GIM2 refugees

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@Bottom Feeder wanted to start a thread on this subject, but hasn't met the threshold yet to activate new thread permissions. So, I'm starting the thread for him.

First of all, welcome to members of GIM2 that are new to PMBug (whether lurking/exploring or jumping right in). I have actually been a member of GIM2 since 2011, though it's been a while since I was actively participating over there.

@BigJim approached me recently with the news about GIM2's end of life timeline and asked if would be OK to invite GIM2 members here (or otherwise mention this site over there). We are happy to welcome all new members as long as they can abide our very reasonable forum guidelines. That shouldn't be a problem for most folk.

PMBug is and has always been a fairly small community, so the forum doesn't currently have the breadth of forum rooms that you are used to with GIM2. No worries though. We have always been flexible with the structure of the site to keep topics organized per the membership's interests (ie. we can create new forum rooms as needed).

Bottom Feeder, feel free to hijack this thread as you like - I started it for you.
Oh yeah, IIRC, GIM2 had a system that posted RSS feed news as threads in the forum. We have a different system here. We created a news page ("News" in the navigation menu at the top of the screen) that shows RSS feed headlines. I try to keep it updated and working, but sometimes feeds change, break or whatnot.
Blimey wassgoingon ?

y’all talking in code about other places with interest in da metals ?

good to see a few new folk here though, it’s been kinda quiet …..
I put this down to gold n silver just quietly plodding along and never doing anything outrageous
but then we see $50 up or down moves and no one really comments anymore…..
Blimey wassgoingon ?

y’all talking in code about other places with interest in da metals ?

good to see a few new folk here though, it’s been kinda quiet …..
I put this down to gold n silver just quietly plodding along and never doing anything outrageous
but then we see $50 up or down moves and no one really comments anymore…..
There's another place that is planning on being retired early next year. Lots of refugees that have been chatting on a site (some of us) for decades. Generally a good crew.

[To be clear, I'm not damning them by faint praise.] ;)
Mostly a bunch of old rejects from Vronsky's old site at Gold Eagle and a few other boards that splintered off of that. You might need a cage for the incoming.
Yep... but apparently I can't yet. I was going to parallel post here and GIM until GIM bites the dust.
Keep posting stuff and liking stuff. I assume we have to collect some points or what have you. It's a spammer defense and I recognize the need for something like that.

[We'll get there. I guess.]
GIM refugee, been there since 2008. I guess I'm in and happy to be here.

Looking forward to perusing this forum, to contributing to this community and reading the contributions of others.

On a side note, the global economy (and PM's) is in dire straits. The US mid-terms of 2022 may give direction, but IMHO the SM and PM's are going to continue to decline into Q1 of 2023 when perhaps the Fed pivots on interest rates when the US (and world) is in full blown recession. Gold to perhaps decline to ~$1450 when it's liquidated along with all other principle to raise cash and meet margin calls. Keep some powder dry when there is a last flush and flash crash of SM & PM's IMHO.
I put a link to this place in my GIM sig, that way every post carries it and there is no confusion about where we have disappeared to. Can I suggest we all do that. Scorpio is going to sink GIM so we might as well!
@pmbug can we upload images here or do we have to host them elsewhere? I notice I can link in images but I can't upload them, I figured that is a privileged earned in time. Is that so? If not I will just start an image account some place else so I can post charts etc.

Avalon here. Another GIM refugee. I see others are filtering . PMbug, thank you for having us. When I signed up I saw different levels with monthly donations. Can you explain the benefits? It mentioned other forums within the forum or did I misread that? The GIM crowd will support their forum but need to understand the structure.
@pmbug can we upload images here or do we have to host them elsewhere? I notice I can link in images but I can't upload them, I figured that is a privileged earned in time. Is that so? If not I will just start an image account some place else so I can post charts etc.

I will check all the settings today and let you know.
Avalon here. Another GIM refugee. I see others are filtering . PMbug, thank you for having us. When I signed up I saw different levels with monthly donations. Can you explain the benefits? It mentioned other forums within the forum or did I misread that?
1 - yes, I need to verify before I confirm. I'll clear this up today (when I get to my computer - can't really do much on my phone).
2 - I was talking about "forum rooms". The word "forum" can mean "site" or "room" so it can be confusing. Sorry about that. We can create rooms for topics/categories as necessary.
pmbug is there another option to upgrade other than PayPal?
Last I checked, Paypal was the only payment option that was integrated to auto-update forum permissions. Was GIM2 offering another option?
. PMbug, thank you for having us. When I signed up I saw different levels with monthly donations. Can you explain the benefits? It mentioned other forums within the forum or did I misread that?

2 - I was talking about "forum rooms". The word "forum" can mean "site" or "room" so it can be confusing. Sorry about that. We can create rooms for topics/categories as necessary.

Not making any suggestions here just throwing out a little food for thought here..........nothing else.

As for support donations: GIM had 1 yearly drive that actually took in more than necessary to keep the place going. Here you have a monthly and a yearly deal that are continuous (one a month or once a year) until you directly cancel it. Some GIMers may be a bit leery of that. There were GIMers who were also leery of Pal pal even though that's how GIM did their yearly donations drive. I have a pay pal account but for GIM would simply pay as a guest with a credit card. One payment - one time and done. Have never had a problem doing that nor have I had a problem with pay pal. But that's just me. Maybe some would be more comfortable with a direct payment method so they could bypass pay pal?

As for different "sections" have people who are into pm's, survival, guns, politics, business and investing, diy projects, different hobbies, etc. GIM and some of the other forums I visit have places where different subjects can be discussed.

Bug I said, not suggestions, just some food for thought. This is your house and you gotta do right as you see fit.
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