I saw this report:
I haven't seen any bullion for sale at my local store (here in the USA). I checked costco.com and don't see any listing or mention of gold bars for sale. Maybe it's just a UK/European thing for now?
It's not an item likely to be on the weekly shopping lists of many households – but one supermarket giant has started selling gold bullion alongside its everyday groceries.
Bulk-buy specialist Costco, more normally known for its ‘pile-’em-high, sell-’em-cheap’ philosophy, is now offering bars of the precious metal for up to £24,500 a time.
While the company’s mark-up on gold is up to seven per cent on the market rate, it is also selling silver bars at a whopping 28 per cent premium.

Costco starts selling GOLD worth up to £24,500 in its supermarkets
Many investors have been turning to what they see as the security of gold this year, amid huge uncertainties in the world economy caused by Covid-19.
I haven't seen any bullion for sale at my local store (here in the USA). I checked costco.com and don't see any listing or mention of gold bars for sale. Maybe it's just a UK/European thing for now?