World Gold Council: Gold Demand Trends

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It is heartening to see investment demand outstripping production though.
Those people selling their gold are exactly the same people who will be lining up and waiting for the FEMA truck to take them to "safety" when the shit hits the fan. They are also the uninformed sheep the government is so fond of. These same folks are probably also ill prepared and living one or two paychecks away from destitution.
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Yeah, these sellers I just don't get. They have to be strapped for cash right now or something. I was in my LCS in Virginia a few weeks back. I was bored that day and thought I'd go buy a few eagles. I literally waited in line almost an hour because there were so many people selling their coins and jewelry, and the spot was several days down! I just sat back and shook my head thinking that these guys were really going to be needing that gold and silver in the next few years. It was almost sad to think of how bad these average people are screwing themselves.

I have been to that shop maybe 4 or 5 times. I am the only person I have ever seen that actually made a purchase. Everyone else is selling and it's getting sent off as scrap to get resmelted.

Same here, two of the three LCS near me I have to wait all the time to be helped because there are so many people selling, it's crazy. Then you get crazy looks from the people selling, when the shop owner looks at you and says, "How many oz's do you need today?". I have even had to wait after the shop closed because so many people were selling.

Too many people are selling for gold and silver to be a bubble; bubbles require public participation buying. Everywhere I turn I am seeing people selling so IMO so it's looking hopeful.

Oh btw I'm sure most of you saw this on ZeroHedge but this is for the one's who haven't.

Question: what about Chinese gold production - I've read a report, that they are the biggest gold diggers, "something slightly above 300 tonnes/yr, 50% more yearly production over next in line, Australia". The same report states, that no single OZ of this production can be sold to anyone else, but Chinese govt. And last time I checked, Chinese CB is rather not selling any of their gold - which means they are adding quickly to their gold reserves, from both sides - market, AND their own extensive mining.

Can anyone share some thoughts on that?
Figures on Chinese production and central bank buying are not transparent. Know one (in the west) really knows.


PAGE is going to be [Donald Trump]huge[/Donald Trump].
They're smart. They had to print money because Ben printed, but at least they are turning those dollars around and putting them in gold while a dollar still buys it.

All the gold mined in China stays in China. Until they begin to export, which will likely be never, their production wqill not have any impact on world gold markets. Period. They consistently understate their reserves, which I personally believe to be many multiples of what they publicly declare. In face, i believe they are in the process of building enough of a reserve to return to a precious metal standard.

They have gone around the world using their dollar reserves to buy up natural resources like a plague of locusts, and are shipping every ounce of gold, silver, tin, oil and lumber back home for consumption.

Chins, as I have posted before, plans for the next hundred years, while the USA plans for the next election cycle.
i believe they are in the process of building enough of a reserve to return to a precious metal standard.
...that is what I was thinking, too. They might want to set Yuan free at some stage, to make it one of the world reserves currency, and being backed by gold (at least partially, I think), could make it self-reinforcing currency (kind of like CHF did recently, insanely strong - more demand, for safety reasons => yuan appreciation => relative weakening of the dollar/western fiat => further appreciation of Chinese CB's gold pile in relation to western fiat => self-fulfilling prophecy & closed circle). However, Chinese have active interest in yuan being artificially low, as of date - so they can be competitive with their exports. It would mean, they'd need to switch from current policies of aggressive yuan undervaluation/aggressive exports. Won't happened overnight nor this year, but maybe somewhere in the not so distant future. Was just curious if anybody here had any good/plausible sources of information/research/analysis on that.

Another thing - Chinese are scooping everything that is available for sale in natural resources, how long you think before they start taking on board under-performing gold miners stock?
* bump *


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