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What Japan has been doing for 40 years...? btw Trump was making a joke about getting paid for borrowing. That's the thing liberals never get (on purpose?). No sense of humor... (on purpose?)I was thinking more like negative interest rates where you pay the bank for holding your $$$$$ and he gets some sort of a kick back.
Anyone think Trump will drop out? Supposedly to be sentenced next month. Maybe fake an illness, come up with a way to avoid a bad sentence, get outta politics and go back to a regular life?
It would be a smart move........imo.
Is this wishful thinking?
He didn't just "LOOK"... he's been in that condition since he fell going up the stairs.Biden looked bewildered, confused and disoriented.
Well, were the people actually there?The first person who I noticed spreading the idea that images of Vice President Kamala Harris’s rally in Michigan had been manipulated was conservative moviemaker Dinesh D’Souza.
How would him quitting, get him out of his legal problems?I'm wondering if he'll take an off ramp. If he were to do it right, he could save himself the embarrassment of losing twice and get out of his legal problems.
That'd be a lose for the nation though.I'm even thinking he could fenagle a pardon if he plays his cards right. Done the right way it could be a win - win for all.
Why would he need be a NY State resident to be on the ballot?Judge rules against RFK Jr. in fight to be on New York ballot, says he falsely claimed residence
What was going on at the Phoenix Convention Center?
I respond to you on stuff like this, as I am attempting to understand the thinking of those who seem to eagerly help us along to our own destruction.
A Lawyer has Come Forward: Dominion Voting Machines can Connect to the Internet, Can Change Votes, and Cannot be Audited
• Lawyer John Case, under penalty of perjury, files declaration to CO Judge, stating Dominion Voting machines can connect to the internet, can switch votes, and cannot be audited
Tina Peters is reportedly entangled with subpoenas against Dominion… they are fighting tooth and nail for this information not get out.
Per Court Records Obtained by
on X directly from Tina Peters Trial
"Dominion voting systems (1) are not auditable, as required by federal and state law (2) they can connect to the internet during elections, which violates federal and state law; and (3) they are capable of manipulating ballots and vote tabulations, which violates federal and state law; (4) the software overwrites Windows Operating System log files that are recorded during elections, which are required by federal and state law to be preserved. All these deficiencies make Dominion voting systems illegal to use in Colorado elections."
Nah.........just kicking some ideas around in my head. The debate between Biden and Trump was a disaster for the dems. Biden looked bewildered, confused and disoriented. Trump saw that and was hoping to home in on the kill at the next debate. His prey kinda veered off path and handed the baton to someone younger and stronger than him.
Trump doesn't like to lose. He also doesn't like to deal with the press where he can be fact checked and he doesn't like to go toe to toe with anyone who he thinks is smarter than him or who he knows will tell him to get bent.
The Sep 10th debate will be on ABC if it happens. "World News Tonight" anchor David Muir and ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis will moderate the debate. If I'm correct, Trump will have to behave and actually debate. Kamala was a prosecutor, attorney general, a senator and is currently the vice president. It'll be heavy weight against heavy weight. Trump knows this.
Kamala is increasing in popularity day by day. Trump is well aware of this and understands that a lot of his policies / opinions/ ideas are not popular with a lot of voters. He knows that there is a very good possibility he could lose.
I'm wondering if he'll take an off ramp. If he were to do it right, he could save himself the embarrassment of losing twice and get out of his legal problems. I'm even thinking he could fenagle a pardon if he plays his cards right. Done the right way it could be a win - win for all.
Like I said...........just me kicking some ideas around in my head and thinking out loud. Who knows what the future will bring.
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