Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party

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Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party​

The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the past 60 years, the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point of birth and what was once considered deviancy.

The Democrat party’s two most exalted figureheads are the fervently racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.

Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.
Both were as unAmerican as the day is long. Two worst Presidents we ever had, with the bidet as the third.

The best? Said it before and I'll say it again. Chester A. Arthur, hands down.
Woodrow Wilson also re-segregated both the US Civil Service and the US Armed Forces. Both organizations had naturally desegregated well before Wilson wrecked havoc on them.

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party​

The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the past 60 years, the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point of birth and what was once considered deviancy.

The Democrat party’s two most exalted figureheads are the fervently racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.

I don't disagree with his conclusion, here, but I wish he'd get his facts right.

The "Democratic" party has its roots at the adoption of the Constitution.

After the Constitution was ratified - and no doubt to the horror of the authors - there emerged two "factions" - the Federalists, who favored a strong central government, and the Anti-Federalists, who preferred a structure similar to the Articles of Confederacy.

As these factions moved into the form of political parties, the Anti-Federalists adopted a more pleasant name - Republicans.

The Federalist party, although winning the debate regarding the Constitution and structure of the new government - and perhaps BECAUSE of that success - dwindled away. Perhaps it was from irrelevance. But it was gone by 1825.

The Republicans became divided; and with the disappearance of the Federalists, the Republicans split - the National Republicans, and the Democratic Republicans.

The National Republicans adopted the moniker, "Whigs" - modeled, I guess, on the British Whig party. The Democratic Republicans adopted the handle "Democratic." Both parties removed the "Republican" label from their identities.

Jackson, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Federalist Party, became the standard-bearer for the new Democratic Republican party.
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