Chicken rant!

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Yellow Jacket
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I am floored. I actually lost a friend over the whole chicken thing.

People are funny. This guy was gay. Another guy- who- I dated once- against gay marriage. Hello? Why would you on on a date with a man and not... .... wow.

Why cant there be humor in it all? I never knew white people ate chicken!! ;-)

From another site- and I agree--

I'm so sick of this chic fil la Shit, with the world on the brink of world war, America about to false flag, millions hungry in the world, Obama waging war on Americans and people are crying about one dude saying he didn't believe in being gay?? Bunch of retarded twits!!! Who gives a Shit?? Everybody has a right to their own opinion!!! If you were offended then you are a thin skinned pussy. Do gays have to have approval from him to be gay? Is he God? Then don't worry about it./ snip

It's more divide and conquer, I don't care if someone is gay, straight, or anything else , what they do is their own business. Im straight as a plumb line, but have a couple of gay friends, I wish I had a bunch of slutty lesbian friends though, hmmm hmmm that would rock./snip

Back to the point- lose a friend over it- who was on the same side of the issue?

Hello chem trails. Bah.
Penn, all MSM is distraction, diversion and propaganda- always keeping us in fear of imaginary bogymen and fighting amongst our selves, while our real enemies rob us blind and assault our freedom.
I have added a new friend- and I intend to turn this into an opportunity.

It is a chance to make more friends!! It can be done.
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