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**Note: This doesn't paint Trump in a good light. If you like Trump, you may not want to read this.

Donald Trump May Have Crossed Into 'New Terrain,' Psychiatrist Warns​

Former President Donald Trump has entered "new terrain" based on his authoritarian tendencies and rhetoric that has drawn comparisons by some to Adolf Hitler, argues a psychiatrist quoted in a New York Times op-ed.

Trump took issue with multiple groups during a Veterans Day speech in Claremont, New Hampshire, saying: "On Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections."

He repeated the phrasing and use of the word "vermin," almost verbatim in a Truth Social post following the speech, adding that such groups will "legally or illegally" attempt to "destroy America, and the American Dream." President Joe Biden's 2024 re-election team said Trump had embraced the language of Hitler by using the word "vermin."


Psychiatrist... that's known as a 'soft' degree.

These types don't know shit from shinola. Never did a thing in life but get a degree in mental illness.
Long-distance diagnoses, based on selected media clips...is just malpractice.

But the Left doesn't care - they have a Narrative to push.

It doesn't even need be factual, or stand up to common sense. For example, Trump HAS BEEN President. We KNOW what he is.

What this does, is SIGNAL the impressionable Left...give PERMISSION to CARRY ON as IF Trump were a raving maniac.
Will ANY person reading these words stll deny there was rampant voter fraud?

Voter Fraud Lib Found Guilty On ALL 52 Counts
Voter fraud by duplication of 36 batches of ballots PROVEN
Will ANY person previously claiming voter fraud was not rampant in 2020 please speak up?
Er, it would just take a moderate search to find one.

Maddow Blog | Trump’s former chief of staff: His backing is 'beyond my comprehension'​

In Bob Woodward’s first book on Donald Trump’s presidency, the author highlighted a meeting in which then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly said of the-then president, “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here.”

And while that was certainly an unflattering comment, it was a private and unconfirmed exchange. That said, what Kelly has been willing to say on the record has been nearly as striking. The Washington Post published this report last week:

The retired four-star general went on to tell the Post, “I came out and told people the awful things he said about wounded soldiers, and it didn’t have half a day’s bounce. ... If anything, his numbers go up. It might even move the needle in the wrong direction. I think we’re in a dangerous zone in our country.”



Trump’s REJECTION of Constitutional Oath BACKFIRES in his FACE​

Nov 29, 2023


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Republican Chris Christie predicted that Donald Trump will be convicted, ineligible to vote, and how Trump’s rejection of the of the oath to “support the Constitution” will backfire in his face.
Yeah, those are credible sources.

Especially RINO Chrissie Cream. Whose campaign platform is, I-Wanna-Be-President.

And an astroturf fake-alternative mediuh starlet.

Trump is worse than Hitler, right? Where are the Trump gas chambers? He sure knew how to build things...where were his crematoriums, the mass graves?

I red a storey of how Trump hated dogs. Biden lovves dogs. If you dont love dogs you are roten. Their is no vote frauds.
Now this could be interesting. I really can't see it happening in Philly, but then again..............

Trump calls on supporters to 'guard the vote' in Democratic-run US cities​

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) -Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, told his supporters on Saturday to "go into" Philadelphia and two other Democratic-run cities to "guard the vote" in 2024, repeating his unfounded claims of widespread election fraud in 2020 as justification for the call to action.

Speaking at two events in Iowa, Trump also sought to counter growing concern among Democrats and some Republicans that his potential return to the White House posed a threat to democracy.

Even as he faces criminal charges over his efforts to reverse his 2020 loss, Trump attempted to flip the script and paint the winner, President Joe Biden, as a dangerous autocrat, calling him a communist, fascist and a tyrant.



Coup bombshell: Trump busted for 'dictator' plot as trials loom​

Dec 4, 2023

Amidst legal setbacks, Donald Trump is also facing renewed scrutiny from former Jan. 6 committee co-chair Liz Cheney, who says supporting him equates to "sleepwalking into dictatorship." MSNBC Chief Legal correspondent Ari Melber reports on the history of authoritarians rising to power and the parallels to Trump, the GOP's current 2024 frontrunner.

‘Trump will never leave office again’ - Liz Cheney’s warning to America​

Dec 4, 2023

Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, Co-Founder and Executive Director at Protect Democracy, Ian Bassin and Senior Political Reporter for Puck News, Tara Palmieri join Ali Velshi in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss a warning from former Congresswoman Liz Cheney on what a second term of a Donald Trump Presidency would look like for our democracy.

Ex-conservative judge forms task force to uphold the judiciary and the law in Trump era​

Freedom and democracy in the U.S. are being threatened by Trump 2.0, and a conservative judge says it's going to take all hands in many sectors to prevent its demise.

Michael Luttig, a retired federal judge and one of the nation's leading conservative legal minds, advocated for a widespread effort by every civic group, business, sports team, and community leader to take stock and determine what failsafe measures they can do to protect the nation's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As an example, Luttig announced that he and others are preparing for their own effort with other legal experts on both sides of the aisle to fight for the American judicial system.



Matt Gaetz accuses media of ‘greenlighting’ Trump assassination​

Far-right Florida Rep Matt Gaetz has claimed that the press is “green-lighting” the assassination of former President Donald Trump by reporting on what a second Trump term would look like.

On Monday, Mr Gaetz tweeted “They’re obviously green-lighting assassination” and included a screenshot from a Washington Post op-ed by Post Opinions contributing editor Robert Kagan bearing the headline “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending”.

Responding to Mr Gaetz, Condé Nast Legal Affairs Editor Luke Zaleski noted that “There is nothing you can say or do to confront Maga gaslighting that won’t be met with more MAGA gaslighting”.

“They’ll say anything to make themselves the victim and hero in everything. And there is nothing you can say to do anything about it. That is the MAGA gaslighting paradox,” he added.


From The Atlantic

Corruption Unbound​

Editor’s Note: This article is part of “If Trump Wins,” a project considering what Donald Trump might do if reelected in 2024.

In the annals of government ethics, the year 2017 exists in a bygone era. That September, Donald Trump’s secretary of health and human services, Tom Price, resigned in disgrace. His unforgivable sin was chartering private jets funded by taxpayers, when he just as easily could have flown commercial. Compared with the abuses of power in the years that followed, the transgression was relatively picayune. But at that early moment, even Trump felt obliged to join the criticism of Price.

During Trump’s first months as president, it wasn’t yet clear how much concentrated corruption the nation, or his own party, would tolerate, which is why Trump was compelled to dispose of the occasional Cabinet secretary. Yet nearly everything about Trump’s history in real estate, where he greased palms and bullied officials, suggested that he regarded the government as a lucrative instrument for his own gain.

A week and a half before taking office, he held a press conference in front of towering piles of file folders, theatrically positioned to suggest rigorous legal analysis, and announced that he would not divest himself of his commercial interests. Instead, he became the first modern commander in chief to profit from a global network of businesses, branded in gilded letters blaring his own name.

Read more:

Pure projection.

Hopefully, there's an expert at aiming metallic projectiles, who recognizes who the REAL threat is, and turns tables on these idiots who lust for Orange-Man's expedient removal from this Vale of Tears.

Hey, it's fair game. The rules hold to both sides. You want to have a debate on Snipers Wanted? Let's go.
Total BS. He signed over everything to his children. He didn't 'profit'... BUT the TRUMP brand did via his children running the business.

Notice they absolutely FORGOT to mention Biden's 20 shell corporations and 10% for "the Big Guy"...

LOL you just gotta love these ridiculous articles projecting their own behavior onto Trump!

Same goes for the Ukraine war propaganda stories.... Ukraine is has been losing this conflict from the beginning! Now they're pulling in 17 year old males and females and 60-70 year old men to fill the ranks! The US MSM propaganda machine STILL reiterates Ukraine is 'winning' and any day now they will be victorious!

IF Boris Johnson aka BJ, would NOT have gone to Kiev to tell the little green actor to NOT sign the 2014 Minsk Agreement of peace Ukraine would still be a viable Deep State money laundering scheme!!

Just watch and see what transpires there!! Zelenski will be treated like the red-headed step child he is!!
Normally I post news / opinion pieces here without comment. But now I gonna say something is definitely wrong here. All sorts of peeps splitting the scene. Leaving it clean. What the fuck is going on? Someone needs to step up to the plate and let us plebes in on the plan.

Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry won't seek re-election as congressional exodus expands​

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., announcedTuesday that he will not seek re-election, once again expanding the coming congressional exodus.

McHenry said he will finish out the remainder of his term. The Republican is a close ally of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and served as interim-speaker in the time between McCarthy's ouster and the election of Speaker Mike Johnson.


Revolution in the offing.

I'm actually surprised that moar of them aren't bailing...and taking extended vacations abroad.

It's gonna be the worst of the French, Romanian, and Nicaraguan revolutions, I suspect.
Revolution in the offing.

As much as I hate to admit it - you may be dead right. Could be something will happen with the next election that'll not be good for the country and the ones that are leaving want no part of it.

Then again, we have the Trump trials coming up. Maybe some plans afoot to quash them?
We're going to have to disagree, you and I, about the Trump question.

I admire your even-handed posting and moderating, even though you're in a far-different philosophical place than many of us; but at some point, opinions stop being opinions, and start being the facts those opinions come from.

And the FACTS about the Lawfare, are only disputable to those who deny reality. I really don't want to spend time parsing Process Crimes, Statutes of Limitation, and victimless crimes in general.

It isn't the Trump TRIALS that will bring about a revolution. It's the collapse of objective Rule of Law and the morphing of the Department of Justice into a political-cleansing commissariat.

TL;DR -- In a nutshell, I know I am going to be in a primary fight and will most likely lose so I will retire.
McHenry seemed like a good egg by DC standards. Quiet guy who cared about policy and put effort into the difficult work. We need more Congress folk like him.
From the horse's mouth..............

‘Washington, D.C. is broken’: Why dozens of lawmakers say they're leaving Congress​

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., on Tuesday became the latest in a string of lawmakers to announce they will not run for reelection in 2024.

Almost a dozen House GOP members alone announced in October and November their plans to retire from office at the end of their terms. The incumbents offered largely personal explanations, while some pointed to a distaste for Washington politics.

A ten-term congressman, McHenry stepped in as interim House speaker in October following the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. McHenry on Tuesday didn't share many details about his departure, but he said he's “confident” in the House’s future, despite the upheaval after McCarthy's removal.


Yeah.. no. We're headed more towards Idiocracy than the Founding Father's era of statesmen.
Washington Post

Wisconsin Trump electors settle lawsuit, agree Biden won in 2020​

MADISON, Wis. — In a legal settlement Wednesday, the 10 Republicans who signed official-looking paperwork falsely purporting Donald Trump won Wisconsin in 2020 have agreed to withdraw their inaccurate filings, acknowledge Joe Biden won the presidency and not serve as presidential electors in 2024 or in any election where Trump is on the ballot.

Wednesday’s civil settlement marks the first time pro-Trump electors have agreed to revoke their false filings and not repeat their actions in the next presidential election. It comes as Republicans in two other states face criminal charges for falsely claiming to be presidential electors, and investigations are underway in three additional states.

Documents released as part of the settlement revealed one of the Wisconsin Republicans appeared to refer to the attempt to install Trump for a second term as a “possible steal.” That Republican expressed skepticism about the plan but told others he was going along with it in part because he feared he would face blowback from Trump supporters if he didn’t.

Read the rest here:

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