worried about house taxes-

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Yellow Jacket
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a nearby county raised taxes 38%- and it is set in stone- the people have NO say so- NONE.

The best they can do it try to cut some spending.
My taxes will remain at depressed levels, at least for this year. My last bill was around 700 dollars. My insurance wnet up though, so it more than makes up for the recently lowered tax rates. In my county, you can make them do a re-assesment every other year, so we did and it resulted in a downward revision of a couple hundred bucks. My insurance wnet up fro around 1,800 a year to over 2,200 a year. Insurance is the biggest scam in Florida right now. I will have paid my house off in a few more months, at which point I will self-insure the first forty thousand and get re-insurance for everything over and above that. That will lower my insurance bill to around 375 a year, which is much more palatable and fits well within my budget. We will simply take the difference between full coverage and catastrophic coverage and place it in our self-insurance account. The beauty of that is we get to control the dollars, not some insurance company.
For over 20 years we heard how 2 police departments should merge to save money- no one wanted this- -- but it would save money - right?

Well it is been merged for 2 years now- and now they discover it costs 9% more to have them merged then it no merge has happened- AND they factor in the cost of fines from tickets into that number.
Penn and ancona,

Your comments reflect my experience dealing with local .govs and insurance companies. Practicing financial jiu-jitsu is one of the few weapons we have left.

Our country is filled with filth and liars and thieves at every level. We now have passed the point of no return, the election was clear on this: over 50% are TAKERS.

This bodes very poorly for our country (like I have to tell you guys that?). If government, at all levels, will not cut spending, than WE as individuals must. And any money saved? Well we know where some of it should go...


Things just seem to get worse in the USA while I am down here (Peru). Mas oro when I get back!
Locally- it is not takers- it is fraud and sweet heart deals- and hair brained ideas.

One idea some time ago was for the county to buy a ski resort- that did not happen- but somehow we own a nursing home. Why??

The commissioners are a 3 ring circus- every day in the media accusations- today one is claiming mental abuse.

Then there is the marcasillias shale money- the county got its royalties- and they total $81,000. which is pennies of what it should get.

if local govt cant get it together then the feds wont either.
and we wont get me started over 50 cams this city of 12,000 will have up and running in January!!!
and we wont get me started over 50 cams this city of 12,000 will have up and running in January!!!

or 500 cops in my town of 5000 (exaggeration, but it sure seems so. They just built a HUGE new police station/ fire department complex, literally a mile long, for this little town. New fire engines and I counted thirty police cars parked out front. For a town that takes five minutes to drive through, no matter the direction. Coupled with all the new .gov buildings staffed with BIL and that pretty much explains why my property tax has gone from 400 a year to 1780 a year in ten years. I complained and had my house reappraised since they count the greenhouse (9 by 33 feet) as living space (it still is) so they lowered the value of my house but raised the tax a thousand dollars. Oh well.
I believe that a majority of the response of .gov to the whims of people is the fact that there is no experience required to be a politician. Bad decision after bad decision after sweetheart deal, etc., ad nauseum.

Taxes are going to keep going up, services are going to keep going down.


front page of the paper the other day had the county commissioner on it balling his eyes out.

does this sound familliar?
front page of the paper the other day had the county commissioner on it balling his eyes out.

does this sound familliar?

he probably just figured out that it STILL wasn't going to be enough to finance his retirement....
I usually see the paper online- the paper paper has more detail - hence the bold picture.

I guess English is his second language- and he was called on it.
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