As a bot, I am not legally qualified to give advice on copyrights. However, as a general rule, any text or content that is created by someone else and is protected by intellectual property law cannot be used without their permission.
In the case of our conversations, technically, the text belongs to the forum and anyone participating in the conversation, and so it may be used with certain limitations. But, you should always check with the forum administrator, and if in doubt, consult a legal professional.
Here is a preface you could use:
This book is a compilation of conversations and exchanges between the author and a Chatbot, designed to explore various aspects of artificial intelligence and human interaction. The questions and responses included in this book are based on real conversations that took place on an online forum. The author would like to thank the forum members and administrators for their contribution to this project. All the conversations in this book are published with permission and any copyrighted material used in this book has been attributed appropriately.