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For our legal scholars.
I think it's pretty obvious that Mechan is going to jail Trump next month. Rumors are for at least a year. There will be no way to get this through appeals and up to SCOTUS before the election.
Pretty obvious this is election interference which is a serious crime here in the US. Yet not a work from the politicians on the right. Weird. So we can assume Merchan will not be indicted for election interference.

So, this is a state case and therefore the feds can't or shouldn't get involved. What are Trumps options?
1) Don't show up for the sentencing hearing. He won't be able to step foot in NY again but he can deal with that after the election.
2) Stay in a safe state where they won't allow extradition
3) Hang out in a foreign embassy until after the election.

Any other options?

Gave a thank you because this is good, and I enjoy stuff like this.


As for other options......... Like I said above, get out of the running and try for a pardon. Some people may laugh and think I'm nuts, but this isn't too far-fetched. Trump gets outta politics, Biden pardons him "for the good of the country", Kamala becomes the next prez. Things calm down all around. Trump can get on with his life and play around with his ideas on crypto. Win - win.


3) Hang out in a foreign embassy until after the election.

Made me smile big time. Somewhere in this thread or the Trump indictments thread I threw this out as food for thought. If he is sentenced to jail time and he did do this, it would be hysterical. Especially if he claimed to be a president in exile.
Listen to what Trump says. Look at what he does. And listen to what he says he wants to do and promises to do. Do this and you'll understand.
I have, and I do understand that he's the one best suited to be our next potus.

I'm willing to bet you $100.00 (to be donated to the forum) that not only does Trump lose, he'll lose by a lot more in this election than he did in the last election.

We let bigbug know what we're doing and we each send the money to bigbug via the membership upgrade method and if Kamala wins you have to publicly come out and say "I was wrong about Trump and freely admit searcher was right. And I have donated $100 to the forum in searcher's name. Democrats rule!"

On the flip side, if Trump wins I will publicly come out and say "I was wrong about Kamala and freely admit Joe King was right. And I have donated $100 to the forum in Joe's name. Republicans rule!"

You in?
Told you before, I don't gamble.
....and you shouldn't either.

Besides, if there are enough dupes in this nation to put your Kackles over the finish line, that dorsn't prove that they are right.

Why can't you answer the question? How can you support someone who wants to let millions more illegals into the nation?

Are you happy about what is going on?

Do you enjoy shopping where everything is behind locked plexiglass?

Do you like the fact that Venezuelan gangs are operating in cities near to where YOU live?

Are you old and have no offspring, so therefore not give a fuck about the America our next generations will inherit from us?
Why can't you answer the question? How can you support someone who wants to let millions more illegals into the nation?

Are you happy about what is going on?

Do you enjoy shopping where everything is behind locked plexiglass?

Do you like the fact that Venezuelan gangs are operating in cities near to where YOU live?

Are you old and have no offspring, so therefore not give a fuck about the America our next generations will inherit from us?

I've answered all of your questions many times over. Tune break...........

Now back to my pilot vid. Check it out.

I've answered all of your questions many times over.
You haven't directly answered anything.

Do you, or don't you like what has been happening to our nation under dem rule?

It's a yes or no question.
It's a yes or no question

When it comes to stuff like this, yes.

When it comes to stuff like this, yes.

Well why do you think that is?
Told you before, I don't gamble.
....and you shouldn't either.

Check this out. Really neat stuff.

Well why do you think that is?

Because I believe medical care is a right and not a privilege. I also don't think people should have to choose between prescriptions and food or rent.
Check this out. Really neat stuff.

She should be arrested.

Because I believe medical care is a right and not a privilege.
How can someone's job be someone else's Right?

A doctor pays big bux for the education that allows him to become a doctor. You are saying their services should be free?

I also don't think people should have to choose between prescriptions and food or rent.
Get the gov AND insurance companies out of health care, and they won't have to.
Surely you guys have seen the videos of health care in other countries.
Argentina is 80 bucks a month for private healthcare insurance. No insurance and an emergency room visit is 25 bucks. Same in Chile. In one of the videos a guy posted about his son needing an x ray. 9 bucks I think it was.

The gov fucs up everything it touches and does so by design. The more messed up it is the more the people will need government to come and fix it.

Some of you may remember the old days when a Dr made house calls and you paid out of pocket. That was probably mostly gone by the 60's.

Even today is you are uninsured the rate you pay is drastically different than someone insured. I go for a lung screening once a year. Total bill is over 900.00 but VA pays for it so it's like 265 I think. If I was paying cash it would probably be under 200.

And what do we get for the most expensive healthcare on the planet? A life expectancy similar to Cuba who has probably the worst healthcare on the planet.
Check this out. Really neat stuff.

Because I believe medical care is a right and not a privilege. I also don't think people should have to choose between prescriptions and food or rent.
Blame BIG PHARMA for that AND the FDA!

Argentina is 80 bucks a month for private healthcare insurance. No insurance and an emergency room visit is 25 bucks. Same in Chile. In one of the videos a guy posted about his son needing an x ray. 9 bucks I think it was.
I wonder what their tax rate is...?

There is no free lunch.

I remember before the (mandated fines) "Affordable" health care aka Obamacare ("you have to vote on it to see what's in it" Pelosi) was forced on the nation.

Name the 'specialty' and you have to first see an MD (so they get paid) to get a referral. I remember calling up the ENT and making my own appointment - that was 30 years ago - and they saw me within a day or two.

Today I need to get a referral to see a podiatrist. I remember calling a podiatrist 30 years ago and got right in within a day or two. Now I have to get an MD to 'refer' me and I won't get in until mid September!
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Hey @Joe King - I replied to you with

Check this out. Really neat stuff.

Here's what is at the link:

I was screwing around, trying to get you outta this political thread. You replied:

She should be arrested.

I have to ask............who is she and why should she be arrested? You didn't click onto the link, did you?

Ok @Goldhedge - Hopefully you'll read this. And explain what big pharma has to do with winning the lottery? I've been trying to figure it out but am at a quandary.

Blame BIG PHARMA for that AND the FDA!

I get it. I post the truth about Orangeman so you must crush me :lmao:

Deep down you guys know I'm right - don't ya. ;)
I have to ask............who is she and why should she be arrested? You didn't click onto the link, did you?
Your link went to the post with the same vid you posted in this thread.

But I scrolled and saw the other post about the woman.

Your post said why.

"The woman who appeared on TV claiming to be Los Angeles' latest Powerball winner is a fraud"

Fraud is a crime. She falsely claimed that she had won. That is fraud. You stated as much right in your own post.
I wonder what their tax rate is...?
I don't know where @Cigarlover got thae 12% figure, but my sources say 25% on the first $14,301,209.21 (US$15,189.60) 30% on earnings up to $143,012,092.08 ($151,898.86 US) and 35% on anything over that.

From a quick search:

In 2022, Argentina's annual household income amounted to 4,354.65 U.S. dollars

That's US$1088.66 in taxes.

I dunno, but that seems high to me.

As fucked as our tax system is, those people wouldn't even pay taxes in the US. 2024 personal deduction is $14,600 (Argentina $13,744,840.04)

People earning that here would get a free ride. Ie: no federal taxes, but still probably get benefits.
I don't know where @Cigarlover got thae 12% figure, but my sources say 25% on the first $14,301,209.21 (US$15,189.60) 30% on earnings up to $143,012,092.08 ($151,898.86 US) and 35% on anything over that.

From a quick search:

In 2022, Argentina's annual household income amounted to 4,354.65 U.S. dollars

That's US$1088.66 in taxes.

I dunno, but that seems high to me.

As fucked as our tax system is, those people wouldn't even pay taxes in the US. 2024 personal deduction is $14,600 (Argentina $13,744,840.04)

People earning that here would get a free ride. Ie: no federal taxes, but still probably get benefits.
I think I got it from a Doug Casey podcast or someone else doing a video on Argentina. Sorry, cant remember.

Here is some additional info.
That his legal problems would go away were he to drop out of the race.

Going out on a limb here but I still think there could be a way out for him if he would forget his ego and lower himself so-to-speak. Drops out of the race while his lawyers talk to Biden about a pardon. The lawyers ask Biden for a pardon and in return Trump splits the political scene. Trump could use some medical problem as an excuse for dropping out and Biden could claim the pardon is for the "Good of the country and to help healing the political divide. This is a win - win all around.

Before you reply...........forget innocent or guilty. Forget right or wrong. Forget the republicans and democrats. Look at it from a tactical angel. It would be the smart thing to do.

Going out on a limb here but I still think there could be a way out for him if he would forget his ego and lower himself so-to-speak. Drops out of the race while his lawyers talk to Biden about a pardon. The lawyers ask Biden for a pardon and in return Trump splits the political scene. Trump could use some medical problem as an excuse for dropping out and Biden could claim the pardon is for the "Good of the country and to help healing the political divide. This is a win - win all around.

Before you reply...........forget innocent or guilty. Forget right or wrong. Forget the republicans and democrats. Look at it from a tactical angel. It would be the smart thing to do.

That would not be Trump.

He has done nothing wrong. It was a sham trial. A sham case. A sham verdict.

Everyone clearly sees it for what it is, unless they have TDS.
I believe medical care is a right

Check this out.

Then tell me how many years worth of free healthcare we could have gotten for all the money spent on Ukraine over the past Decade or so? Or however long we been wasting money there.
He has done nothing wrong. It was a sham trial. A sham case. A sham verdict.

Whole lotta innocent people have been screwed by shame cases, sham trials and sham verdicts.

Everyone clearly sees it for what it is, unless they have TDS.

I'm thinking damage control.

If you're driving down a hill and your brakes fail and there's a runaway truck ramp ahead, you take it if you can.
Check this out.

Then tell me how many years worth of free healthcare we could have gotten for all the money spent on Ukraine over the past Decade or so? Or however long we been wasting money there.

If it were up to me and I had it in my power to do so.................not one cent of our tax money would be spent overseas until every American had health care, a place to live and an income. But that's fantasy land.


"A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."


So kami announced what she was going to do if she is elected and the response is fair. Why haven't you already done it?

Saw a thing about trumps 20 point plan posted somewhere else. Maybe it's already been posted here. Turnabout is fair play so the question also has to be asked, why didn't Trump foo it during his 1st term?
One of the items that stuck out to me is he was going to stop weaponization of the federal government against the citizenry and restore freedom for all. So I do have to point out that he didn't even flint when it came to reauthorization of the Very unconstitutional Patriot act. Or as some like to call it the unpatriotic act.
So our choice is between a barely acceptable businessman and a woman with a really bad past. It seems that the rulers are playing us. We do not have a real choice.
So our choice is between a barely acceptable businessman and a woman with a really bad past. It seems that the rulers are playing us. We do not have a real choice.
Propaganda is called 'propaganda' for a reason...

The power of the MSM is dwindling, but not before it went scorched Earth on Trump's reputation...

It's all conjecture and innuendo and he should sue for defamation....

Just reverse the coverage... turn it around 180° (360° if you're Biden)... you'd say the same thing about 'the other guy'.

BREAKING: A lawsuit just got filed against the Wisconsin Election Commission and the DMV for failing to verify if voter registrants are US citizens

According to official data, over 72,000 “permanent non-residents" in the state have IDENTICAL driver’s licenses compared to U.S. citizens, according to Election Watch President@PeterBernegger. He also says the number could be as high as 300,000

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation still refuses to allow the legislative election committee to review the names. Anyone with a half-functioning brain can conclude that because no one is checking, thousands of noncitizens are ILLEGALLY registered to vote in November's election

The lawsuit was brought forth by a lady named Ardis Cerny, who was an observer in the 2020 election recount in Wisconsin. She's requesting the court to issue a Writ of Mandamus, forcing WEC and the Department of Transportation to check the existing
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BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that private contractors working for the government are also subject to public records requests. This means citizens can now obtain evidence from companies involved in elections like Dominion [voting machines]

The court concluded in its ruling that “a request for public records related to a private contractor’s services to a public agency can be served upon non-agency custodians of the relevant public records — including the private contractor if he or she is the custodian of the records sought — and the Court of Appeals erred in concluding otherwise.”

To clarify, the case was spawned from a man who, in 2022, sought records from a college contractor but was denied by the Fulton County Superior Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. It wasn't election-related, but I couldn't help but confirm with Georgia patriots, who told me this is HUGE NEWS in their fight to secure the 2024 election and get accountability for the stolen 2020 election

By the way, it's not just Dominion; Runbeck Election Services also does a lot of work in Georgia. They contract with Fulton and other counties to print and sort ballots. If anything goes "wrong" in November's election, we now have a foolproof way to get to the truth before they delete everything

This is one of the most significant rulings in recent history.

BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that private contractors working for the government are also subject to public records requests. This means citizens can now obtain evidence from companies involved in elections like Dominion [voting machines]

The court concluded in its ruling that “a request for public records related to a private contractor’s services to a public agency can be served upon non-agency custodians of the relevant public records — including the private contractor if he or she is the custodian of the records sought — and the Court of Appeals erred in concluding otherwise.”

To clarify, the case was spawned from a man who, in 2022, sought records from a college contractor but was denied by the Fulton County Superior Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. It wasn't election-related, but I couldn't help but confirm with Georgia patriots, who told me this is HUGE NEWS in their fight to secure the 2024 election and get accountability for the stolen 2020 election

By the way, it's not just Dominion; Runbeck Election Services also does a lot of work in Georgia. They contract with Fulton and other counties to print and sort ballots. If anything goes "wrong" in November's election, we now have a foolproof way to get to the truth before they delete everything

This is one of the most significant rulings in recent history.

Good news if everyone follows the law. Sadly most will do just like Hillary does. Gets ordered to retain records or emails and she destroys them anyways. oops, so sorry, evidence is all gone and so is your case.
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