The Internet Archive is defending its digital library in court today

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From the link:

Book publishers and the Internet Archive will face off today in a hearing that could determine the future of library ebooks — deciding whether libraries must rely on the often temporary digital licenses that publishers offer or whether they can scan and lend copies of their own tomes.

At 1PM ET, a New York federal court will hear oral arguments in Hachette v. Internet Archive, a lawsuit over the archive’s Open Library program. The court will consider whether the Open Library violated copyright law by letting users “check out” digitized copies of physical books, an assertion several major publishers made in their 2020 suit. The case will be broadcast over teleconference, with the phone number available here.

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Internet Archive / Wayback Machine
Here is another archive source. If we had used it back in the day there would be even more of the old site saved. Useful if you think they'll edit a page (think wikipedia) at a later date.

My understanding is one can copy/paste a url and it will save said page.... is a time capsule for web pages!
It takes a 'snapshot' of a webpage that will always be online even if the original page disappears.
It saves a text and a graphical copy of the page for better accuracy
and provides a short and reliable link to an unalterable record of any web page
including those from Web 2.0 sites:
This can be useful if you want to take a 'snapshot' of a page which could change soon: price list, job offer, real estate listing, drunk blog post, ...

Saved pages will have no active elements and no scripts, so they keep you safe as they cannot have any popups or malware!

On Friday, a federal court sided with the publishers.

The Internet Archive's "fair use defense rests on the notion that lawfully acquiring a copyrighted print book entitles the recipient to make an unauthorized copy and distribute it in place of the print book, so long as it does not simultaneously lend the print book," wrote Judge John G. Koeltl of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in his opinion. "But no case or legal principle supports that notion. Every authority points the other direction."

"We are thrilled by the decision in the Internet Archive/Open Library lawsuit. As we have long argued, scanning & lending books w/out permission or compensation is NOT fair use—it is theft & it devalues authors' works," the Authors Guild tweeted.

The Internet Archive says it will appeal Koeltl's decision, calling it "a blow to all libraries & the communities we serve."


Internet Archive is getting sued - have we learned nothing from history?​

Opinion by Kristina Terech • Yesterday 1:30 PM

While we are in the season of bloom for AI chatbots, AI search engines, and other AI-assisted tools, another part of the digital future is being decided. You may have heard of the Wayback Machine, an online repository that catalogs the internet's history in snapshots from around the web on that particular date and time. The Wayback Machine was established and is run by the Internet Archive, a nonprofit digital library, which is currently the subject of contention.

The essence of the controversy is this: the Internet Archive catalogs digital copies of physical books (and other printed documents) and lends them out on the basis of the ‘controlled digital lending’ model (CDL). Under this model, the right to lend out the copy of the book applies to the digitized version of the book in the library’s possession, and lending is restricted to this one copy to one person at a time. However, while many libraries in the United States use this lending mechanism, it’s been criticized as being unfair to authors because it deprives them of royalties.



The Ruling That Threatens the Future of Libraries​

Opinion by Adam Serwer • 1h ago

If civilization ever falls to a zombie apocalypse or nuclear Armageddon, we will need to have preserved centuries of accumulated practical knowledge to rise again. And if humanity should go extinct, leaving nothing but our legacy, the alien explorers who discover the ruins of our society would struggle to interpret human history without some great store of information to guide them.

Maybe these postapocalyptic scenarios are far-fetched, but even if society is never, say, drowned by the seas in some climate-driven disaster, leaving the remnants of humanity clinging to a few small bits of land, the massive collection of knowledge accumulated by the Internet Archive, comprising millions of books, is an invaluable resource.


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