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I'm not sure what is happening here:


Gunmen in combat fatigues fire on crowds at a Moscow concert hall which is now ablaze​

Russian news reports said that the assailants threw explosives, triggering a massive blaze at the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow.

MOSCOW — Several gunmen burst into a big concert hall in Moscow on Friday and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and starting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide.

Russian news reports said the assailants threw explosives, triggering a massive blaze at the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow. Video posted on social media showed huge plumes of black smoke rising over the building.


That type of desperation move means Ukraine is getting routed on the main battlefield.
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦 As Terror Attacks on Russian Civilians Continue...

It's too early to tell who exactly is behind the deadly attack in Moscow targeting civilians. But familiar hallmarks are present combined by compelling motives.

▪️Imagine how desperate US foreign policy makers are to change/poison Russian public sentiment following the recent Russian elections & gains in Ukraine;

▪️The US State Department via Victoria Nuland practically said it out loud - nasty surprises - and knowing there is no type of operation that can have a strategic impact - leaving terrorism and PR stunts as the only options left;

▪️Ukraine has already been shelling Russian civilians for the past week+ admittedly to disrupt elections;

▪️As large scale military ops during the Second Chechen War came to an end, US-backed separatism in Chechnya shifted to similar terrorism across Russia - providing a recent historical example of what the US has done/is willing to do inside Russian borders;

▪️The US is still backing terrorist organizations fighting Russian, Syrian, and Iranian forces in Syria, more than capable of conducting terrorism worldwide;

▪️The US has used terrorism as a tool against its adversaries for decades and remains the most capable and likely suspect behind any terror attack of this nature;

Follow The New Atlas on Telegram:
US Under Secretary of State: Putin will get "nice surprises" on battlefield in 2024
⚡🇷🇺"DEATH FOR DEATH" - TOP RUSSIAN OFFICIAL'S WARNING TO UKRAINE (pictured): Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Medvedev warns Ukraine after sickening terror attack in Moscow
, says top Ukrainian officials will be "mercilessly destroyed" if terrorist trail leads to Kiev.

If it's established that these are terrorists of Kiev regime, it is impossible to deal with them and their ideological inspirers differently. All of them must be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such atrocity - Furious Medvedev.

Condolences pouring in from around world including Western countries.

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Despite the desperate attempts of John Kirby, to convince the world, the US CIA state department has had nothing to do with the attacks terrorist attacks on Russia. It essentially has everything to do with the United States, because only the United States has brainwashed the Ukrainians with such anti-Russian hatred and blood lust ….only the United States, has changed, the education materials in Ukraine over the past 20-30 years, and filled them with myths and fables and perversions of history to the point where the Ukrainians have become schizophrenic zealots .

so even if there’s no direct ties to the United States, coordinating this attack, there are still direct ties to the United States Planting in the minds of these terrorists the hatred for Russia, which caused these attacks,

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 3.57.15 PM.png
CIA Vet: Why is the US rushing to deny Ukrainian involvement in Moscow terrorist attack?

The Biden administration has no basis for confidently declaring that Ukraine had nothing to do with the Moscow terrorist attack, former CIA and State Department analyst Larry Johnson told Sputnik.

“We still don’t know how many shooters there were. We don’t know what the weapons were. We don’t know what the firearms were. We don’t know what the explosives were. We don’t know how many were actually killed, how many wounded, but yet the US State Department knows that it was not Ukraine. And [this statement] comes on a day that one of the CIA propaganda outlets came out and said that the Biden White House and the intelligence community were very concerned about what they call ‘brazen’, unwarranted attacks by Ukraine,” he said.

Johnson added that he suspected that US the had information about the attack beforehand did not share it with Russia.

💭 So far, no one has yet claimed that there are SPECIFIC suspects in the terrorist attacks at Crocus City Hall. No one, except for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (represented by Mr. Yusov

All Ukrainian information dumps, as if on command, began to uniformly spread the idea that the Russian authorities themselves are to blame for the terrorist attack. They suggest it's a "Russian provocation". And in unison with them, the USA (represented by John "I think but I don't think" () Kirby)
also categorically stated that it is definitely NOT Kiev responsible.

Here, no one yet knows anything for sure, a rescue operation is underway, the terrorists have not yet been officially questioned, but they... already know everything for sure.

Strange synchronicity and strange 'confidence.'

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Plausible deniability?

White House comments on Moscow terrorist attack:

"Last week, the State Department, through our embassy there, has issued a notice to all Americans in Moscow to avoid any large gatherings, concerts, obviously shopping centers, anything like that, simply for their own safety."

There are three possibilities here:

1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation.

3- Unknown entity carried out for unknown reasons.

Option 1 seems like the most plausible, because the West are the only ones who could possibly benefit from this situation. Putin already has all the support he needs to do whatever the hell he wants, he does not need to kill his own civilians to justify a war he is already in, fresh off an election where he got 88% of the vote.

Deep State actors are the ones who are desperate to start a global war. It solves all of their problems. They can cancel the US election, further extend their power, and the war machine keeps getting paid.

Would they start WW3 to stop Trump? Absolutely.

Four days ago, Obama was in the UK for a private meeting.

Today, ISIS took credit for the terror attack in Moscow.

Obama’s CIA created ISIS.

Obama is the shadow POTUS.

The CIA/MI6 already committed terrorism in the European theater by sabotaging Nordstream.

Get the picture?

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I can't speak to the veracity of this:

There are three possibilities here:

1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation.

3- Unknown entity carried out for unknown reasons.

Option 1 seems like the most plausible, because the West are the only ones who could possibly benefit from this situation. Putin already has all the support he needs to do whatever the hell he wants, he does not need to kill his own civilians to justify a war he is already in, fresh off an election where he got 88% of the vote.

Deep State actors are the ones who are desperate to start a global war. It solves all of their problems. They can cancel the US election, further extend their power, and the war machine keeps getting paid.

Would they start WW3 to stop Trump? Absolutely.

I'm going with #1. #2 doesn't make sense to me. We know that the CIA and the deep state desperately want WW3. They are losing their propaganda program here at home. Nobody believes the turd fondlers in their corrupt media any longer as evidenced by the fact that they are hemorrhaging viewers and laying off staff. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the US is the single largest sponsor of terrorism in the world. They've been manipulating elections in foreign countries for decades and now they have stolen an election here at home. More and more people are waking up to this fact. They are getting backed into a corner and are starting to feel desperate. I believe this is the reason they are allowing the invasion across our southern border.

Spoke with two people on the golf course this week who both voted for the pedophile potato. Both are now voting for Trump this time. People are waking up.
ISIS claimed responsibility, but IDK? Sounds like see eye ayyyyyyy 2 me. Maybe they got ex-ISIS whackos to carry it out, but they got paid by drug or human trafficking profits funneled by yoo no hooo.
Images widely circulated Sunday showing the Moscow concert hall terror attack suspects being hauled before court. One of them was literally unconscious as clearly they have been severely roughed up - and likely tortured - by security services. Russian authorities haven't been shy about this considering the number of videos now circulating showing portions of the intense and physical interrogations in action. The maximum penalty is reported to be life imprisonment, though it's likely that torture or continued harsh physical punishment awaits them. According to more details from Russian media:

Below is what is known of the four thus far, based on statements in Russian media:

1) Dalerjon Mirzoev - Confessed - 32, Illegal Immigrant from Tajikistan, overstayed work visa, father of 4 young children.

2) Saidakrom Rachabalizoda - 28, allegedly born in Tajikistan, lives in Moscow.

3) Shamsiddin Fariduni - 24, Born in Tajikistan, factory worker, father of an 8-month-old baby.

4) Muhammadsobir Fayzov - Hairdresser, wheeled in on a stretcher to court. All have reportedly been charged under Russia's "Terrorist Act" for their alleged involvement in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack.


Some crazy shit here.

Factbox-What do we know about the suspects in the Russian concert shooting?​

(Reuters) - Four suspected gunmen have been arrested and placed in pre-trial detention over Friday's attack at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow that killed at least 137 people.

All have been identified by Russian media as citizens of Tajikistan. All bore visible injuries when they appeared at a Moscow court on Sunday. The Kremlin declined to comment on Monday when asked if they had been tortured.

More (incldg pics)

Thoughtful recap

Crocus City Hall, ISIS-K, and Russian retribution​

45m @ 2X speed
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The Kremlin declined to comment on Monday when asked if they had been tortured.
Read one fell out of a tree?

Police dogs were used to hunt them down in the country woods.

Good summary of events here:

Crocus terrorists, court appearance. WaPo, Putin is vulnerable. Macron beefs up personal security​

35m @ 1.5X speed
I'm going with #1.
It's always been about Regime Change in Russia.

Also the attack was scheduled on eve of election, but was halted because the security at the mall was so much greater on that day.

Notice how quickly the Russians move?

Geopolitics on Telegram
The recruitment of assassins for the terrorist attack in Moscow's Crocus City Hall was organized through the Embassy of Ukraine in Tajikistan, according to a military expert, ex-special services officer, retired Colonel Bakhtiyer Rakhmonov.

A few weeks before the terrorist attack, information appeared on the website of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission about inviting foreigners to join the so-called "International Legion," he noted. The message was later removed.

"The ambassador of the Ukrainian embassy in Dushanbe is the ex-head of the foreign intelligence service, and the consulate itself was looking for perpetrators a few weeks before the terrorist attack, publishing an order to hire assassins openly on the page of the Embassy of Ukraine in Tajikistan," he said, adding that it provided all the contacts - a potential terrorist could only write or call.​

Rakhmonov constantly monitors such messages on the website of the Ukrainian embassy. Since 2014, Ukrainian diplomats have posted similar announcements several times, only to have them removed.

"The work on recruiting foreigners was led by Ambassador Extraordinary of Ukraine Valery Evdokimov, former head of the foreign intelligence service under Zelensky," the expert said.​

Evdokimov was the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine from September 2019 to June 2020.

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❗️Key points from Putin’s speech at the meeting on the case of the terrorist attack
in Crocus City Hall:

▪️The Russian Armed Forces are holding the initiative along the entire front, the “counteroffensive” of the Ukrainian troops has failed, Kiev is trying to get money for itself, and those who support the Kiev regime do not want to be accomplices in terror, but there are a lot of questions.

▪️Those supporting Kiev regime do not want to be accomplices to terror, but there are many questions, Vladimir Putin said.

▪️We need to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to Ukraine after committing a crime in the Crocus City Hall, who was waiting for them there?

▪️A new 'Hitler Youth' is being created in Ukraine.

▪️Putin called the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting Russia since 2014 at the hands of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime.

▪️Through various channels, the United States is trying to convince everyone that there is allegedly no trace of Kiev in the bloody terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall, that it was ISIS.

▪️We know who committed the attack in Crocus City Hall, we are interested who the ordering customer is.

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IMO the gilt is coming off the lily of pristine Ukrainian intentions per the US...

The US immediately coming out pointing the fickle finger of fate at ISIS being the culprit, not Ukraine before any investigation is revealed speaks to "He doth protest too much!"

The captured perps are singing like JAL BIRDS and poked massive holes in that argument!

"revenge is a dish best served cold" From French author Eugène Sue and his novel, "Memoirs of Matilda.

Scott Ritter: Unmasking NATO-Ukraine-ISIS Ties Behind Russia's Terror Crisis – Moscow's Retaliation​

Scott Ritter Alert: Unmasking NATO-Ukraine-ISIS Ties Behind Russia's Terror Crisis – A Prelude to Moscow's RetaliationDive into the heart of darkness with Scott Ritter's explosive investigation into the complex web of terrorism threats facing Russia, implicating ISIS, Ukraine, and even NATO elements.

This video sheds light on the intricate schemes and covert operations playing out on the global stage, with Russia squarely in the crosshairs. As tensions escalate, Ritter exposes the potential for a fierce Russian retaliation, challenging the boundaries of international law and diplomacy. With every revelation, the stakes grow higher. Witness the unveiling of a geopolitical crisis that could reshape global alliances and redefine the nature of warfare and terrorism.

The clock is ticking on Moscow's next move.
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The SMO is over... now it's war.

Update Krokus​

Fascinating interview. Russia is more free than the US.

Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova's interview to Jackson Hinkle, March 2024​


Understanding the Unthinkable: Scott Ritter Discusses Crocus City Hall Terror​

Scott Ritter joins us to explore the recent attack in Moscow, discussing the unfolding events, their aftermath, and the broader implications of this tragic incident.
good interview

What Did The U.S. Know Ahead of Moscow Terror Attack Claimed by ISIS-K? w/ Mark Sleboda​

Didn't want to start a new thread and figured this would fit in as per title.

Russian assassination unit linked to "Havana Syndrome" brain injuries affecting U.S. officials​

A joint media investigation into "Havana Syndrome," mysterious brain injuries that have affected U.S. diplomats and government officials since 2016, has found evidence that a Russian military assassination unit may be responsible.

Why it matters: CBS noted on "60 Minutes" that the findings from its five-year-probe with The Insider and Der Spiegel that the Russian GRU Unit 29155 may be behind the neurological symptoms marked the first evidence linking a foreign adversary to the phenomenon.

The big picture: The mysterious condition is known as "Havana syndrome" because the reports of American officials falling ill were first documented at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba's capital in late 2016.

Yes, but: New evidence suggests "there were likely attacks two years earlier in Frankfurt, Germany, when a U.S. government employee stationed at the consulate there was knocked unconscious by something akin to a strong energy beam," per The Insider.

  • "The victim was later diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, and was also able to identify a Geneva-based Unit 29155 operative," the Russia-focused news outlet added.
What they're saying: When asked for comment, representatives for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence directed Axios to the portion of the Annual Threat Assessment, published in February, which addresses "Anomalous Health Incidents."



My Father Was Assassinated in Russia. Putin Wants Rid of Everybody​

My father, Boris Nemtsov, published a book in 2007 titled Confessions of a Rebel, and its preface was a manifesto in which he said he would enter Russian politics again.

He thought Vladimir Putin was fundamentally wrong in the path he had chosen for Russia, a disastrous one that was moving away from democracy to rebuild an autocracy. He felt something had to be done to stop this.

At that time, my father's message was not heard. Part of the problem, which was not unique to Russia, was that economic conditions were favorable.

After Russia's painful economic transition in the 1990s, Putin was very lucky that commodity prices, including oil and gas, were high and the markets were booming. So people weren't paying much attention to politics.

They focused on their private lives and new consumer power, able to buy not only basic amenities but durable goods, cars, and so on. Life was relatively good for many Russians, though not all. They credited Putin's economic policies for this.

When my father was speaking out, many Russians thought they were fine, and so what was the problem? As long as they could enjoy their lives, living and working and opening businesses, traveling and using credit lines, they were happy enough.

In 2005, I graduated from university and started working for an asset management company that my ex-husband founded. I was interested in financial markets, and the Russian stock market looked really promising at the time, with a bunch of IPOs.


Didn't want to start a new thread and figured this would fit in as per title.

Russian assassination unit linked to "Havana Syndrome" brain injuries affecting U.S. officials​

A joint media investigation into "Havana Syndrome," mysterious brain injuries that have affected U.S. diplomats and government officials since 2016, has found evidence that a Russian military assassination unit may be responsible.

Why it matters: CBS noted on "60 Minutes" that the findings from its five-year-probe with The Insider and Der Spiegel that the Russian GRU Unit 29155 may be behind the neurological symptoms marked the first evidence linking a foreign adversary to the phenomenon.

The big picture: The mysterious condition is known as "Havana syndrome" because the reports of American officials falling ill were first documented at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba's capital in late 2016.

Yes, but: New evidence suggests "there were likely attacks two years earlier in Frankfurt, Germany, when a U.S. government employee stationed at the consulate there was knocked unconscious by something akin to a strong energy beam," per The Insider.

  • "The victim was later diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, and was also able to identify a Geneva-based Unit 29155 operative," the Russia-focused news outlet added.
What they're saying: When asked for comment, representatives for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence directed Axios to the portion of the Annual Threat Assessment, published in February, which addresses "Anomalous Health Incidents."


Last night's 60 Minutes story on Havana Syndrome.

Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries​

Mar 31, 2024

Efforts continue to investigate brain injuries suffered by U.S. officials. This is the fourth 60 Minutes Havana Syndrome report and, for the first time, there’s evidence of who might be responsible.

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