Without knowledge or consent gun manufacturers gave your info away

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Without Knowledge or Consent​

For years, America’s most iconic gun-makers turned over sensitive personal information on hundreds of thousands of customers to political operatives.

Those operatives, in turn, secretly employed the details to rally firearm owners to elect pro-gun politicians running for Congress and the White House, a ProPublica investigation has found.

The clandestine sharing of gun buyers’ identities — without their knowledge and consent — marked a significant departure for an industry that has long prided itself on thwarting efforts to track who owns firearms in America.

At least 10 gun industry businesses, including Glock, Smith & Wesson, Remington, Marlin and Mossberg, handed over names, addresses and other private data to the gun industry’s chief lobbying group, the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The NSSF then entered the gun owners’ details into what would become a massive database.


I guess the manufacturers are sharing their warranty registration data? I'm not sure what other data the manufacturers are collecting. I know the ATF collects data (form 4473) for most firearm sales (FFL, retail) but I don't think the sales data makes it's way to the manufacturer unless the buyer is registering the sale for warranty purposes.
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