Terminator Robocops: A Preview

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IN A SERIES of little noted Zoom meetings this fall, the city of Oakland, California, grappled with a question whose consequences could shape the future of American policing: Should cops be able to kill people with shotgun-armed robots?

The back-and-forth between the Oakland Police Department and a civilian oversight body concluded with the police relinquishing their push for official language that would have allowed them to kill humans with robots under certain circumstances. It was a concession to the civilian committee, which pushed to bar arming robots with firearms — but a concession only for the time being.

The department said it will continue to pursue lethal options. When asked whether the the Oakland Police Department will continue to advocate for language that would allow killer robots under certain emergency circumstances, Lt. Omar Daza-Quiroz, who represented the department in discussions over the authorized robot use policy, told The Intercept, “Yes, we are looking into that and doing more research at this time.”

They'll approve it after making a substantial investment in the Old Glory Insurance Co.

In all seriousness though, I don't really have an issue with the idea as long as the 'robots' are really remote control drones. If the cops want to kill you, they will. They need to be held responsible for their actions though. That's where the real problem exists (with or without killer drones).
Interesting (and comical) stuff in this one.

- quadrupeds that work in tandem with tiny drones to chase down suspects
- nimble quadruped Spot
- companies not too happy about their robots wacking peeps
- companies jumping for joy about their killer toy

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