I screwed up.
In the post above I mentioned foreign actors who want to wipe the US (and the west) off the planet. But I forgot a large group of Americans who are literally praying for WWIII and Armageddon. Some believe they'll be "raptured" off the planet and into heaven when the nukes start to fly. Others are waiting for the Lord to descend from heaven on a white horse and do battle with the evil ones.
Let's not get into a religious discussion here but instead focus on some of these peeps getting into positions of power where they can do things to bring this about.
The new documentary Praying for Armageddon looks at the increasing influence of evangelical Christians in the US, and their dangerous fusion of religious fundamentalism and political powerrelig
Ya know the Chinese saying "may you live in interesting times" ............................well we are sure as shit living in interesting times.
I sometimes wonder if this kind of stuff may have played out before (many many moons ago) either here or on some other planet??