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A poll conducted of chief economists found three-quarters expecting weak to very weak growth in Europe this year, the most pessimistic outlook of any region.
The chief economist survey, released in conjunction with the World Economic Forum in Davos but conducted in November and December, found a big geographic split, with 93% expecting moderate to strong growth in South Asia and 86% expecting that for East Asia.
For the U.S., 56% expected moderate to strong growth, down from 78% for a poll in September. By contrast, 77% expected weak to very weak growth in Europe, nearly double the number who did in September.
The bleak outlook comes as the Federal Statistical Office reported that Germany’s economy shrank by 0.3% in 2023, after rising by 1.8% in 2022. The statistics agency said high prices and unfavorable financing conditions weighed on Europe’s largest economy.
At the same time, only 13% expect high inflation in the U.S. and in Europe this year. China is the outlier in the other direction, with 76% expecting low or very low inflation.
The World Economic Forum polled economists at banks, consulting firms, international agencies as well as companies including Microsoft and Google.
The nabobs and panjandrums of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet up at Davos, Switzerland, the next several days to lay plans for their latest assault on humanity.
This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.”
Did you just blow your coffee through your nose?
Argentina's President Javier Milei was en route by commercial jet to the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland on Tuesday, taking selfies with passengers on board and criticizing what he called the event's "socialist agenda".
Asked by reporters on his flight about his plans at Davos, he said he aimed to "seed ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda, which will only bring misery to the world".
I was really disappointed when I found out Javier Milei was going to the WEF summit.
Until I got a few minutes into his speech and he is just telling them that everything they are doing is wrong and fucked up and the "root of all the worlds problems".
He's a pulling a Gervais at the Golden Globes so far.
And he has just shit all over their socialist model and told them free market capitalism is the only way forward lmao.
I think he just trojan horsed them to shit all over their ideology to their faces but I am going to watch the rest.
He's now pulling out the stats and saying how from year zero to about 1800 global per capita GDP was at rock bottom and never increased during that time and the only thing that changed this was free market capitalism.
He is going HARD with the stats. The crowd is fucking squirming.
Also lmao.
"Free market capitalism and trade is the only way to end hunger and poverty across out planet, the empirical evidence is unquestionable"
Man is fucking railing everything the WEF stands for to their faces lmao.
"The state is financed through coercion."
Man said taxation is theft.
He's now explaining the basics of supply/demand economics.
Hurry up and do better!WSJ opinion piece
The Humiliation of Davos Man
Davos, Switzerland
It’s that time of year. Corporate chieftains, policymakers, NGO warriors, journalists and intellectuals are heading to the Swiss Alps for the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. If the delegates are serious about this year’s theme, “Rebuilding Trust,” some hard conversations lie ahead.
On both the far left and the far right, conspiracy theorists see the WEF and its allies as an all-powerful network successfully imposing a nefarious agenda on the rest of the world. This reading gets Davos exactly wrong.
The real scandal of Davos isn’t that it’s taking over the world. It’s that it’s failing. The Davos agenda—a global security order, an integrated world economy and progress toward objectives including decarbonization, gender equality and the abolition of dire poverty—is controversial in some quarters and on some points but is neither secret nor particularly nefarious. But far from imposing this agenda on a captive world, the Davos elites are wringing their hands as the dream slowly dies.
The "fear" one is hysterical. lol
“But years into the transnational struggle with resurgent populism, the corporate leaders in Davos appear to have no serious solutions.
“In conversation after conversation here, I detected resignation and helplessness among business executives when it came to their counterparts in government.”
Most big banks in Europe are failing to adjust their business to the looming decarbonisation of the bloc's economy and thus face increased financial, reputational and legal risk, the European Central Bank (ECB) said on Tuesday. The ECB has been pushing banks for years to factor climate considerations into how they lend and assess risk but lenders have failed to heed its warnings and threats of additional capital requirements.
“Basically, the coffee that we all drink, emits between 15 to 20 tons of CO₂ per ton of coffee. So, we should all know that. This is every time we drink coffee we are basically putting CO₂ into the atmosphere.”