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I was thinking more like negative interest rates where you pay the bank for holding your $$$$$ and he gets some sort of a kick back.
What Japan has been doing for 40 years...? btw Trump was making a joke about getting paid for borrowing. That's the thing liberals never get (on purpose?). No sense of humor... (on purpose?)

Thing is we've been paying the FED since 1913... It's our monetary debt-slave system.
About time they stopped the left from doing money laundering... I wonder if all those 'donors' can ask for 'their CC money' back?

Lemme explain what just happened, for those of you in Rio Linda...​

⁨Texas Attorney General ⁨Ken Paxton just forced ActBlue to turn on the CVV feature that's been allowed to be TURNED OFF for Dem CC donations since 200-freaking EIGHT when Obama started this bullshit.⁩

Obama started it in 2008, did it again in 2012, got away with it, so did Clinton in 2016, then Biden in 2020.

Only now....NOW!...have state AG's taken action to ENFORCE THE FREAKING LAW and make these guys turn the CCV back on.

With this feature now turned back on, this means the massive amounts of SMURFING that Democrats have been doing with ActBlue is directly threatened.

No more having some retired lady living in an apartment donating $18,000 to Democrat campaigns because someone fraudulently used her name/address and nobody checked the donating credit card CVV to see if it was really her making the donation or not.

This is gonna make it MUCH HARDER for the foreign oligarchs who actually run our federal government to fund the rigging of the next election.

HNN opinion piece.

Second verse same as the first. This is the same shit he pulled in 2020. "Rigged" "Stolen"

‘AI’ crowds and unskewed polls: Trump prepares to reject another loss​

The first person who I noticed spreading the idea that images of Vice President Kamala Harris’s rally in Michigan had been manipulated was conservative moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza.

On Saturday evening, D’Souza posted a photo on social media of Harris exiting her airplane with a crowd of supporters looking on. Two reflections from the airplane were circled in red, illustrating that, despite the crowd, no one was visible in the reflection.

“Does this look like a real picture to you?” D’Souza asked. Within hours, similar questions were everywhere on social media — and by Sunday had popped up in former president Donald Trump’s feed at Truth Social.

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!” Trump wrote. “She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane.”

“She’s a CHEATER,” he reiterated.



Kamala Harris is a prostitute for globalists... and the next President of the United States.

In 1996, Kamala performed sexual services for the mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, and then repeatedly did the same with talk show host Montel Williams to build up her name recognition in 2001. In order to win the District Attorney race in San Francisco in 2002, she also had an affair with District Attorney Terrence Hallinan. No wonder that when she became District Attorney, she advocated for ending the arrest of prostitutes.

Besides being an elite prostitute, Kamala became a puppet of the globalists. She owes the beginning of her career not only to her work as an escort, but also to the financial and political support of George Soros. Thanks to him Harris was "elected" Attorney General of California in 2010. Alexander Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros publicly endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for President following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race in July 2024. As vice president, cackling Kamala has tried to inflict as much damage as possible on the United States. By the orders from her bosses, she advocates limiting the Second Amendment, making the American people disarmed in the face of tyranny, promoting the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would make it optional to verify identity when voting and allow the Deep State to steal the elections once again.

The globalists are already preparing public opinion for this by spreading fake news about Kamala Harris gaining a lead over Donald Trump in critical swing states, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

If they are not stopped, America will get its first president known not for her political or public service, but for being a whore, which built her entire career through sexual services.

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#Harris #elections #democrates #manipulation #prostitution
Looks like Bobby boy has a problem.

Judge rules against RFK Jr. in fight to be on New York ballot, says he falsely claimed residence​

Ajudge ruled Monday that independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name should not appear on New York’s ballot, ruling that he falsely claimed a New York residence on nominating petitions despite living in California.

Kennedy’s lawyers on Monday vowed to appeal ahead of the Thursday deadline. If the judge's ruling is upheld, it would not only keep Kennedy off the ballot in New York but could also lead to challenges in other states where he used an address in New York City’s suburbs to gather signatures.

Judge Christina Ryba, in her 34-page decision, said the bedroom Kennedy claimed as his home in the state wasn't a “bona fide and legitimate residence, but merely a ‘sham’ address that he assumed for the purpose of maintaining his voter registration" and furthering his political candidacy.

“Given the size and appearance of the spare bedroom as shown in the photographs admitted into evidence, the Court finds Kennedy’s testimony that he may return to that bedroom to reside with his wife, family members, multiple pets, and all of his personal belongings to be highly improbable, if not preposterous," the judge wrote.


Original thread on Bob here:

I think the audio is compromised. Trump isn't slurring, the audio is.

President Trump's Interview with Elon Musk on X​

Anyone think Trump will drop out? Supposedly to be sentenced next month. Maybe fake an illness, come up with a way to avoid a bad sentence, get outta politics and go back to a regular life?


It would be a smart move........imo.

Is this wishful thinking? NOPE not a chance he's going to dropout. If anything, it may be Kamala that drops out after a debate.
Is this wishful thinking?

Nah.........just kicking some ideas around in my head. The debate between Biden and Trump was a disaster for the dems. Biden looked bewildered, confused and disoriented. Trump saw that and was hoping to home in on the kill at the next debate. His prey kinda veered off path and handed the baton to someone younger and stronger than him.

Trump doesn't like to lose. He also doesn't like to deal with the press where he can be fact checked and he doesn't like to go toe to toe with anyone who he thinks is smarter than him or who he knows will tell him to get bent.

The Sep 10th debate will be on ABC if it happens. "World News Tonight" anchor David Muir and ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis will moderate the debate. If I'm correct, Trump will have to behave and actually debate. Kamala was a prosecutor, attorney general, a senator and is currently the vice president. It'll be heavy weight against heavy weight. Trump knows this.

Kamala is increasing in popularity day by day. Trump is well aware of this and understands that a lot of his policies / opinions/ ideas are not popular with a lot of voters. He knows that there is a very good possibility he could lose.

I'm wondering if he'll take an off ramp. If he were to do it right, he could save himself the embarrassment of losing twice and get out of his legal problems. I'm even thinking he could fenagle a pardon if he plays his cards right. Done the right way it could be a win - win for all.

Like I said...........just me kicking some ideas around in my head and thinking out loud. Who knows what the future will bring.
Biden looked bewildered, confused and disoriented.
He didn't just "LOOK"... he's been in that condition since he fell going up the stairs.

Thing is the MSM covered for him and liberals believed the media spin.

They're just now coming to realize that their 'leader' has dementia and is in advanced stages of that affliction.

Anyone who has cared for an Alzheimer patient knows the signs. Anyone that mentioned the signs were excoriated by the machine.

The Democrats were hoping to ride the Obiden horse to the 2024 finish line, but the ol' nag couldn't make it, so they did the next best thing... they coup'd him by posting a fake and forged "I'm stepping aside" letter while he was incapacitated by Covid - this after publicly getting the jab and boosters no less. What an endorsement for getting the jab eh?

The people aren't stupid. They saw through Obiden. They saw through the lawfare used against Trump. They saw through the media lies - reason their numbers are in the tank. Elon had 80M views with the Trump interview and that was after a DDOS assault! There are probably 100M more views since then. Elon even gave the same opportunity to Kamala, but I understand she declined.... The MSM would DIE for those eyeballs!

Furthermore... if you actually entertained the 'Q' thread, you would already have known the script!

Q said "You can't tell the people. You have to SHOW them." and don't you know these last 4 years have been the BIGGEST red pill for Americans? It's like we're watching a movie after we read the book!

We now know how elections are supposed to work. We know BLM is a complete fraud. We know that fentanyl is pouring across the border thanks to O'biden's policies. We also know they're going to attempt to steal 2024, but it won't be a Kamala/Waltz ticket. They're going to kick them to the curb for obvious reasons, i.e., incompetence.

The MSM is polishing the turd, putting lipstick on a pig and pushing it out the door attempting to make her walk on water.

It ain't working! They'll vote Mike in at the DNC and probably the Hildabeast as VEEP, because that's about all they got anymore....

Do NOT let the media lie about Joe Biden​

He didn't quit voluntarily, and he's far from a hero. He hid his cognitive decline for years, hoping to fool Americans into reelecting him. He deserves scorn, not praise.​

Jul 23, 2024

Once again, the elite media is trying to rewrite history in real time.

Not even 24 hours after a Democratic and public rebellion forced President Joe Biden to give up his desperate quest for a second term1, the spinning and gaslighting began.

Biden is an “American hero,” one New York Times opinion piece claimed yesterday. What he did is “utterly extraordinary,” another said. The New Yorker referred to his “act of selflessness.”

Funny, no one called Richard Nixon selfless when he resigned rather than face impeachment in 1974. Or Lyndon B. Johnson a hero for quitting his reelection bid in 1968 after a national rebellion over Vietnam.

Trump won't be quitting. Kami is not even in the same ball park as Trump. She's accomplished exactly nothing in her life if you take away politics and we all know how she umm worked her way up to get where she is today. Put her or Biden or most any politician for that matter, into the real world and most wouldn't qualify to run a Wendys. Even if they got to run one they would bankrupt it very quickly.

More than likely he will be in jail next month. Once that happens I suspect the judge will go into protective custody, never to be heard from again. It really is the best chance Kami has to win the election and even then I think Trump can beat her from Rikers. Of course that assumes we have honest elections that aren't compromised by illegal voters and mail in ballots from hell.
yes, it really is...

"For the Democrats isn't that weird, democracy's on the ballot except you didn't get to vote for the person who's on the ballot." ~Jimmy Dore
The first person who I noticed spreading the idea that images of Vice President Kamala Harris’s rally in Michigan had been manipulated was conservative moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza.
Well, were the people actually there?

A witness says no, and no people can be seen in the reflections.

If people were there, why no reflections of them? Other stuff can be seen in the reflections.

Also, if that many people were in fact there, wouldn't she acknowledge them as she stepped off the plane? No wave, no nothin'. She's not even looking at the supposed "crowd".

Face it. Veep Kackles is a fraud.
everything but the kitchen sink is being tossed at him right now.......heard RFK is now vying for a cabinet position for endorsing Kamala........shot at.....all these trials.....switching candidates....buying out RFK.....and still standing ......wonder what is next

do think Vance is a winner though....he looks better than i thought at first but he hasnt been in the cesspool as long as most
I'm wondering if he'll take an off ramp. If he were to do it right, he could save himself the embarrassment of losing twice and get out of his legal problems.
How would him quitting, get him out of his legal problems?

Sounds like an admission on your part, that you know as well as we do, that the only reason FOR his "legal problems" is because he is running for office.

I'm even thinking he could fenagle a pardon if he plays his cards right. Done the right way it could be a win - win for all.
That'd be a lose for the nation though.

A potus Kackles will decriminalize entering the nation illegally, and bring in another 20 million, andprobably more.
Along with the crime that comes with them. We already have Venezuelan gangs operating in NYC and other big cities taking in these people.

How will you feel when they are operating in YOUR city, and neighborhoods?

I hope you like it when it gets to your area. Just like the stores putting stuff behind plexiglass you spoke of.
FYI, they only do that shit in super high crime areas.

How can you, as an American, support someone so willing to ruin our nation? The gov is giving these freeloaders tons of money. More than SS recipients get and more than veterans get. Yet you seem happy about it and seek to re-elect someone who has caused the problems.

I respond to you on stuff like this, as I am attempting to understand the thinking of those who seem to eagerly help us along to our own destruction.

I don't see how ANY American who loves the nation and it's Founding principles could ever be in support of this admin's policies.
Judge rules against RFK Jr. in fight to be on New York ballot, says he falsely claimed residence
Why would he need be a NY State resident to be on the ballot?

Is Kackles on the ballot? I'm pretty sure she is. Does she have a residence in New York? I don't think she does.

What about Trump? Is he on the ballot? Pretty sure he doesn't reside in NY either.

So why they only bustin' RFK jr's nutz over it?
I respond to you on stuff like this, as I am attempting to understand the thinking of those who seem to eagerly help us along to our own destruction.

Listen to what Trump says. Look at what he does. And listen to what he says he wants to do and promises to do. Do this and you'll understand.

I'm willing to bet you $100.00 (to be donated to the forum) that not only does Trump lose, he'll lose by a lot more in this election than he did in the last election.

We let bigbug know what we're doing and we each send the money to bigbug via the membership upgrade method and if Kamala wins you have to publicly come out and say "I was wrong about Trump and freely admit searcher was right. And I have donated $100 to the forum in searcher's name. Democrats rule!"

On the flip side, if Trump wins I will publicly come out and say "I was wrong about Kamala and freely admit Joe King was right. And I have donated $100 to the forum in Joe's name. Republicans rule!"

You in?

Divine intervention? Evangelicals once 'hijacked by MAGA’ flock to Harris-Walz ticket​

The ‘Christians for Kamala’ Zoom-style rally held on Monday reached 40,000 people. Plus, an evangelical group is dropping a new ad supporting VP Harris. The Harris-Walz ticket gaining support from new and surprising corners of society is discussed by Joy Reid and our guests.


Update on Tina Peters:


You should probably stop thinking because the above post shows a few examples where it's not working too well for you.
For our legal scholars.
I think it's pretty obvious that Mechan is going to jail Trump next month. Rumors are for at least a year. There will be no way to get this through appeals and up to SCOTUS before the election.
Pretty obvious this is election interference which is a serious crime here in the US. Yet not a work from the politicians on the right. Weird. So we can assume Merchan will not be indicted for election interference.

So, this is a state case and therefore the feds can't or shouldn't get involved. What are Trumps options?
1) Don't show up for the sentencing hearing. He won't be able to step foot in NY again but he can deal with that after the election.
2) Stay in a safe state where they won't allow extradition
3) Hang out in a foreign embassy until after the election.

Any other options?
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