Word games (wordle, quordle, etc.)

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Wordle 514 4/6

I was so sure I had solved it on 3. Actual solution didn't even occur to me. Rats.

Daily Quordle 295


Big oof. Bottom left tripped me up. Getting top left with very minimal clues felt good though.
I just managed to pull through in the clinch!

Wordle 514 6/6

HAH! Fergot to post.

Today it was more of the same... 3 and 4 on the first two, and a choice between two letters to get off the "20" limit. Nope, another 20. Always the bridesmaid.
Daily Quordle 296


Wordle 515 4/6

I got lucky. There were multiple options left at guess #4. I chose... wisely.

Daily Quordle 296


Not a spoiler, I hope: But on an outlier game, the sumbitches had "SENSE" for the word.

That ain't even cheatin' fair... double-double -- get it instantly or die.
Wordle 517 4/6


Daily Quordle 298


Only two words were possible for my last word on guess #7. I missed the coin flip.
OMIGAWD!! Them cheaty bastages!!! They are colluding. I just now did the Quordle AFTER I posted the above!!

Daily Quordle 297


I keep forgetting to hit the "post" thingy... I'll put sumpin' up... and find it the next fargin day.

But now that solutions are history, lemme point out them bastages bombarded us with "sense" on one puzzle, and "shush" on Quordle on the same fargin day.

It's a plot, I tellya!!
Wordle 520 4/6

Wracked my brain for guess #3. Took forever to think of a word that would work. Once I saw the result, I knew the word (for guess #4) instantly.

Daily Quordle 301


Bottom right got me on guess #7. Several choices and I chose... poorly.
Wordle 521 4/6

So close to getting it on guess #3.

Daily Quordle 302


Well... That sucked,
Daily Quordle 302


JUUUUUST barely made it. TWICE!
I see how this works now... I had to play this twice, no I'm not that good. The numbers are what try it took to get the word. Meaning you only get 5 wrong words.

Daily Quordle 302


Wordle 522 5/6

Oof. That sucked.

Daily Quordle 303


Missed guess #5 on a coin flip (again). Rats.
I really went around the block to get the answer... (*sigh*)
Daily Quordle 303


Finally broke 20. Guessed coin flip wrong, or I'da been at 18. Cheaty damn' Old Englitch word...
Daily Quordle 306


Last edited:
That ain't fair Unca, yer Sposta b doin thisaone from the OP. Not the no frills dollar store version!
I was "pleased" to have tied ya on Wordle. I seem to have posted before I wrote that.
The sucker blanked me on the first shot... jeez:

Wordley 11/28/2022
3 / 6

Now to go crash and burn on Quordle...

Wordle 527 3/6

Wordle 527 4/6


Daily Quordle 308


About time I got a coin flip (last guess) right.
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