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He was, IMHO, paid to be a stalking-horse; and someone within the Soros compound, or at Davos, finally realized the futility of it. That it was money wasted.

Now Mikey's gonna have to get a real job. Dogcatcher in Marion County, maybe.
From the link:

Oct 30 (Reuters) - Donald Trump should be disqualified from Colorado's ballot in next year's election because he "incited a violent mob" in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, an advocacy group lawyer argued at the opening of a trial on Monday.

A lawsuit brought by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is a test case for whether a rarely-used, Civil War-era provision of the U.S. Constitution that bars people who have engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" from holding federal office, can prevent Trump from being president again.


Yes, of course.

We need EXPERTS, with their sooper-sekrut inside information, to tell us what Trump REALLY was saying.

The same sort of experts who know better what the Constitution was intended to mean, than did the authors themselves.

There's a two-word summation for that, and the software won't allow it.
I live in the state and they showed a video of Trump's speech and of course they left out the bits of him saying "Peacefully protest"

I can hardly wait til the evidence comes out that the Pelosi gang planned this for months before to hide the steal on November 3rd.

Trump's Colorado Kangaroo Court Trial to Remove Him FROM THE BALLOT! Day 1 Recap - Viva Frei​

It's a joke. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

Trump's Colorado Kangaroo Court Trial to Remove Him FROM THE BALLOT! Day 1 Recap - Viva Frei​

It's a joke. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

I don't think these ballots are even gonna be the ones we will be voting with come next year. No more corporate voting.
Hedge............you're from Col, do you think it'll fly?
It's a judge determined case, no jury.

I know they're lying about Jan 6. They just HAVE to have Trump be the instigator.

It's what they've been shooting for from the beginning. Blame Trump! He's no good!

That cop should be keel hauled for all the assumptions and innuendo he 'testified' to.

Nothing of substance. No truth.

I'll write Trump in.
I'll write Trump in.

Michigan has something similar going on, Trump is suing on that one. I'm wondering if he's dropped off the ballots in several states if he'll drop out of the election?
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Efforts to use the Constitution’s “insurrection” clause to prevent former President Donald Trump from running again for the White House turn to Minnesota on Thursday with oral arguments before the state Supreme Court, a hearing that will unfold as a similar case plays out in Colorado.

Those lawsuits are among several filed around the country to bar Trump from state ballots in 2024 over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, an assault intended to halt Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s win. The Colorado and Minnesota cases are furthest along, putting one or both on an expected path to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has never decided the issue.


Three Years Later: 10 Things We've Learned Since 11/3/2020​

Topic: Elections​

NOV 3, 2023

November 3, 2020.

Three years ago, as I write this very article. The future will recall the date, 11/3, infamously, as we now look at Pearl Harbor Day or 9/11 in somber spirit. While I recognize that the “election” dragged on for a solid week after this anniversary, the event will always be linked to Election Day 2020, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (remember, a hallmark of electile dysfunction is when you have an election lasting longer than four days). You can tell already at this point in the article that I do believe we will eventually prevail over corruption and restore sanity to the experiment of self-government. The question isn’t “will we survive?” but rather, “how long will it take for us to reverse course?”

If you’re like me, you spent most of 2021 in eager expectation that a series of events, some real and others not so much, would land President Trump back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, even though such a thing is without precedent in presidential politics. I expected that any number of the 2020 contested states (Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin) would come apart at the seams under intense pressure from grassroots election integrity activists, of which there are many future American legends scattered about this great land, ranging from the downright famous, to influencers, to local household names, and the relative unknowns who want to get back to running a business or raising kids and grandkids.

Many people know a lot more today than they did three years ago. Roughly 40% of Americans believed the 2020 quasi-election was rigged at the time it went down, and that number has skyrocketed to 62% - or better put, 5 of 8 American likely voters, including an inordinate number of Democrats. If people on the outside of this giant train wreck can see nuggets of truth now, sit with me for a moment and ponder the wealth of knowledge that now resides in between our ears, 1,095 days after we were jolted from a decades long slumber in which we believed that while certain places ran corrupt elections, the right candidates could still carry the battlefield and always give our country a shot at greatness.

Here are 10 Things We’ve Learned since the dubious anniversary of 11/3:

Not a hit job. Talking about Trump being on the ballot in Colorado. Actually pretty good. I'm really interested in the outcome.

Nov 4, 2023 9 mins 12 secs.

Michael Popok and Ben Meiselas on Legal AF discuss Trump disqualification case in Colorado and debate whether or not the judge will find that Trump “engaged in insurrection” and strip him from the Colorado ballot by applying the 14th amendment.

Trump Colorado Ballot Lawsuit Days 1-3 Summarized. It's A LOAD OF CRAP! Viva Clips​

Election day in PA. Smooth as silk, in & out in about 10 mins. Be interesting to see how the R's & D's make out.

Report paints ominous picture of early days of planned second Trump term​

Nov 7, 2023

Rachel Maddow talks with Devlin Barrett, national security reporter for The Washington Post, about his reporting on plans by Trump insiders to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act to turn the military on U.S. citizens who might protest a second Trump term in the presidency.

We've been living in fascism for many years now Politico. Time to wake up. Or maybe you just are doing that for some measly $'s.




Nov 8, 2023


Host Ken Harbaugh interviews a first-time Ohio voter on the significance of Tuesday's vote against Ohio’s extreme abortion restrictions.
From the article...

"The former president and his allies are reportedly planning to lay siege to the rule of law."

"Reportedly" as in who said it, or are they making shit up again as they always have??

"Lay siege" otherwise known as "enforce" the rule of law.
The system is broken.

Because the Ruling Class is not just amoral - they're demonstrably evil and treasonous.

The ONLY solution to this is to cut the ties to Imperial Washington, its money-printing party, its dull-normal decisionmakers, its complete lack of understanding or empathy for humanity.

Call it what you want: Dissolution of the Union; State Secession; National Divorce. It has to happen. All the death, and NO punishment, payback or meaningful response other than censorship and MOAR death...shows how critical it is that we do so.
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