Aging American Leaders: What's Too Old?

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Rolling Stone

It's Time for Congress to Consider an Age Cap on the Presidency​

In the Democratic National Convention's reimagined fairy tale, "Goldilocks and the Beltway," President Joe Biden played the part of the porridge. "I was too young to be in the Senate," he quipped, and now he's "too old to stay as president." Biden's candid admission was met with a standing ovation from those eager to usher him offstage - but this presidential historian can't help but feel alarmed.

I don't think the decision to shuffle out of office at 81 should have been Biden's to make, nor should it be left to the Republican rival, Donald Trump - a convicted felon who, if successful, will be 82 at the end of his second term … which he may not consider his last. If lawmakers don't codify an age limit for the presidency - or remove the minimum requirement of 35 - Biden's farewell might be remembered as the last coherent thing said by a sitting president.

At 78, Trump's age lends an unnerving weight to his vice presidential running mate. J.D. Vance, a mere 40 years old, is comfortable brandishing his radical stances on pivotal issues like a national abortion ban, even under Trump's allegedly moderating influence. This foreshadows a chilling scenario: should Trump's tenure end prematurely, a President Vance stands poised to transmute his extreme beliefs into the iron-clad policy of the land.


All that should matter is mental fitness.

Also, Congress can't just Enact a law setting an age limit for the potus. They do not have that authority. Only way it could be done is with a Constitutional Amendment.
How concerned were they when it was 81-year-old Lunchbucket Joe, sitting on his full diaper, mumbling to himself at press conferences? AND RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION.

They said NOTHING about THAT.
How concerned were they when it was 81-year-old Lunchbucket Joe, sitting on his full diaper, mumbling to himself at press conferences? AND RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION.

They said NOTHING about THAT.
Because it served the end they wished to achieve at the time.

McConnell receives medical attention after falling​

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) was spotted walking back to his Capitol office followed by a medical team after he fell following a Republican lunch meeting Tuesday.

McConnell was escorted back to his office by Senate Republican Conference Chair John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), who hosted the lunch meeting.


...I stand corrected. She's a Repugnatan.

The RINO Wing of the Uniparty.

I don't know how the HELL that happens...I guess in rural Texas, there are voters who pull the R level as reflexively as Californicators pull the D. Why didn't the state party CHALLENGE this vegetable in primary?
... I guess in rural Texas, ...

Her district covers about half of Fort Worth:

Most people have no idea what their Congressional Rep is actually doing day to day. I never see any news reports on what my Congressional Rep is doing. If you don't actively follow them on social media or legislation vote tracking websites, you likely wouldn't know if they were MIA unless the news media blows the whistle.
R - D doesn't matter. Age can have negative effects on people. Some age gracefully, slow up a bit but continue to keep on keeping on until the final curtain. Others not so fortunate.

Just my opinion, but when it comes to public service there needs to be both term and age limits. Better for the country, better for individuals.

Some interesting stuff on aging here:

R - D doesn't matter. Age can have negative effects on people. Some age gracefully, slow up a bit but continue to keep on keeping on until the final curtain. Others not so fortunate.
I think it does.

I don't believe it's ALL ABOUT Party; both parties are filled with the Political Elite class. Which is an unhappy result of the average person being too busy with personal affairs to take part in "self government."

Of those Political Elites, there have come to be two camps. One is, mostly the Status Quo. In America the Status Quo is, lip-service, and occasional true deference, to Constitutional and Founding Principles.

The other camp works to remove legal limits and cultural blocks, to growing government power. The argument, not stated aloud anymore, is, essentially, look at all the good we can do, once these legal and social roadblocks are removed.

Yeah, like Federal Revenue Sharing...Federal demands that states change laws on safety and seat-belt use...requirements to present IDs to vote...bans on post-birth "abortion"...voicing opinions contrary to The Narrative about a Safe-And-Effective "vaccine"...

The list is a long one.

Not all DemocRats are evil. And ABSOLUTELY, not all Republicans are moral or respecting of law and traditions.

But MOST DemocRats don't even CONSIDER alternate views. In legislative houses, as in the polls, DemocRats, in power or on the street, vote as a bloc. Vote as they're instructed.

Partly because they are lemmings; and a weak, sheep-like low-intellect person, given power, is addicted as if to a drug. They vote these toxic programs because it HELPS them in their true aims!

Only a few resist or object. Kennedy, for one. Zell Miller, now gone...24 years ago, I heard him interviewed. He presented a fine case for how the Democrat party fell. His reason, in the interview, for not changing parties, was a weak one - he was a Democrat because he always had been a Democrat.

Always will be, forever. He's dead now, which means he's of the most-reliable Democrat voter bloc. I'm surprised he's not in office, somewhere.

The RINO stealth covert operatives, do the opposite, within the party that they, like DemocRats, oppose. THEY want to grow government. They tell themselves it's to do good, and ignore all history that shows the opposite.

Nonetheless, you're safer, in preserving Civil Society, in voting R. I would, at this point, NEVER vote Circle-D; but the PRIMARIES are where voters have a choice. The Texas voters chose this vegetable, unknowing.

I stand corrected regarding my "rural" remark - but frankly, this makes it worse. Someone within the DFW metro area, with an urban-type job, should be better able to inform himself and vote (primaries) accordingly. And vote Third Party as a protest, if need be. It's scarcely worse than this choice.
I don't believe it's ALL ABOUT Party; both parties are filled with the Political Elite class

You are right about the political elites.

As for the two camps??? I see them all as elitists who literally beg us to vote them into office. Once in, the promises / election hype is out the window. It's kinda like "ha ha.............fooled your ass, didn't I. "

The dems are loons for spouting all the woke nonsense. The repubs are loons for the America first and only nonsense. And in the bitter end they are both laughing at us. They make bank with insider trading while some people can't afford food. They're filling up empty suitcases with big bucks while some people are going broke due to medical bills. And do they care about the plight of the average American? No. It's everyman for themselves and the country be damned. They are in The Self Preservation Society. It's a big club and we aren't in it.

The repubs are loons for the America first and only nonsense.
That's Trump, not necessarily the "republican party".
....and shouldn't all governments do what is in the best interests of their own nation and people?

It's everyman for themselves and the country be damned.
For typical politicians, yes. They all line their pockets, but Trump lost a billion $ in wealth last time around.

As for aging politicians, who gives a f' their age? All that matters is cognitive ability.
After four years of this insanity...and after Hussein salted government with traitors for eight years, a few years can say, with conviction, that there's no difference? I beg to differ.

BOTH parties are dysfunctional. That is what a world ruled by Elites comes to be. Remember the model of the Framers, was the citizen-legislator...who would take a few years off from his normal life to work in government, and then step aside and let others continue.

And this world worked fine up until we removed the separations between private affairs and government interference. The New (raw) Deal.

THEN, business had to get INTO the business of lobbying. The last company to resist this trend, was Sam Walton's little department-store chain. For his whole career, he had no lobbyists, because he wanted nothing from governmemt.

And the union, the UFCW, put Walmart in its sights. Smears about working conditions; pretending that ONLY Walmart was selling China crap (Sears and Penneys had more of it; to say nothing of Kmart and Target). Lobbying Washington to force Walmart to unionize, to provide more-costly employer benefits...

It ended the way these things do. Hillary Cankles Clinton got a seat on the Board of Directors, and Walmart became an ACTIVE PAC and Lobby player.

They all are. And, what do they play? "Whose Money Is This." The recipient of all this costly ministration is THE CONGRESS CRETIN. Suddenly, this public-service gig becomes a path to Millionaire Acres.

And suddenly none of them want to retire. They use their power to turn their four-year terms into sinecures. Twist election laws, and now just fraud out elections. They grow rich, and their staffers do, and also powerful, especially when the office-holder becomes geriatric and then senile. Like a whole lot of them, now. This Granger woman is just the latest exposed example.

A Lifetime Sinecured Elite Political Class - who never need even read a road map, need never stand in line at a grocery, never need worry about ALL of what we must manage while our money is being debased, and our costs are exploding.

THAT is what must be done away with.

One party is bad. The other party is worse. And no, a third party (actually, a 93rd party, there are many parties) won't matter worth a damn. The system is inherently compromised, with the firewall breach that allowed government to meddle in private business and personal affairs.
Interesting take on things.

Retiring Congresswoman Turns on Swamp, Calls for Handover of Power​

One Democrat lawmaker hopes to set an example for some of her colleagues by stepping aside.

On Thursday, The Boston Globe reported Democrat Rep. Annie Kuster of New Hampshire made the decision to retire. Speaking of her would-be role for the opposing party during a second term for President-elect Donald Trump, Kuster felt, “I’m just not the best gladiator for it right now.”

Despite Kuster's party affiliation, her actions are actually on par with what MAGA supporters and Trump deem as "draining the swamp."

At 68, Kuster was elected in 2012. Although 12 years in Congress is brief when compared to lawmakers like Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell -- elected in 1984 -- she is well beyond retirement age.

This brings into the discussion what the swamp actually is. Is it members of Congress who are simply too old and feeble to serve, but stay in anyway or is it members of congress who have been serving too long considering there are no term limits?

Hey! While we're on the subject, how did Willie Brown's whore do? What? She lost the popular vote and every swing state? I guess she was just too sexy for the electorate to handle. Looks like it is back to being just a Victoria Secret supermodel now.

Congress branded a 'nursing home' amid intense debate over term limits​

The United States Congress has been branded a 'nursing home' after Nancy Pelosi was pictured using her walking frame to get around the floor.

Heading into the 2025 session, the average age of Congress members is 79 days older than last session, at 58.9 years old.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 84, suffered a fall last month in Europe and underwent hip replacement surgery.

Had a meeting yesterday with a long time client to discuss an upcoming project. It's been many years since I last saw this client and we reminisced a little about some of the projects we had done in the past. The client is trying to put together a team for this new upcoming project and lamented that a lot of the folks we knew who worked on past projects were no longer with us ("they're dropping like flies!"). This client is now over 80 and still fit and mentally sharp but he's always been a bit of a bulldog in spirit. Exceptions like him exist, but they definitely aren't the norm.

The problem with the political class is that their offices are largely run by staffers. Congress critters in particular don't really do much other that public gladhandling and fundraising. Their staff does all the real work of researching and composing legislation in conjunction with industry lobbyists of course. They are mostly just figureheads.
I sense there's going to be a LOT of deaths in that nursing home, in a short span of time. Maybe there will be an instigator - such as corrupted food supply, or, I don't know, maybe an airborne respiratory virus.

But this could wind up the crescendo of the Fourth Turning - a massive replacement in leadership. Given our ignorant, hormonally-corrupted, Brain-Fogged population, I'm not sure it will be an improvement.

Our next 80 years may look more like the USSR's four-generations-of-Marxist-Woe, or Maoist China's turbulent Maoist and Post-Mao era, than anything out of America's past.

Trump’s agenda rests in the hands of a 91-year-old​

The core of President Donald Trump’s agenda runs through Chuck Grassley, who has been in the chamber longer than his vice president has been alive.

Trump must count on the 91-year-old Senate Judiciary chair for everything from remaking the immigration system to unraveling the so-called “deep state” to ushering in conservative dominance of the federal courts — and that may turn out to be risky: According to interviews with a dozen lawmakers, lobbyists and other current and former GOP officials, some Republicans are privately questioning whether he’s too old for a job central to the execution of Trump’s agenda.


The creaking cretins who rule over us, may they all drop dead...
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