Nikki Haley loses to 'none of these candidates' in the Nevada GOP primary

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Nikki Haley loses to 'none of these candidates' in the Nevada GOP primary​

Nikki Haley faced no major challenger Tuesday in Nevada’s presidential primary.

She still lost, according to NBC News projections.

Nevada voters in the state-run primary had a choice to reject all the candidates on the ballot, and they did just that — with more people choosing to vote for “none of these candidates” than for Haley.
Nikki does not have the support necessary to win the GOP nomination.
Tin foil hat on, Biden drops out and democrats name Haley as nominee. Perfect deep state candidate. Hat off.
Nikki does not have the support necessary to win the GOP nomination.

Any conservative dumb enough to vote for that piece of filth should just get the lobotomy and declare themselves democrats.

Around here, Nimrata couldn't win an election to become dog catcher.


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