Words Do Matter...

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Big Eyed Bug
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
Deep Behind Enemy Lines in Southern California
my pov is if you have something to say, say it, directly, don't mince words, don't beat around the bush, don't paint pictures, don't draw any conclusions for others, and don't fear your own opinion as most often, it's closer to being more true than you might give yourself credit for, if only for 'rationalizing something through' to the point you can Have an honest opinion...so, say it and bring forth the 'evidence' to support your ideologies, share what you know, that's Power

the reason for this thread is to point out the 'journalism' that simply fails to provide any type of solid information, the stories that display such a lack of depth it's probably an AI article or propaganda or another story that pushes fear, and so on and so forth...

here's where i'll post the hypocrisy i read, i can't possibly post it all, it's everywhere, we're surrounded by the truth swallowed up with alphabet soup to the point, some will make non-sense if only to see their words in print

. . .

i'll read articles and try to unspin the hypocrisy and propaganda they're trying to spin on us...after a while, it'll become patternistic, let's see if that's true

Carry On
what do you know,

here's one, right here..

California approves desalination plant as historic drought hits water supplies​

so i was curious and began to read:
"California regulators this week approved a $140 million desalination plant that could convert up to 5 million gallons of seawater each day into drinking water."

hmmm...$140 million to build, so, i began to wonder what the facility costs to run, per day, how much energy, read that "Electricity", that unit will need, to convert 5 million gallons per day...i also wondered, what happens to the salt...so i began to read...

"could be functioning within the next five years"
"The state's Coastal Commission on Thursday voted 11-0 to approve"
"The megadrought gripping the Western U.S. has generated the driest two decades in the region in at least 1,200 years, and scientists say that human-caused climate change has fueled the conditions"
"address an anticipated loss of 10% of the state's water supply by 2040
"State regulators in May unanimously rejected a much larger $1.4 billion desalination plant, in Huntington Beach...citing the costs of the water, potential risks to marine life and hazards associated with sea level rise and flooding."
"officials have argued that the smaller Doheny plant will have an environmental design that better addresses potential damage to marine life."

i wanted to vomit

i got zero answers to my questions but i'm to understand, it's better to kill the environment in Doheny than at Huntington Beach

so, i hit the links:

Doheny Ocean Desalination Project​

my questions: just the basic ones at that:
what the facility costs to run, per day, how much energy, read that "Electricity", that unit will need, to convert 5 million gallons per day...i also wondered, what happens to the salt...

"Unlike traditional desalination facilities, the Doheny facility would use advanced slant wells that protect marine life by drawing water from beneath the ocean floor."
"Built into the system being considered by the District is also an energy recovery process, resulting in 45 to 55 percent less energy usage than systems without that feature."

well now, here's some good news...that's gonna be interesting to keep that suction side silt free if you're drawing below the dirt level and saving energy while using energy to convert water which we have in abundance, that leaves more energy for them to water the fish in the delta more often, let 'em out to swim in the ocean for a while......someone should tell 'em to stop...i digress

i kept reading and here we go:
"After the ocean water is desalinated, the salty discharge would be diluted with ocean water through an existing pipeline – a process preferred by environmentalists and regulators."

so, we dilute the salt by adding it back in with the salty water...so, perhaps we can call this the "Catch and Release" program and soon, we'll be refiltering out that salt we filtered out last month

hmmmm...so i continued

"In 2018, the Final Environmental Impact Report was certified as part of the California Environmental Quality Act. State and federal permitting for the project is still underway with the goal to obtain all permits in 2022."

and i think, finally for this one:
"With a project of this scale, grants and low-interest funding are vital for project affordability. To date, the District has secured more than $30 million in combined state and federal low-interest funding."

and, so, for four years, they've discussed this to the tune of how much from the taxpayers???(i did find out, so far, for that one report, about half a million dollars, not counting board salaries and room costs, podium costs, sheriff and security costs for all of their meetings) and we also find they're on a fundraising pitch to the tune of $110 million dollars...anyone believe governor greasy ain't gonna give it to 'em???

so far, one question answered, the salt issue, they just dump it back into the ocean which should one day condense into a cove or inside some harbor and kill all the baby seals without ever being touched by an angry clubber...how's that for excitement, but i digress,

my questions:
what the facility costs to run, per day,
how much energy, read that "Electricity", that unit will need, to convert 5 million gallons per day..

so i linked again

the official report talks about Mitigation in case they pump too much water, budgeting alone reads:
"Foundational Actions Funding Program – Advancement of Slant Well Technology and
Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Modeling for the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project
Final Report 21-Mar-16

The total budget spent on the original contract was $375,991. Task 3 was over budget by $13,115 and
Task 6 was over by $4,315. Overall, the original contract is under budget by $4,289."

it's quite entailed with charts and graphs but no answers and i come to find out, these expenses were only for this particular report,


i would go on...but i'd just bore you to death

but let me finish this one with this:
If we can't charge our electric cars, where is the electricity gonna come from to operate this plant...here's a basic theoretical truth:

The theoretical absolute minimum amount of energy required by natural osmosis to desalinate average seawater is approximately 1 kilowatt-hour per cubic meter (kwh/m3) of water produced, or 3.8 kilowatt-hours per thousand gallons (kwh/kgal).
(edit: remember, they're talking about 5 million gallons per day - thousand to million: Add Three Zeros and 3.8 becomes 3800.0 kilowatt hours, we're now in the Mega Watt Range...yeah)

(edit, for comparison: How many kilowatts does it take to charge a Model 3 Tesla?
The Model 3 can charge at up to 11 kW (or 44 miles of rated range per hour) when connected to the wall connector.Jan 11, 2021)

we can't drive and soon we won't have any water at all, and we're gonna like that better than we have it today, but don't worry, there are more bad narratives out there, this one was simply a political piece for governor greasy: Look What I Can Do

Carry On because they're not done telling us stories...
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my pov is if you have something to say, say it, directly, don't mince words, don't beat around the bush, don't paint pictures, don't draw any conclusions for others, and don't fear your own opinion as most often, it's closer to being more true than you might give yourself credit for, if only for 'rationalizing something through' to the point you can Have an honest opinion...so, say it and bring forth the 'evidence' to support your ideologies, share what you know, that's Power
I first thought you were talking about women... They always worry about someone else's feelings and never say what's on their mind.

But maybe that's just my take on it...?
my pov is if you have something to say, say it, directly, don't mince words, don't beat around the bush, don't paint pictures, don't draw any conclusions for others, and don't fear your own opinion as most often, it's closer to being more true than you might give yourself credit for, if only for 'rationalizing something through' to the point you can Have an honest opinion...so, say it and bring forth the 'evidence' to support your ideologies, share what you know, that's Power

the reason for this thread is to point out the 'journalism' that simply fails to provide any type of solid information, the stories that display such a lack of depth it's probably an AI article or propaganda or another story that pushes fear, and so on and so forth...

here's where i'll post the hypocrisy i read, i can't possibly post it all, it's everywhere, we're surrounded by the truth swallowed up with alphabet soup to the point, some will make non-sense if only to see their words in print

. . .

i'll read articles and try to unspin the hypocrisy and propaganda they're trying to spin on us...after a while, it'll become patternistic, let's see if that's true

Carry On
Hear hear Mr. Buck.

My lamentations on this topic would run long and deep & depressing.

After recent and very careful observations, my conclusion is that ultimately, all of this reprehensible behavior and madness boils down to one simple word with profound implications.


In conclusion, my hypothesis is that we nothing to fear but fear itself.
I first thought you were talking about women... They always worry about someone else's feelings and never say what's on their mind.

But maybe that's just my take on it...?
how odd you would mention that...i've spoken with my wife about this subject...nature

men have a nature, women have a nature and my discussion focused on men utilizing the natural talents of women in order to get the results they demand

it creates it's own type of monster while destroying the abilities it naturally gave women in order to 'survive' in male dominated everything else as the more 'it' was used, the more it came to be fought against, 'lessons learned' which ultimately destroys it's use as a 'weapon' in the first place

if that makes sense to you...that's what i see
Hear hear Mr. Buck.

My lamentations on this topic would run long and deep & depressing.

After recent and very careful observations, my conclusion is that ultimately, all of this reprehensible behavior and madness boils down to one simple word with profound implications.


In conclusion, my hypothesis is that we nothing to fear but fear itself.
and perhaps those who create fear in the first place...unless we mob 'em...wanna join?
here's another one...

did anyone ever believe, living here in the good old US of A

we'd ever see a foreign language on any of our circulating currency? idk if this is a first or not, but we've got one now

look here:


words DO Matter, i don't speak any spanish and i'm still a very proud american

i just noticed, it appears to have the initials of two engravers...how in the hell did they manage to do that? tiny hands???


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The concentrated salt water or brine phase from the retentate can be pumped back into the ocean or sprayed on field to evaporate (that’s a lot of water - around 5-10% of feed is rejected or the salt phase). The brine can be refined and sold or deepwell Injection or sewer.

after commissioning the biggest cost of operation is the motors on the pumps. Typically seawater RO is run 800 to 1000 psi to overcome the osmotic force The water is free and other than lights and computers there really isn’t any other major energy. The RONmodules last five years but have to be cleaned with sodium hydroxide to regenerate their flux rate and this has to be neutralized with acid before disposal

ill swag it for you at under a penny a gallon OpEx
The concentrated salt water or brine phase from the retentate can be pumped back into the ocean or sprayed on field to evaporate (that’s a lot of water - around 5-10% of feed is rejected or the salt phase). The brine can be refined and sold or deepwell Injection or sewer.

after commissioning the biggest cost of operation is the motors on the pumps. Typically seawater RO is run 800 to 1000 psi to overcome the osmotic force The water is free and other than lights and computers there really isn’t any other major energy. The RONmodules last five years but have to be cleaned with sodium hydroxide to regenerate their flux rate and this has to be neutralized with acid before disposal

ill swag it for you at under a penny a gallon OpEx
i found some pretty cheap 1000 psi pumps on line for a couple grand each, for the good ones, the ones with warranties

ya think they're gonna install a few of those?

maybe get them shipped prime, just in time for the opening in about 5 years???

think the chinese will still be in business at that time???

idk, inflation and all that could get in the way but you mention: 1¢ per gallon and yet, i'll bet a quarter, a quarter wouldn't even fill my 5 gallon jug

they won't sell it that cheap, ever
here's another one...

did anyone ever believe, living here in the good old US of A

we'd ever see a foreign language on any of our circulating currency? idk if this is a first or not, but we've got one now

look here:

words DO Matter, i don't speak any spanish and i'm still a very proud american

i just noticed, it appears to have the initials of two engravers...how in the hell did they manage to do that? tiny hands???


From many, one?
I think that foreign language is latin, and it means, “From Many, One.” I seem to remember it on other coins.
My daughter used to work for a news station when she got out of college. She watched the transition. Now they are just handed stories that are identical to other news stations.
i took that it meant it was the right for illegal immigrant women to vote

anyone here goggle transpaste that alphabet soup?
google translate is your friend...

vote for women​
nina otero warren​

and Latin

Out of many, one​
i believe my translation suits the situation better

it's one thing to Honor something and generally another to vault something to the status of appearing to Honor something

we're no longer honoring ourselves, we're honoring everyone else...that's what we're being handed
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