Three Years Later: 10 Things We've Learned Since 11/3/2020
Topic: Elections
NOV 3, 2023
November 3, 2020.
Three years ago, as I write this very article. The future will recall the date,
11/3, infamously, as we now look at Pearl Harbor Day or 9/11 in somber spirit. While I recognize that the “election” dragged on for a solid week after this anniversary, the event will always be linked to
Election Day 2020,
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (remember, a hallmark of
electile dysfunction is when you have an election lasting longer than four days). You can tell already at this point in the article that I do believe we will eventually prevail over corruption and restore sanity to the experiment of self-government. The question isn’t “
will we survive?” but rather,
“how long will it take for us to reverse course?”
If you’re like me, you spent most of 2021 in eager expectation that a series of events, some real and others not so much, would land President Trump back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, even though such a thing is without precedent in presidential politics. I expected that any number of the 2020
contested states (Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin) would come apart at the seams under intense pressure from grassroots election integrity activists, of which there are many future American legends scattered about this great land, ranging from the downright famous, to influencers, to local household names, and the relative unknowns who want to get back to running a business or raising kids and grandkids.
Many people know a lot more
today than they did three years ago. Roughly 40% of Americans believed the 2020 quasi-election was rigged at the time it went down, and that number has skyrocketed to 62% - or better put, 5 of 8 American likely voters, including an inordinate number of Democrats. If people on the outside of this giant train wreck can see nuggets of truth now, sit with me for a moment and ponder the wealth of knowledge that now resides in between our ears,
1,095 days after we were jolted from a decades long slumber in which we believed that while
certain places ran corrupt elections, the right candidates could still carry the battlefield and always give our country a shot at greatness.
Here are
10 Things We’ve Learned since the dubious anniversary of
Topic: Elections