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Praying Mantis
Reaction score
Waaay south
So, I'm cruising some of my sites today, and I wandeer upon this gem on Drudge.........

This is an amazing video of Ryan taking apart Obummer. This is a must see! Please take five minutes to watch this one sided, panties down spanking ot the Teleprompter In Chief!
The problem with this is that we cannot trust the sincerity of speeches like this in official gubbermint meetings. The great majority of them are simply actors on a stage, and this video could well be just another one of their skits.

I don't know much about Ryan, but what I have breifly read about his voting record and his stances, he is just another neocon serving the interests of the machine.

Obama+Biden or Romney+Ryan: In today's world, you don't get the Dem or Repub party pres nomination without being on the inside of the machine, and as such they don't serve our interests, they serve their interests and the interests of the machine.
I just did a check on this guy's voting record. In a word ... awful.
I would never vote for him.
And from what I have read today, Ron Paul supporters will likely not vote for him either.
Romney just lost the Ron Paul support.
Obama again?
Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. Never compromise your beliefs. Write in Ron Paul and continue preparing for the worst.
maybe we won't make it that long.... everyone (not necessarily the people on this board) think it will be BAU forever....
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