Youtube, google et al. treating users like they're all little kids

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Yellow Jacket
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I've been using youtube, google and other websites to find good videos and articles on multiple subjects. For a while now, these sites have gradually reduced search options, e.g. youtube has removed the option to sort videos by order of upload, number of likes or views. Google has removed similar features from google videos and google news.
These large websites are treating their users like kids. The benefits of systematic searching are gradually disappearing.
Additionally, google and youtube (as well as facebook, twitter etc.) are phasing in more and more censorship. Political videos are tagged "controversial", large news outlets are beeing removed from google news because they're not deemed politically correct etc. Wikipedia added an "unimportant" tag to biographical entries. This feature has been used to tag Ben Swann (great journalist) or Yuri Bezmenov (KGB defector who warned the US about the dangers of collectivism and subversion) as unimportant. It's clearly just a tool in a political fight to supress certain views.
It's really disgusting to observe these developments. $.02
Man, I just hopped on the "old media sucks" wagon a few years ago. You kids are already out the gate with "new media sucks too". I'm gonna get whiplash. :flail:

Modern media is a total fucking joke.

The news that actually gives ALL of the iunformation and all of the facts is usually labelled "extremist" or "subversive". I stick to my gut feelings these days and whatever I see on the idiot box I am sure to put in to proper perspective through researching other sources. What I have seen lately on CNN makes me want to puke. These pricks don't even bother with a pretense of being neutral annymore. It's liberal socialism right in your face. There's that and there is also the stupid diversity thing. Whoever decided that race, religion or being gay automaticaly gives anyone an inherent right to anything should have been hung from a damn bridge somewhere. Has anyone noticed the talking heads these days? Until recently, I had never seen a female sportscaster, but now, they are everywhere. For some reason, a hot brunette in a low cut dress doesn't do it for me when commenting on how hard a guy was tackled, it just doesn't work.
I get my real "shoe leather" news from personal observation as I drive around and talk to shop owners, and from other people on google+ in vidchats. Once you get to know someone there, you can kinda judge their slant and back it out to get closer to truth. Little chance of doing that on MSM or other venues. For an example of the first, I don't need to go to walmart to see how full their parking lot is (or how full a top line restaurant lot is). And if I go out on the major north south artery here, rt 81, the truck/car ratio tells all.
I get my real "shoe leather" news from personal observation as I drive around and talk to shop owners, and from other people on google+ in vidchats. Once you get to know someone there, you can kinda judge their slant and back it out to get closer to truth. Little chance of doing that on MSM or other venues. For an example of the first, I don't need to go to walmart to see how full their parking lot is (or how full a top line restaurant lot is). And if I go out on the major north south artery here, rt 81, the truck/car ratio tells all.

just being a fly on the wall in the towns only (pop. 5000) grocery store gets me an earful every day.
On this theme, it feels like the 'recession' is over here in southern UK.

Major house builders gearing up, small building companies flat out as are the supply companies. New cars moving around on those big transporters, high street shops busy, traffic jams back to their 'good times' levels, property prices holding or rising, even the Irish roadworkers are back in force on a major road improvement in the south west .......

but what is it all based on ?

Have they really bought a new rush of confidence with all that printing and will Euroland eventually follow ?

Some say its an inevitable upturn that follows all downturns as the 'soddit' factor creeps in, because people are fed up with trying to be austere, ie a normal wave.

The problem is, us doomers are convinced there has to be a day of reckoning and could die waiting for it to arrive. :flail:

A giant 'dead cat bounce', or is every up and down just part of a Wolf wave pattern, always able to continue because debasing the money enables this ? :flushed:

actually this post is not 'on this theme' and is probably better suited to another thread ......
sorry .........
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Wait until you see Windows 8. It's made for 3-year-olds who like pushing big buttons.

Big OTG warning ;) :

...don't even get me started on Windows 8. Have tried it, and it is single-handedly, the stupidest graphical desktop operating system, ever, full stop. It is simply terrible, from design, user experience & productivity point of view. I don't know how Microsoft hires people who make crucial decisions on User Experience, but afterwards, they probably keep them locked in the cellar, and treat very, very badly indeed.

And this is from a guy, who makes his living on his expertise in Microsoft tools & technologies - and I was rather welcoming to all of their OS incarnations since Win 95 (bar Vista - but it wasn't even NEARLY as bad, as Win 8 is, not even in the same league of badness)

rant off :)
Big OTG warning ;) :

...don't even get me started on Windows 8. Have tried it, and it is single-handedly, the stupidest graphical desktop operating system, ever, full stop. It is simply terrible, from design, user experience & productivity point of view. I don't know how Microsoft hires people who make crucial decisions on User Experience, but afterwards, they probably keep them locked in the cellar, and treat very, very badly indeed.

Even desktop mode sucks. Try opening 2 instance of Notepad. Everything that you used to be able to do in 1 click, now takes 2 or more clicks and key combos- just like when they destroyed Office with those retarded ribbons.
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