A college graduate who just started her first job shared the shock and upset of working a 9-to-5

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A college graduate who just started her first job shared the shock and upset of working a 9-to-5​

On October 19, a TikToker named Brielle who recently started a corporate job in the New York area, posted a video where she appeared visibly upset as she addressed the camera. The on-screen caption that read, "in a 9-5 how do u have time for ur life."


I have a lot of thoughts regarding this one ("Aw, you poor baby" immediately comes to mind)
But I'll let one of y'all make the first comment
Just wait until those student loan payments start coming due. Poor little twat is going straight to the fetal position.

A college graduate who just started her first job shared the shock and upset of working a 9-to-5​

On October 19, a TikToker named Brielle who recently started a corporate job in the New York area, posted a video where she appeared visibly upset as she addressed the camera. The on-screen caption that read, "in a 9-5 how do u have time for ur life."


I have a lot of thoughts regarding this one ("Aw, you poor baby" immediately comes to mind)
But I'll let one of y'all make the first comment
The poor thing. Send of your stash.

A college graduate who just started her first job shared the shock and upset of working a 9-to-5​

On October 19, a TikToker named Brielle who recently started a corporate job in the New York area, posted a video where she appeared visibly upset as she addressed the camera. The on-screen caption that read, "in a 9-5 how do u have time for ur life."


I have a lot of thoughts regarding this one ("Aw, you poor baby" immediately comes to mind)
But I'll let one of y'all make the first comment
"Oh my gawd!"

If she gave up all that crap on her face and fake fingernails... she might be able to afford to live in the city!
My first job out of college was at a Naval shipyard. We worked dark to dark when we needed to get a hull out on time. Mandatory overtime. Suck it up, Princess.
How do you get to be that age and not know certain things that most people would call common sense?

Is common sense just an "old people" thing now?

Growing up, did nobody in her household work? Did she not have other family, friends, or neighbors whose parents worked? How did she not see this "phenonmenom" day in and day out?

How do you go through life not knowing that 9 to 5 is just one of the things that fall into the category labeled "the way it is"?

She's got a lot of surprises coming her way.

And she's a college graduate. She's yet another shining example of how being educated does not equal intelligence.
Growing up, did nobody in her household work? Did she not have other family, friends, or neighbors whose parents worked? How did she not see this "phenonmenom" day in and day out?
Somehow someway, she was obviously sheltered from at least the reality of it.

What I would tell her is to allow her current discomfort to affect a positive change in her future.

Ultimately, it's probably good that she is uncomfortable in her current situation.
Maybe moving to NYC was not the right move.
She just needs to figure out what she can sell other than her time.
If she got listed with the right Escorts/Modeling agency...she could do like another airhead with a koledge de-gree.

One Alexandria Occlusional Cortex. Who started out as an AA set-aside in a former university, graduated to barmaid, and then got a lifetime sinecure in CONgress.

Her lifetime, not natural lifetime. The coming collapse and revolution will not be kind to her ilk. Whether it's the Right, thirsting for payback, or the Globalists...she'll either be tried for her treason or summarily dispatched into a trench grave, as no longer useful to the Revolution.

But, for a time, life is good for Lexi. Can be good for this airhead, too...government is waiting for such strong leadership.
The sad thing is that someone is going to see her video(s), and due to the way she looks, not due to any skills, talents, or abilities, someone is going to give her an opportunity.

If she were ugly, average, plain, or, even worse, fat, she would be forgotten and dismissed quickly.
The sad thing is that someone is going to see her video(s), and due to the way she looks, not due to any skills, talents, or abilities, someone is going to give her an opportunity.

If she were ugly, average, plain, or, even worse, fat, she would be forgotten and dismissed quickly.
Personal grooming matters. Much of what we think of as "beauty" is in fact the result of good health, reasonable physical condition, and proper choices in grooming.

If you allow your body to blimp out, dye your hair pink, get neck and facial tattoos, and wear clown eyeglasses...and don't wash your face and have zits all over...you're going to be considered ugly.

But the ugliness is deeper than just the skin - it's lack of discipline.
Here's another one.

Gen Z Walmart worker girl bitchin' about life.

And how is it the Boomers' fault?

It's what comes of crypto-Fascism...the stealth corporate-government alliance. Let's be straight here: Socialism is government ownership of the means to produce. Doesn't work - obviously.

Fascism is government CONTROL of the means to produce; without even clearly taking ownership. It's a layer of boot-on-the-face authoritarianism on top of government control of the economy.

And what we have now, is a backdoor stealth Fascism...where Globalist corporations have seized control of governments. Same result; just a different power center. The leaders are not authoritarians, but puppets. The authoritarians are in safe, serene Switzerland.

How did we bring that about? A FEW of us did...but it was never put to a vote; never aggressively sold. It is what happens to a society where its leaders become detached from morality (understanding of right and wrong) and pursue their lust for power.

That is not a whole generation. Most of the Boomers, more than this broad's generation, support free-market capitalism. What she's finding is that a Managed Economy does not work, does not deliver enough rewards.

I can feel for her but I didn't create Globalism. I WANTED Chinese imports blocked. That was KLINTOON's doing - Most-Favored-Nation trade status for a crypto-Communist mercantile nation. Should never have been allowed - that is what tariffs are FOR.

And out of it came Globalism. And out of that, and debasement of the currency, came an inability to live on a working income.

The illegal invaders are going to make it worse.
Like all leftists, she simply needs somebody to be angry at, someone to blame things on.
And because she's a leftist, she's been taught since birth that she's special and unique, like a snowflake, so it sure as hell can't be her.
i think starting job at walmart would be considered a low subsistence wage requiring some difficult lifestyle choices

that being said the government has overspent and wasted money pretty consistantly since the 60s to the benefit/detriment to future generations
That's about all she's good for. And even that has a limited shelf life.
Well...it fits well with a later political life, if she wants.

Just ask our alleged Vice President. Who got HER start doing what they do on Only Fans.

Or the barmaid and escort who got picked by the Deep State to pretend to be a congress-cretin. If you look up "Three Dollar Wh0re" on Wikipedia, I bet her photo pops up.
Well...it fits well with a later political life, if she wants.

Just ask our alleged Vice President. Who got HER start doing what they do on Only Fans.

Or the barmaid and escort who got picked by the Deep State to pretend to be a congress-cretin. If you look up "Three Dollar Wh0re" on Wikipedia, I bet her photo pops up.

Old horse face was never worth three dollars.

But I bet she can eat corn on the cob through a chain link fence.


I had to get up sometimes at 3 or 4am to become a successful businessman.
My first job out of college was at a Naval shipyard. We worked dark to dark when we needed to get a hull out on time. Mandatory overtime. Suck it up, Princess.
hahahah, funny. Two moonlight rides and a picnic lunch...ahahah funny as that was twenty years of logging 4me.
I had to get up sometimes at 3 or 4am to become a successful businessman.
to bed late...up early...on call 24/7..... all the nasty calls stopped at my phone ......umpteen years....

to many people want to buy bitcoin for 1$ and sell it a week later for 50K and sit on their butts
A lifetime of early rising. Three years, out of high school, I worked for a small resort village DPW. Summers I was detailed to the municipal golf course, working with a summer crew. Up at 0430 to start work at the crack of dawn.

Winters, I was used for general labor and snowplow driving. I could get called on a Saturday evening, sent out on the Chevy C-60 dump-with-plow, to push snow until the roads were clear and/or it stopped snowing.

Then, the Navy. No sleeping in, unless you went to Sick Call and got a rack pass.

Years later, cabdriving. Up at three to get the airport rush. If you made your cab lease rate on the morning rush, the rest of the day was gravy. If you didn't catch it, or there was no rush, you might have a few bucks after paying the daily lease.

Of course, railroading was worse. NO time. But you just KNEW when the call came, you would be tired, and it would be a 16-hour day. Twelve hours, under Hours of Service; plus a two-hour call time; plus, after you go dead from HOS, an hour to get the company shuttle to get you off and to the hotel or the terminal.

Unlike most jobs, today, railroading is worse, not better. The money they make, for basically unskilled labor, is incredible. So are the demands - lifestyle and on the body. If you've got a lazy slug of an offspring, and want him to find out the Real World, send him to the major railroads' websites. They're hiring...
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