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Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy to resign from Congress at year end​

  • Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday he will resign from Congress at the end of the year.
  • "I know my work is only getting started," McCarthy, R-Calif., said in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal

Excellent, Excellent. They probably all want to be gone before the dollar dies and everyone else is in the halls puking.
A certain letter of the alphabet mentioned those that would not seek reelection were forced out....


Donald Trump Lawyer Admits He Is 'Making It Up'​

One of Donald Trump's lawyers admitted that "we're all sort of making it up at the end of the day" during a dispute over the definition of the term "insurrection" in a Colorado courtroom on Wednesday.

The Colorado Supreme Court is hearing appeals against a lower court ruling in a case arguing Trump is ineligible to serve as president again due to the Constitution's 14th Amendment. The amendment prohibits anyone who has taken an oath "to support the Constitution," and then went on to engage in "insurrection or rebellion," from holding "any office, civil or military." The lower court concluded Trump was "engaged in insurrection" on January 6, 2021, but said the amendment doesn't cover serving as president in a ruling that sparked a legal debate.


a great read

Beyond Absurdity​

The 14th Amendment & Trump 2024​

DEC 7, 2023

Photo by Jon Tyson via Unsplash

During the Colorado Supreme Court appeal in Anderson v. Griswold Wednesday, the justices and attorneys batted around “The Absurdity Doctrine” when discussing whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment applies to the Office of the President.

The Atlantic (opinion piece)

A Military Loyal to Trump​

Editor’s Note: This article is part of “If Trump Wins,” a project considering what Donald Trump might do if reelected in 2024.

If Donald Trump wins the next election, he will attempt to turn the men and women of the United States armed forces into praetorians loyal not to the Constitution, but only to him. This project will likely be among his administration’s highest priorities. It will not be easy: The overwhelming majority of America’s service people are professionals and patriots. I know this from teaching senior officers for 25 years at the Naval War College. As president, Trump came to understand it too, when he found that “his generals” were not, in fact, mere employees of a Trump property.

But the former president and the people around him have learned from that experience. The last time around, Trump’s efforts to pack the Defense Department with cranks and flunkies came too late to bring the military under his full political control. The president and his advisers were slow-footed and disorganized, and lacked familiarity with Washington politics. They were hindered as well by the courage and professionalism of the military officers and civilian appointees who, side by side, serve in the Defense Department.

Trump now nurses deep grudges against these officers and civilians, who slow-rolled and smothered his various illegal and autocratic impulses, including his enraged demand to kill the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in 2017, and his desire to deploy America’s military against its own citizens during the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020.

Total made up BS

Military follows their oath.

"Deep grudges?" LOL "various illegal and autocratic impulses??" "Deploy military against his own citizens?"

You mean like LBJ in 1965, or GHB in 1992?

That's the problem with propaganda hit pieces like The Atlantic... they rely on the populace not remembering anything. They're a total waste of EVERYONE'S time. Why bother even posting this screed when it's so easily debunked??

Fortunately, we older folks know better!!

Yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full


Is Joe Biden Abandoning Georgia? Four Key Takeaways if True​

Topic: Elections​

DEC 9, 2023

I had to fight all my life to survive. They were all against me… but I beat the bastards and left them in the ditch.

Ty Cobb

I have written extensively about the Peach State in these very pages and elsewhere, about how unnatural it was for anyone not named Trump to win its electoral votes in 2020, all while presenting statistics to back up my claims and pointing out the utter idiocy of the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, and the seemingly controlled nature of Brian Kemp, the Secretary of State turned Governor. I have traveled to the far reaches of that state to appear at conventions and even delivered a smackdown on a debate opponent, a sitting state representative, who thought I was there to use Mike Pence’s favorite terms – anomalies and irregularities, to describe criminal election manipulation.

Recently, I shared a video suggesting the Biden campaign is pulling its efforts out of Georgia for the 2024 election cycle. Commenters vouched for the creator’s reputation and desire to put out viable content, and if you watch the video, it seems well sourced, indeed. If the video remains accurate in coming months, it appears the campaign will kick off in earnest with Georgia not appearing in the Top 5 states for the Biden camp.

Here are four takeaways from my view if that remains the case:


"In an epic case of projection, followers of an infamous deranged criminal accuse their foes of a mental disorder"

Obviously, they're talking about the Biden regime, amIright?

You KNOW it's propaganda when the first sentence is loaded with ad hominems

"Like the malicious, boastful schoolboy he will forever be, Donald Trump smirkingly twists apt descriptions of himself and his often cartoonishly deranged acts against those who point out his transgressions. And as in a game of Follow the Leader, his fellow Republicans continue to project their own psychopathies on the truth-tellers."

IOW Not worth reading any further...

Trump's possible cabinet members leaked, THEY'RE INSANE​

Right there in Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky told them to do this.

Accuse your opponents of doing what your people are doing.

...WHY it's effective, I don't know; but it seems to work. It's a technique used again and again, all throughout history.

U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson retiring from Congress​

ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson, who has represented Georgia’s 3rd congressional district since 2017, announced Thursday morning he is not running for reelection.

“Upon the conclusion of the 118th Congress, I will be retiring from the House of Representatives,” Ferguson said. “Serving the wonderful constituents of Georgia’s Third District has been the honor of a lifetime. I have been blessed to have worked with such a talented and dedicated staff in my District and D.C. offices.



Beware of the illusions peddled by politicians | GARY COSBY JR.​

Irecently saw a friend’s post on social media wherein there was a photo of paper plates and bowls. The premise was that they were all upside down, but if you looked at it until you saw the one plate that was right side up, all the paper plates would then look right side up.

The shadows on the plates gave away the truth. The truth was that none of them were upside down. They were all right side up, but the power of suggestion created an impression that they were upside down. Sound confusing?

This happens in real life, not just in internet posts. A perfect example of this was Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for president, you can see a perfect example of this. The “Make America Great Again” slogan was quite brilliant because it implied that America had somehow fallen into ruin, that we were no longer great and that he could fix it.

You see, the MAGA slogan gives you an initial impression that is false. It is like seeing all the plates that are right side up but the power of suggestion causes you to think they are all upside down. The MAGA slogan implied that America had somehow fallen from its lofty perch under the leadership of a two-term Democratic president. It’s good marketing, regardless of its accuracy.

More here:


Vivek Ramaswamy Repeatedly Uses Barack Obama’s Talking Points

Vivek Ramaswamy Repeatedly Uses Barack Obama’s Talking Points

I saw that awhile back. Still have not seen any reasonable explanation for it.

Can there even be one? At best it is evidence he is a plagiarizer and at worst, a Manchurian candidate.

Vivek Ramaswamy Repeatedly Uses Barack Obama’s Talking Points

What's she gonna do when Trump dies?

...which will happen. When you're 80 years old, your future is a short one.

I'm supporting Trump, too, and for two reasons:

--It probably won't matter except it's a finger in the eye of the Deep State. He will NOT be able to remove the corrupt judges, sold-out, corrupt Congresscretins, the Deep State, the Soros judges. But put salt in their eyes.

--He's already got the power to coalesce. He's been vetted. Found wanting, IMHO, but an acceptable choice when, as I said, it really doesn't matter anyway.

But he won't last forever and someone will have to pick up. Or else Amazing Polly will NOT amaze me, and will revert to form - in a crumpled-up weeping heap. Such are the tendencies of cultists.

Maybe this Indian guy is a plant. I'm not seeing evidence of it. I'm seeing him on-message, eager to trip up the stooges with his words. He's kept this up a long time, for it to be an act; and the DS has had about six months to fake him eating children, or something. They haven't - either they think they own him or they haven't got the evidence.

This is quite unlike Herman Cain, whose weak point - which we never saw - was found early and had him running into a deep hole in the ground.
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I think he's vying for a seat at the table... VEEP?
I'm not seeing that at all.

We've seen the craven acts of such supplicants...everything from Paul Ryan to now-allegedly-pResident Xiden. Even wooden Mike Pence had the air of a fawning courtier.

Frankly, the Indian guy (I can't remember how to say or spell his name) has probably earned that seat, by NOT begging or fawning. And by showing he can at least talk the talk.

The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump​

Washington (CNN) — A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

Its disappearance, which has not been previously reported, was so concerning that intelligence officials briefed Senate Intelligence Committee leaders last year about the missing materials and the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the sources said.

In the two-plus years since Trump left office, the missing intelligence does not appear to have been found.

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.


What a load of crap. Just another hit piece designed to influence the upcoming election. Only the most TDS afflicted could believe any of those lies.

Putin wanted the worthless hag to win. That's why he sold her all the fake dirt on Trump that ended up being the basis for the illegal crossfire hurricane "investigation".

Trump was tough on Putin and helped keep oil prices low, which kept him from invading Ukraine. Meanwhile the hag was the one who gave him a sweetheart deal on our uranium.
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*Note: Be forewarned, this is a bit long and does not paint Donald Trump and his MEGA movement in a good light. If you read it, dyodd.

The US Army's World War II warning comes back to haunt us​

On Jan. 6, 2021, then-President Donald Trump and his agents attempted a coup. Central to Trump’s coup attempt was an assault by his MAGA followers on the Capitol, where the goal was to stop the certification of the election and to keep him in power. As revealed by direct witnesses and as shown by his behavior and statements, Trump wanted to lead a march on the Capitol like a conquering dictator. After an hours-long battle, Trump’s MAGA followers succeeded in overrunning the Capitol. Five police officers would die as a result of this terrorist attack. 138 others were injured. In many ways, Jan. 6 was a trial run and proof of concept for a future coup attempt by the neofascists and their allies here in America.


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