to switch votes from R to D with a paper trail.

The reality is the left is a political machine. They know every in and out of the system and exploit it every time. They also worked very hard to dump 100's of thousands if not millions of "refugees" into cities all across the country. Something no one is talking about ever. It's obvious in so doing they will control the population centers forever and never lose once the refugees really ramp up the breeding. You can see the end result with the blacks in the cities. On the Gov test forever and breed like rabbits. Never a mention of getting them off the system or even ending the system. Thats the Dam strategy. Keep them dependent on Gov and they have a voting block for life.
Never a mention of getting them off the system or even ending the system. Thats the Dam strategy. Keep them dependent on Gov and they have a voting block for life.

What happens when Magic Money fails? When CTRL+PRNT no longer works?

Government cannot sustain its subjects. It can only take from them. When the currency-debasement game comes to an end - as it has, every time it's been done - these geniuses will discover that an illiterate, non-functional, low-IQ population is NOT a strength, but a cost, and a destabilizer.

And unsustainable.
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