What is it about Israel ?

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Ground Beetle
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What if keeping Israel in the crosshairs was good for the MIC? Lets start with that premise.

So why all the hoopla over Israel? Everybody's panties are in a bunch every time something happens in Israel. Like no one saw that coming? Why throw them in the ME in the 1st place when everyone knew they would be surrounded by others who hate them? Why does the rest of the ME hate them so much?

I don't have answers to those questions so I hope everyone can chime in with opinions.

My only experience with Jews is from those I have had as friends. Great people and always treated me with the utmost respect and honestly, some of the closest friends I have had in my lifetime. I never thought about them being Jewish, we just hung out as friends and never had religious discussions or anything.

I also cant even begin to claim I understand anything about all of the different countries and tribes in the ME. Whatever they got going on has been going on since forever. Ok maybe not forever but for a long long time. Seems they are always in some religious battle of one sort or another. The further you go back in history the more you find the same or similar religious stories. The Egyptians had stories similar to Christians except their stories were 1-2000 years earlier. Seems like everyone in the ME makes similar claims about religion and all want to claim that they are the only true religion.

I personally dont see the Bible as a religious text as in everyone has to bow to some sort of god. I see it more as a historical text of actual accounts from a time long ago. I guess in actuality it was a collection of stories from the past all gathered together and compiled in one book. I dont remember the exact details now but sometime around 300AD by Constantine IIRC. So before then there was no bible. Just a collection of stories told by one faction or another. IIRC there were also like 50 books left out of the Bible. The book of enoch is one of them. Very interesting story by the way.

I seriously doubt that the jews are gods chosen people. Why would god choose a people in the 1st place? Why would he create so many different people if he only wanted jews around? I say he but could have been a she as well but from my studies it looks like there were multiple gods. Were they even gods or just people or entities that were more advanced than anything else at the time? Keep in mind these were people without technology at the time. So someone or something comes along with some knowledge and all of a sudden they are gods.
I feed my cats everyday. To them I am a god who provides food and takes care of them. They worship me. I am the god of my cats. LOL.
Wasn't there a story of someone who was taken into space to see the world as a whole? Ezekiel maybe? Not sure where but I remember that from somewhere. If that happened then at that time there was nothing for them to even begin to understand what that was. A space ship of some sort that took him into space? He wouldn't even have a frame of reference for the metals or any of the technology in use to do that. So to him, it was a god. Was it a god or some leftover from a previous civilization that may have survived the last cataclysm 12,000 years ago?

My point there is when I read or watch something on various religious stories, I tend to look at them through a different eye than someone trying to be godlike and religious. I think the stories were written in the best way they knew how. Probably accurate in context but only in a context they could understand. healing and miracles all seem like god has answered prayers but what if there was another answer? What if healing can happen with frequencies? Well, we know it can because it was being done in Egypt. Not understanding that would make it a miracle or an intervention from God or god answering prayers. The very ancient Egyptians had different chambers set up with different frequencies for healing. Not long ago there was someone using them to heal people and he was shut down by the Egyptian authorities.

So let's fast forward to today. We got Obama and Biden giving money to Iran. Neither of them strike me as being very religious so what point is there in supporting Israel other than pleasing their real masters the MIC. The MIC says hell yea give money to Iran. they will start some shit and we can sell some weapons. Good for business. Thats not how the MSM breaks it down but the only thing we can count on from them is that they will always lie to us. tell a story so we can get behind some military intervention and go kill people and sell more weapons.

Why doesn't the US want others to have nuclear weapons? Could it be because the US us actually the biggest terrorist organization on the planet? In the last 20 years no one has spent more on war or killed more innocent people than the US government. We could actually go back much further than 20 years. Vietnam? Remember we had this grand notion that we were going to save the world from communism and stop the spread of communism in SE Asia. 50,000 dead Americans and another 1/4 million wounded and for what? The gulf of Tonkin even that never happened. How about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or the Iraqis that were pulling babies from incubators. yep, all lies. Sold lots of weapons though.
Would any of those wars have happened if those countries had nukes? Probably not. Look at Pakistan. They were housing Bin Laden. No reprisals for them because they are a nuclear power.
9/11 was carried out by mostly people from Saudi Arabia. never a harsh word spoken about them. Supplier of the worlds energy Needs as well as probably the wealthiest people on the planet. Instead Trump sells them 100's of billions in weapons systems.
So why cant Iran have nukes? Because then they will be like Russia. Untouchable by the US.

So, how does Israel play into all of this? Why not just leave Israel and come to the US. They would seem to make better neighbors than Somalians or some of the others we have been bringing into the US. Israel didn't exist before may 14th 1948. 84 years later it obviously isn't working out so why not accept the fact that it will never work and get them out of there. We have plenty of room in the US. We can give them west Texas which we stole from the Mexicans. I'm sorry, annexed from the Mexicans. There's plenty of room out there for them. Actually give them a bunch of land right on the US/ Mexican border. They will surely do a much better job of protecting the border than we do. Hell, give Ukraine and Israel 100 mile wide stretch of our border and we will then spend hundreds of billions to close it down.

Ok enough of my 3 am rant. :).
Nothing is as it seems.... listen to both vids

Not making a statement here. Just an interesting read I stumbled across. If you read it, take it fwiw and dyodd. And remember, I didn't write it.

World Plummets into Eschatological Frenzy: Unraveling the Implications​

The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict.

At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy.

Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones:

Read the rest:

Sure looks like Auschwitz to me!

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.26.10 AM.png


“Innocent Gaza civilians were lined up to receive flour and water from an aid truck, and more than 100 were slaughtered, mowed down, by Israeli troops. This has got to be one of the most reprehensable and public slaughterings that they've engaged in.”

Professor Jeffery Sachs:

[*Israel claims it was a stampede & that most of the dead were not shot by the Israeli army, only a few that surged towards the Israeli army.]

“...Israel has deliberately starved the people of Gaza. Starved! I'm not using an exaggeration, I'm talking literally starving a population. So if it was a 'stampede' of starving people, that is blood on Israel's hands.

Israel is a criminal, is in non-stop, war crime, status now. I believe in genocidal status.

This will stop when the United States stops providing the munitions to Israel. It will not stop by any self control in Israel, there is none... This is a murderous gang in government. These are zealots. They have some messianic vision of controlling all of Palestinian lands. They're not going to stop. They believe in ethnic cleansing or worse, depending on whatever is needed. And it is the United States which is the sole support...that is not stopping this slaughter.”

Interesting development

🇿🇦🇮🇱 South Africans serving in Israeli army will be arrested upon return home, Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor warns

“I have already issued a statement alerting those who are South African and who are fighting alongside or in the Israeli Defense Forces. We are ready. When you come home, we're going to arrest you,” Pandor said at a recent conference on solidarity with Palestinians in the South African capital Pretoria.

Her remarks followed an initial warning issued by the South African Foreign Ministry in December, which stated that soldiers stationed in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas conflict were "liable for prosecution (https://en.sputniknews.africa/20240...n-return-home-fm-pandor-warns-1065543951.html) in South Africa" on charges of purported violations of international law.

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