curing immune system, autoimmune, allergies, much more....

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Ground Beetle
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i'm going to start this thread off with just the recipe for success. i am open to fielding questions of how/why - if anyone is interested. the inspiration for this thread is that i saw a pmbug member mention that they have immune problems. here is the system that i created from thousands of hours of research and trial/error

1. take probiotics daily -- i prefer a cup of kefir and a capsule of bacillus coagulans

2. take a half teaspoon or capsule of glutamine per day.

3. drink a cup or two of chicken bone broth per day

4. eat at least three servings of fruit/veg per day. the more the better

5. avoid/limit all medical pills, esp advil/aleve

6. avoid fake sugar and fried foods

7. avoid fake food, eat real food, not processed

following this protocol you will see results in 6 to 12 weeks

this program has cured people around me of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, lactose intolerance, anxiety/panic attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, vertigo, psoriasis. these are just the ones that we know about. no doubt it cured/prevented other things too

this is a personal pet jihad for me -- i will enthusiastically entertain all questions and comments.

gut health science is an emerging miracle -- above all other health breakthroughs in history
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Is it okay to post info about the gut and our microbiome in this thread?

"Hippocrates taught us that, ‘All diseases begin in the gut’. As I believe this to be so true, I am not going to apologise for already quoting this twice. I know there is a lot to comprehend in this book, so if I was asked to draw your attention to just one statistic, it is the following: scientific research now suggests that up to 90% of all known illnesses can be traced back to an unhealthy gut."

Bennett, Steve. Fat & Furious - The Primal Way To Live Healthier For Longer: Supported by the evidence of 23 leading medical professionals. (p. 299). Kindle Edition.

"We are now beginning to understand that these microbes are essential for brain development, as well as being heavily involved in the regulation of the immune system and metabolism. The microbiota are also involved in the production of the hormone serotonin, which, when depleted, can lead to depression. Environmental and processed food chemicals that wipe out the good bacteria from our gut and reduce diversity have been linked to the development of many disorders including obesity, depression, allergies, autoimmune diseases and the metabolic syndrome. Artificial sweeteners, antibiotics and the lack of fibre appear to have a negative effect on the gut microbiome."

Bennett, Steve. Fat & Furious - The Primal Way To Live Healthier For Longer: Supported by the evidence of 23 leading medical professionals. (p. 301). Kindle Edition.
Is it okay to post info about the gut and our microbiome in this thread?
heck yeah it is! i wish i had a pic to post of my rheumatologist's face when i told her i had disappeared my RA. mouth agape 😮

then i told her how. she listened and looked some stuff up on the computer. hope she uses it in her practice
got berberine?

The pooled results showed BBR significantly reduced triglyceride (WMD = -23.70 mg/dl; 95%CI -30.16, -17.25; P < 0.001), total cholesterol (WMD = -20.64 mg/dl; 95%CI -23.65, -17.63; P < 0.001), low-density lipoprotein WMD = -9.63 mg/dl; 95%CI, -13.87, -5.39; P < 0.001), fasting blood glucose (FBG) (WMD = -7.74 mg/dl; 95%CI -10.79, -4.70; P < 0.001), insulin (WMD = -3.27 mg/dl; 95%CI -4.46,-2.07; P < 0.001), HbA1c (WMD = -0.45%; 95%CI -0.68, -0.23; P < 0.001), HOMA-IR (WMD = -1.04; 95%CI -1.55, -0.52; P < 0.001), systolic blood pressure (WMD = -5.46 mmHg; 95%CI -8.17, -2.76; P < 0.001), weight (WMD = -0.84; 95%CI -1.34,-0.34; P < 0.001), body mass index (WMD = -0.25 kg/m2; 95%CI -0.46, -0.04; P = 0.020),
I shared this with Cheka a few years ago. This protocol straightened me out when all else failed. I was lucky and didn't need many of the dietary restrictions but I don't eat much sugar or processed carbs anyway. Its intense but is the only thing I found that has worked.

everybody listen up! av dropping big bombs. thank you
i'm going to start this thread off with just the recipe for success. i am open to fielding questions of how/why - if anyone is interested. the inspiration for this thread is that i saw a pmbug member mention that they have immune problems. here is the system that i created from thousands of hours of research and trial/error

1. take probiotics daily -- i prefer a cup of kefir and a capsule of bacillus coagulans

2. take a half teaspoon or capsule of glutamine per day.

3. drink a cup or two of chicken bone broth per day

4. eat at least three servings of fruit/veg per day. the more the better

5. avoid/limit all medical pills, esp advil/aleve

6. avoid fake sugar and fried foods

7. avoid fake food, eat real food, not processed

following this protocol you will see results in 6 to 12 weeks

this program has cured people around me of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, lactose intolerance, anxiety/panic attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, vertigo, psoriasis. these are just the ones that we know about. no doubt it cured/prevented other things too

this is a personal pet jihad for me -- i will enthusiastically entertain all questions and comments.

gut health science is an emerging miracle -- above all other health breakthroughs in history
You got any links to where you buy the stuff above?

What is 'fake sugar'... non sugar sweeteners like sucrose, fructose, or equal, splenda, concoctions?

Maybe list what your diet actually consists of for a week?
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