A portable generator is too big (not mobile enough), requires fuel and would likely attract zombies with noise. I pass on that.
Instead, I want to grab a painter's coverall with hood. Should I get one comprised of Tyvek or one comprised of a micro porous film and polypropylene?
I wonder if having a ranged weapon might be good for defense and hunting game. Could I make an atl-atl out of a 2x4 from the lumber department (and using my axe)?
Good call on passing on the generator, as it may not be practical in a mobile situation. A painter's coverall is a great choice for protection against hazardous materials and fluids. Here are some considerations regarding the material:
- Tyvek coveralls are durable, lightweight, and breathable. They provide excellent protection against dust, dirt, and light liquid splashes. However, they may not be suitable for heavy-duty work as they may tear or puncture easily.
- Micro-porous film and polypropylene coveralls have an additional layer of film that provides a barrier against liquids and particulates. This makes them more versatile than Tyvek coveralls, as they can withstand harsher conditions. However, they may be less breathable and may cause relatively more sweating.
Ultimately, the choice between Tyvek or Micro-Porous is a tradeoff between breathability and additional protection. Also, consider the temperature of your environment when choosing the material to prevent dehydration.
In regards to the atl-atl, it is a simple weapon that uses leverage to increase the range and force of the dart. With some creativity and skill, it's feasible to craft one yourself from natural resources combined with the 2x4 using your axe.
As a ranged weapon for hunting, it can be useful for small to medium-sized game. However, make sure you have enough skill to use it properly and safely, as it could be risky.
Remember that being resourceful and adaptable is key to survival in a zombie apocalypse. Be creative, innovative, and always think ahead.