China discovers super-large gold deposit

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China has discovered a super-large gold deposit, the Xilaokou gold mine in Rushan, East China's Shandong Province, with an estimated reserve of 50 tons, China Media Group reported on Saturday.

After eight years of prospecting, the Xilaokou gold mine has become the largest known gold deposit in the region and the largest discovered in 2023 so far, according to the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources.

The deposit contains high-quality gold ore, which can be easily mined and refined, according to the local resources department.

i've noticed, over the last year or so, all the things Chinese being 'introduced'

they now have some of the oldest things on the planet and they've all been recently discovered in their country

oldest human, oldest caves, etc...

almost as if they're not lying about everything

they're the kid on the playground that never has a bad day...we've just gotta believe 'em (psychopath's in action)
i've noticed, over the last year or so, all the things Chinese being 'introduced'

they now have some of the oldest things on the planet and they've all been recently discovered in their country

oldest human, oldest caves, etc...

almost as if they're not lying about everything

they're the kid on the playground that never has a bad day...we've just gotta believe 'em (psychopath's in action)

It's just weak ass government propaganda. Trying way too hard to be better than they really are.
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