Clarence Thomas' Jan. 6 conflicts of interest are showing again

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Calmes: Clarence Thomas' Jan. 6 conflicts of interest are showing again​

Opinion by Jackie Calmes • 5h ago

Amid all the attention recently to “Trumpty Dumpty’s” do-over presidential candidacy, the midterm elections and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s semi-farewell, one bit of Washington news was overshadowed but shouldn’t be. As with Donald Trump, we must not become inured to this other newsmaker’s travesties.

I’m talking about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas has done it again. Last weekthe longest-serving justice on the nation’s highest court defied widespread calls from legal experts that he recuse himself from cases that have anything to do with the seditious events surrounding Jan. 6, 2021. You know, the failed coup in which Thomas’ wife, far-right political activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, was a participant. Worse, this latest case possibly implicates Ginni Thomas directly in what was an unprecedented attempt to thwart a peaceful transfer of power.

Full article here:

Fresh Call to Impeach Clarence Thomas After Latest Ruling on Jan. 6 Insurrection​

"His wife, Ginni Thomas, pressured Arizona officials to illegally overturn Trump's loss," noted one watchdog. "It's absurd that Thomas did not recuse."

November 14, 2022

A long-standing call for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to face impeachment proceedings was renewed Monday after the right-wing judge indicated in an unsigned dissent that he would have blocked enforcement of the House January 6 panel's subpoena for the communications records of Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward.

The House committee investigating the deadly January 6 insurrection "is seeking Ward's records related to her role in former President Donald Trump's effort to steal the 2020 election as a fake elector casting ballots in the Electoral College for Trump," HuffPost reported.

Read the rest:
the right-wing judge indicated in an unsigned dissent that he would have blocked enforcement of the House January 6 panel's subpoena for the communications records of Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward.
Prolly because he is smart enough to realize that the Jan 6th BS committee is at best, a kangaroo court and at worst, a Star Chamber.

I'm still waiting on you or any of the deranged TDSers to explain what exactly he did as potus that was so terrible for the nation that he must now be destroyed for having done.

The only thing that caused the nation harm, was the $ billions in damages done by those who have opposed him from his day-one in office. They weren't even willing to give him a chance.

3.7% unemployment, 1.4% inflation and $1.80 gas, and food was still reasonably priced.
.....but at least now we no longer have mean tweets to read and the nation is back on a war footing.

Only good thing about him not being in office is that the loony leftard TDSers are no longer rioting in streets.
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Sure the wife of one judge who understands the Constitution....

OR the FBI, DOJ, DOD, whatever. Gee, which one has more control here.
I'm still waiting on you or any of the deranged TDSers to explain what exactly he did as potus that was so terrible for the nation that he must now be destroyed for having done.
He couldn't be bought.

“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion” Karl Marx

was the 'order' of the day....

The 'difference' is, WE see it. The rest choose to be ignorant and deceived.
Ok. I'll be waiting with baited breath. Lol

My are persistent. No wonder you made the IAOA&DHOF. Congrats on that!

Ok..........let's talk deranged. Note............these are Trump supporters.

Dangerous QAnon Fringe Seen At Gathering Waiting For JFK Jr. To Show Up​


Nov 4, 2021

Ben Collins, NBC News senior reporter covering disinformation, extremism, and the internet, talks with Rachel Maddow about a gathering in Dallas of a sect of the QAnon movement that expected JFK Jr. to not only not be dead but to show up at the same time and place his father was assassinated, and what it means that such a large number of people took part in this real world event.
10 mins 43 secs
My are persistent. No wonder you made the IAOPA&DHOF. Congrats on that!

Ok..........let's talk deranged. Note............these are Trump supporters.

Dangerous QAnon Fringe Seen At Gathering Waiting For JFK Jr. To Show Up​

Nov 4, 2021

Ben Collins, NBC News senior reporter covering disinformation, extremism, and the internet, talks with Rachel Maddow about a gathering in Dallas of a sect of the QAnon movement that expected JFK Jr. to not only not be dead but to show up at the same time and place his father was assassinated, and what it means that such a large number of people took part in this real world event.
10 mins 43 secs

Well that was a total misdirection and not relevant.
Well that was a total misdirection and not relevant.

Doesn't matter if you're pro or anti Trump. If you're nuts - you're nuts. Deranged is deranged. And in my example the Qballing pro Trumpers are as nuts as you can get. But they are fun to listen to.
Doesn't matter if you're pro or anti Trump. If you're nuts - you're nuts. Deranged is deranged. And in my example the Qballing pro Trumpers are as nuts as you can get. But they are fun to listen to.

None of that has anything to do with Jan 6. All you are doing is collectivizing a group of likely 40-60% of the country and calling them all nuts.
Yep, TDS sufferers are definitely that. Been proving it since the day he beat their hag. lol

Don't really know much about TDS other than it's how some people describe peeps who don't care too much for Trump. But isn't the "he beat their hag" thing kinda in the past? You do realize that happened 2016 don't you?

Also did he really beat their hag? He did win the election.............but not by popular vote. There's that pesky electoral college again. Needs to go in my humble opinion.

Putting the hag aside, I think there's a whole lot more going on. I'm looking forward the seeing how things play out in all the different court cases going on. there a cure for TDS?

Edit...................dug around a bit and found Dr. Swier's cure. Whataya think?

CNN is here to help......................

What is ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ – and do you have it?​

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None of that has anything to do with Jan 6. All you are doing is collectivizing a group of likely 40-60% of the country and calling them all nuts.

Me? Just having a bit of a laugh here. Let's face it, the peeps in my example have some serious problems with reality. And my example certainly doesn't represent 40-60% of the country. BTW..........60%????? C'mon. No way that's accurate.

As to Jan 6: Did you watch any of the Jan 6 committee hearings? I did. Watched all of them. Really good stuff. Great stuff. You may not know it, but Trump and his cronies planned long before Jan 6 on how they could steal the election. In fact, they were planning way before the election took place on how they could steal the election. The real goal wasn't simply to give Trump another four years. It was to literally overthrow the government by overturning an election and install Trump as a dictator. This is what actually came out in the hearings. Pretty sure the committee will release their findings shortly.

And there's more:

BTW.............I've been checked out for TDS. Good to go. No signs what-so-ever.
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Don't really know much about TDS other than it's how some people describe peeps who don't care too much for Trump.
C'mon dude, you are as anti-Trump as the day is long. Have you ever posted anything that casts him in a positive way?
Not that I've ever seen.
....and I've seen a LOT of your posts on Trump since 2016. Can't recall any posts containing anything other than lots of negative articles and opinions on the man.
Ie: you are clearly biased against him. In fact, I remember you posting one time saying, "I just don't like him", with no real reason given as to what he did as potus to make you not like him.

You don't have to personally "like" someone to be able to like how they do their job.

I support him for potus, but can also acknowledge that he is not perfect,. Indeed, he has his faults.
...but his policies were in fact good for the nation.
...and speaking of his policies, I am still waiting to hear exactly what he did as potus that was so terrible that he must be destroyed for having done.

But isn't the "he beat their hag" thing kinda in the past? You do realize that happened 2016 don't you?
That's where the "get Trump" bs started. We were told he was Putins puppet. That that was the only way he coulda won. Was with Putins help.
....and ever since, it's been nothing but one witch hunt after another.

Also did he really beat their hag? He did win the election.............but not by popular vote
Yes, he did. Fair and square, and with zero help from Putin.

There's that pesky electoral college again. Needs to go in my humble opinion.
We both know that you'd be singin' a different tune on this had the EC kept him out of office.

Had he lost due to the EC, none of the dems would be calling for it to end. They'd be its biggest supporters.

Me? I support it because it is how the Constitution says it is supposed to be.
Calling for the end of the EC just because a particular candidate lost an election, is just plain wrong and shows no respect for the Constitution.
...but that today's democratic party for ya. there a cure for TDS?
Unfortunately, it does not appear that there is a cure. So far, all sufferers have had strong symptoms of it for at least the past six years.
....and seven years for the most severe cases.

BTW.............I've been checked out for TDS. Good to go. No signs what-so-ever.
I'm kinda thinkin' you might want to get a second opinion, as whoever checked you out for it could very ikely suffer from it themselves.
....and TDS sufferers are entirely incapable of detecting it in others, as they see the symptoms as being 100% normal.
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Me? Just having a bit of a laugh here. Let's face it, the peeps in my example have some serious problems with reality. And my example certainly doesn't represent 40-60% of the country. BTW..........60%????? C'mon. No way that's accurate.

As to Jan 6: Did you watch any of the Jan 6 committee hearings? I did. Watched all of them. Really good stuff. Great stuff. You may not know it, but Trump and his cronies planned long before Jan 6 on how they could steal the election. In fact, they were planning way before the election took place on how they could steal the election. The real goal wasn't simply to give Trump another four years. It was to literally overthrow the government by overturning an election and install Trump as a dictator. This is what actually came out in the hearings. Pretty sure the committee will release their findings shortly.

And there's more:

BTW.............I've been checked out for TDS. Good to go. No signs what-so-ever.

🤣 🤣 🤣
Unfortunately, it does not appear that there is a cure. So far, all sufferers have had strong symptoms of it for at least the past six years.
....and seven years for the most severe cases.


I'm kinda thinkin' you might want to get a second opinion, as whoever checked you out for it could very ikely suffer from it themselves.
....and TDS sufferers are entirely incapable of detecting it in others, as they see the symptoms as being 100% normal.

This is hysterical (y)
Folks - friendly reminder to abide the forum guidelines. Differences of opinion are good things. Keep discussion on topic at hand. No need to get personal with people.
The absolute worst idea ever. It really was a brilliant idea.
Truth is, if it wasn't for things like the EC being in the Constitution, this nation would have never come together as it did 246 years ago.
....but now we have half the nation itchin' to get rid of it just because the guy they don't like, won an election.

Can they get any more short sighted?
I figgered you'd get a lol outta that. Glad I could help.

I enjoy our debates. And I don't take anything personal or serious. I realize that the only thing I can do about anything is to vote. It's a big club and I ain't in it. The political stuff posted on an internet forum doesn't mean anything in the real world. And if you can't laugh at things...........what's the use of posting? I can assure you that Clarence Thomas or Donald Trump doesn't give 2 shits about anything that could be posted here.

Once you reach a certain point it's about power and $$$$$$$. Don't know about you but I am nowhere near that position.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Differences of opinion are good things.

Imagine how boring the World would be if everyone agreed on everything.

Keep discussion on topic at hand.
Trump may not be in the title by name, but he is certainly inextricably linked to the subject matter of this thread.

No need to get personal with people
I'd be shocked if @searcher thought I was getting too personal with him, or saw anything I posted as an attack on him personally.

I'm pretty sure his skin is too thick for that.

@searcher, we good?
Edited to add: just saw your pist above. Glad to hear that we are.
I'd be shocked if @searcher thought I was getting too personal with him, or saw anything I posted as an attack on him personally.

I'm pretty sure his skin is too thick for that.

@searcher, we good?
Edited to add: just saw your pist above. Glad to hear that we are.

Really shouldn't tell you this but I was simply having some fun with you and Voodoo. Look at the stuff I actually posted as replies. The stuff in #12 was the craziest shit I could find. As for the TDS It was an act. I really don't take this shit seriously. Not a true believer. Don't tell Voodoo. I want this strictly between us.
I enjoy our debates
I do too. In fact, I tend to seek out those with differing opinions in order to debate.
...but oftentimes, they seem to not want to do that themselves. Thanks for being willing to engage.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Same to you and yours.
It's a big club and we ain't in it.

Once you reach a certain point it's about power and $$$$$$$. Don't know about you but I am nowhere near that position.
Me neither.

What you bring up here gets to one of the reasons that I like Trump.

In running for office and winning, he has lost power and money.
....and still wants to do it again.

That is the opposite of virtually every other politician we"ve had in my lifetime. They all end up with more power and more $$$$ because of having been elected.
My are persistent. No wonder you made the IAOA&DHOF. Congrats on that!

Ok..........let's talk deranged. Note............these are Trump supporters.

Dangerous QAnon Fringe Seen At Gathering Waiting For JFK Jr. To Show Up​

Nov 4, 2021

Ben Collins, NBC News senior reporter covering disinformation, extremism, and the internet, talks with Rachel Maddow about a gathering in Dallas of a sect of the QAnon movement that expected JFK Jr. to not only not be dead but to show up at the same time and place his father was assassinated, and what it means that such a large number of people took part in this real world event.
10 mins 43 secs

Is it communist propaganda Wednesday again already?
Is it communist propaganda Wednesday again already?

I'll have some good stuff next Wednesday. Was thinking of doing a scoop on Samuel Alito and his ties to some shady religious organizations and their attempts to remake America (and the world) into a dystopian nightmare run by crazed religious fanatics. Should be some good stuff. Stay tuned.
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