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Only a fool would not support food security as a possible election issue. Hunger and starvation are not good things. In a different life, a different time, I spent time in the third world and saw hunger up close. Not nice to see.

And with all the taxpayer's money our elected officials spend overseas and on the defense budget no one in this country should go hungry.
Totally agree, but it's not the lack of food that is the problem.

Heck, you have to pay taxes to work in this country!

Do something different this election. Vote for peace!
Only a fool would not support food security as a possible election issue. Hunger and starvation are not good things. In a different life, a different time, I spent time in the third world and saw hunger up close. Not nice to see.
Then, why are we waging legal jihad on farmers? WHY is there NOT a top-level FBI investigation into ALL THE ARSON AT FOOD STORAGE AND PACKAGING PLANTS?

Why are they demanding 100-percent culls when a few chickens turn up with Bird Flu? THIS is unusual - typically the INFECTED birds are culled and the others quarrentined.

No, this is INTENDED to incite panic and create acceptance to Klaus and Billy's processed Bug Paste.
Then, why are we waging legal jihad on farmers? WHY is there NOT a top-level FBI investigation into ALL THE ARSON AT FOOD STORAGE AND PACKAGING PLANTS?

To be honest my news sources haven't been putting out anything about this, so I looked it up. My sources are a bit different than some of the other members (I'm sure you're already aware of that) and I was curious as to why I may not have heard about arsons at food factories. Here's what I've come up with.

Pure co-winky-dink.

Major poultry processing plants catch fire, every damn day of the week.

And they always have. Ever since we were liberated from what was...when P-Doe Joe, the Son God (and god of little girls) ascended to the throne.

‘Deeply offensive’: Retired General reacts to Trump’s Arlington Cemetery controversy​

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark weighs in on Donald Trump’s campaign team bringing cameras during the former president's recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery

Life has become one giant psy-op.

Endless propaganda, made out of whole fiction. I'm reminded of an account of James Herriott, the Scots vet who wrote the All Creatures series...a short story he published, of visiting Poland while tending to a load of live pigs. They were shipped by cattle-boat, and once there, he took some time wandering the streets of the port city.

The propaganda off public loudspeakers was incessant. He didn't speak Polish, but the tone of the speaker was hectoring, insistent, pedagogic. In about four hours' time, he was greatly annoyed that he couldn't get away from it.

We're getting there, now.
He really needs to clean house...


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Why is it problem for Trump to have been there?
....and further, why is taking pics in a cemetery a problem? Are the dems scared that it might make Trump look good?

That won't work. There's no way the nation will unite under the dems super lib ideas that violate the nations Founding principles.

All leftist talking points?
Considering the source, what else should we expect?

If she's endorsing Trump, you just know the dem party is in the wrong.

"Make America Great Again" recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself.
Dems can't have that. It's everything they are working against.

And with all the taxpayer's money our elected officials spend overseas and on the defense budget no one in this country should go hungry.
Making sure no one is ever hungry is NOT a Constitutional duty of the federal government. If your side wants it to be, start by Amending the Constitution, not by enacting laws that violate it..
Why is it problem for Trump to have been there?
....and further, why is taking pics in a cemetery a problem? Are the dems scared that it might make Trump look good?
Probably violation of an obscure regulation.

Either one that's two centuries old - prohibiting photographers with glass plates and piles of flash powder - or one that was enacted yesterday.

Now we get another dozen indictments.

‘Deeply offensive’: Retired General reacts to Trump’s Arlington Cemetery controversy​

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark weighs in on Donald Trump’s campaign team bringing cameras during the former president's recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery

On the flip side

Killed service member’s mom on what Trump said to her on phone call​

Aug 26, 2024
Paula Knauss Selph, mother of the late Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Christian Knauss, joins CNN News Central to talk about her son who was killed in the Kabul airport attack three years ago. Selph also shares how her conversation with former President Donald Trump went and the message she has for Vice President Kamala Harris

Making sure no one is ever hungry is NOT a Constitutional duty of the federal government. If your side wants it to be, start by Amending the Constitution, not by enacting laws that violate it..

Not thinking "constitutional duty" or any "side."

More along the lines of empathy for those who may need a helping hand with food.

In my opinion good leaders inspire trust and respect by showing empathy, fairness, and kindness to everyone, regardless of their position.
Not thinking "constitutional duty" or any "side."
Then you are wanting tje gov to take unConstitutional actions. Ie: illegal actions.

You seem to not understand the the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and defines ALL federal government actions.

The gov can only do what the constitution says it can do.

Do you really expect the gov to do illegal stuff?

That's why I've told you many times, that if you want the gov to do some of the stuff you say that you want it to do, that you first need to work to get the Constitution Amended in order to allow it to do those things.

More along the lines of empathy for those who may need a helping hand with food.
That's stuff for private charities to do.

In my opinion good leaders inspire trust and respect by showing empathy, fairness, and kindness to everyone, regardless of their position.
That stuff can be shown without the gov doing illegal stuff.

The gov is already required to treat everyone equally.
Not to put words in his mouth or anything but I think the point searcher is making is.a valid one. probably 90% of what the federal government does is unconstitutional. the least they could do is show a little empathy and at least feed the people of this country before sending off 100 of billions for war and 100's of billions to import illegals into the country.
Of course not :lmao:
Then how can you expect it to be able to do some of the stuff that you say you want it to do?

Or do you think the gov can do anything that wants, as long as it can enact* a law saying it can do those things? (*Enact using a simple majority vote)
Not to put words in his mouth or anything but I think the point searcher is making is.a valid one. probably 90% of what the federal government does is unconstitutional.
Yes, and it's likely more than 90%, but that's no reason to say it should do even more unConstitutional stuff.
We should be trying to reduce the government's unConstitutional actions, not adding to it.
Then how can you expect it to be able to do some of the stuff that you say you want it to do?

We've been giving out foreign aid to other countries for years. Here in America we have welfare (aid) for poor people and corporate welfare for rich fat cats. All I'm talking about is helping our own. And having those running for office talking about it.

We're already doing it. I'm just for ramping up things (that help people in need.)

Stuff like this is what I look for in someone running for office. I don't want to hear how smart someone claims to be. I don't want someone telling me how rich they are. Don't want to hear some self-promoting psycho (who was never in the military) claiming to be smarted than the highest-ranking military offices in the country. I don't want to hear name calling and insults. Don't want to hear how you plan on getting even with people you don't like.

Tell me how you plan on helping the less fortunate citizens get a leg up. Tell me how you plan on helping people with medical costs. Let me know what you plan on doing with social security.

I just want a decent human being in office that will help the less fortunate, take care of seniors, etc. Not a power mad lunatic who wants to be a king.
I just want a decent human being in office
The vid you posted above of the mother of the killed solider made Trump seem like a pretty decent human being.

Your guy wouldn't even give her a hug as she stood in front of him crying about her dead son. That makes him NOT seem like a decent human being.

Edited to add: especially when the guy tries hugging (and sniffing) every other female that gets within 10 feet of him.
....but not her.
We're already doing it. I'm just for ramping up things (that help people in need.)
So unConstitutional acts justify further unConstitutional acts?

I don't want to hear name calling and insults.
Do you complain about Trump being labeled as Hitler by those opposed to him?
Not that I've seen.

Don't want to hear how you plan on getting even with people you don't like.
Yet you cheer on those YOU support for trying to get back at Trump.

Tell me how you plan on helping the less fortunate citizens get a leg up.
That's what private charities are for.

The gov is supposed to help you get that leg up by getting out of the way.

Tell me how you plan on helping people with medical costs. Let me know what you plan on doing with social security.
What would help them the most, would be to get the gov out of anything to do with medical costs.
....and we could go further by getting insurance companies out of it too. At least for anything less than big medical issues.

Regular doctor visits and prescriptions would be cheaper without insurance and gov involved.

As for social security, to truly fix that you'd first need to overhaul our inflationary monetary system that prevents people from being able to save for their own retirements.

The fact is, SS is a "pay as you go" program, and is set up like a ponzi scheme.

SS needs an ever increasing number of new participants in order to pay older participants.
.....and that meets the definition of a ponzi scheme.

In case you didn't know, ponzi schemes NEVER work. Only in the short run do they even appear to work.
......and when it comes to SS, we are far past the short run.
Yet you cheer on those YOU support for trying to get back at Trump

I wouldn't say "cheer on" but I would like to see him be put on trial for Jan 6th. Let's see what a jury thinks.

Do you complain about Trump being labeled as Hitler by those opposed to him?

No, He's the one who wants to be a dictator. Has said it many times over. He's the one who praises and cozies up to authoritarians and dictators. If the jackboot fits............

What would help them the most, would be to get the gov out of anything to do with medical costs.
I respect your opinion. But on the flipside, I believe a single-payer system may be best. People would not have to worry about paying for medical care and businesses wouldn't have to worry about providing coverage to their employees.

As for social security, to truly fix that you'd first need to overhaul our inflationary monetary system that prevents people from being able to save for their own retirements.

Hard one here. People have paid into this (along with their employers making contributions) their entire working lives. They deserve to reap the rewards of doing that. Major changes do need to be made but the changes need to be done to better the rewards of a lifetime of work. That includes an early retirement, more contributions from employers and the government.

Maybe time to end massive spending on the MIC and use the doe ray me here at home and on people.
I wouldn't say "cheer on"
Really now? Thou dost be too modest.

How about post a poll asking members what they think? Lol

but I would like to see him be put on trial for Jan 6th.
For what? Telling people to be peaceful and patriotic?

That is what he said.

Let's see what a jury thinks.
Another biased NY jury perhaps?

How 'bout a rural Texas jury instead?

No, He's the one who wants to be a dictator
You are taking his comments out of context.

Has said it many times over.
So has Obama. There's more evidence that he's been pulling the strings these past few years than there is evidence that Trump will become a dictator. He's already been potus, and didn't become a dictator.

The guy you voted for did more to act like a dictator than anything Trump ever did.

He's the one who praises and cozies up to authoritarians and dictators.
I guess you've never heard the term, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
Edited to add: if you want to avoid war with your enemies you must be willing to talk with them.
...and Trump is the only one willing to even try talking with them.

If the jackboot fits....
Fits the guy you voted for. He's the one who forced people to follow his mandates at the threat of their jobs.

That's a straight up dictator move.

Had Trump done that, you'd have cried foul louder than anyone.
.....and I would be in agreement.

Because it'd be a dictator move no matter who did it.
....but you agree with it when YOUR guy does it. I'd call it out even if Trump pulled such a move.

I respect your opinion. But on the flipside, I believe a single-payer system may be best. People would not have to worry about paying for medical care and businesses wouldn't have to worry about providing coverage to their employees.
The point is, it still ain't free. It just gets paid for with higher taxes, higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs.

Hard one here. People have paid into this (along with their employers making contributions) their entire working lives. They deserve to reap the rewards of doing that.
So that means continuing the ponzi scheme.
....but we aren't having enough kids for it to continue working for much longer.

How do you fix that?

Hey! I know! Your boy Biden could dictate that people fuck more and he could sign an EO banning condoms and birth control pills.

Add that to a nation-wide abortion ban and in 20 years it'll be problem solved!

We'll go back to 7+ kid families.

That'll fix it good.

Major changes do need to be made but the changes need to be done to better the rewards of a lifetime of work.
So you admit that changes need to be made to the system?

That what conservatives have been saying for a very long time now.
....but are constantly fought on the issue of fixing it.

That includes an early retirement
Why should it? Adjusted for average life expectancy, SS shouldn't kick in until at least age 75.

Look up average life expectancy when SS was started.

A big part of the reason it is going broke, is that more people are collecting for more years.

Make the SS retirement age 75 and the program's problems mostly vanish.

more contributions from employers and the government.
So more taxes? That means lower pay fewer jobs and higher costs for goods and services.
....and you say more money from the gov? Where does the gov get IT'S money from? Oh yea, taxes. So you mean more tax money from everyone, not just corps and the rich.

Because for every dollar the gov spends, a small portion came from your wallet.

Maybe time to end massive spending on the MIC and use the doe ray me here at home and on people.
Without that spending over the past many Decades, we wouldn't have been the World superpower we've been.
....and had we not been that, our economy wouldn't have been what it's been either.

So by the time we can stop spending on the former, we won't have it to spend on the latter due to a shrunken economy.
The PROBLEM is when the government exceeds the scope of the Constitution and begins to think it is there to solve everybody's problems from hunger to choice of transportation. A big government is generally misguided and full of corruption. People need to take responsibility for their choices and actions so they are contributors to society instead of detracting from it.
Really now? Thou dost be too modest.

How about post a poll asking members what they think? Lol

For what? Telling people to be peaceful and patriotic?

That is what he said.

Another biased NY jury perhaps?

How 'bout a rural Texas jury instead?

You are taking his comments out of context.

So has Obama. There's more evidence that he's been pulling the strings these past few years than there is evidence that Trump will become a dictator. He's already been potus, and didn't become a dictator.

The guy you voted for did more to act like a dictator than anything Trump ever did.

I guess you've never heard the term, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
Edited to add: if you want to avoid war with your enemies you must be willing to talk with them.
...and Trump is the only one willing to even try talking with them.

Fits the guy you voted for. He's the one who forced people to follow his mandates at the threat of their jobs.

That's a straight up dictator move.

Had Trump done that, you'd have cried foul louder than anyone.
.....and I would be in agreement.

Because it'd be a dictator move no matter who did it.
....but you agree with it when YOUR guy does it. I'd call it out even if Trump pulled such a move.

The point is, it still ain't free. It just gets paid for with higher taxes, higher prices, lower wages and fewer jobs.

So that means continuing the ponzi scheme.
....but we aren't having enough kids for it to continue working for much longer.

How do you fix that?

Hey! I know! Your boy Biden could dictate that people fuck more and he could sign an EO banning condoms and birth control pills.

Add that to a nation-wide abortion ban and in 20 years it'll be problem solved!

We'll go back to 7+ kid families.

That'll fix it good.

So you admit that changes need to be made to the system?

That what conservatives have been saying for a very long time now.
....but are constantly fought on the issue of fixing it.

Why should it? Adjusted for average life expectancy, SS shouldn't kick in until at least age 75.

Look up average life expectancy when SS was started.

A big part of the reason it is going broke, is that more people are collecting for more years.

Make the SS retirement age 75 and the program's problems mostly vanish.

So more taxes? That means lower pay fewer jobs and higher costs for goods and services.
....and you say more money from the gov? Where does the gov get IT'S money from? Oh yea, taxes. So you mean more tax money from everyone, not just corps and the rich.

Because for every dollar the gov spends, a small portion came from your wallet.

Without that spending over the past many Decades, we wouldn't have been the World superpower we've been.
....and had we not been that, our economy wouldn't have been what it's been either.

So by the time we can stop spending on the former, we won't have it to spend on the latter due to a shrunken economy.

You made me laugh with:

Really now? Thou dost be too modest.

How 'bout a rural Texas jury instead?

A Texas jury may not be as objective as one from NYC.

Gonna play a few tunes and do fun stuff.
Tulsi and RFK are good additions to team Trump. I like them both even though they were in a different party. What I really like is both have a clear message for Americans. When they say something they say something and you don't need a decoder ring to figure out what they meant. There is no ambiguity in what they were trying to say. Unlike many politicians who jumble together a bunch of words to sound smart and end up saying nothing and standing for nothing in the end.
A few more videos like this one and even Searcher will be joining team Trump.

Tulsi and RFK are good additions to team Trump. I like them both even though they were in a different party. What I really like is both have a clear message for Americans. When they say something they say something and you don't need a decoder ring to figure out what they meant. There is no ambiguity in what they were trying to say. Unlike many politicians who jumble together a bunch of words to sound smart and end up saying nothing and standing for nothing in the end.
A few more videos like this one and even Searcher will be joining team Trump.

It's not about parties, anymore. Or, moar accurately, the Uniparty.

It's about sanity versus imbecilic lunacy. It's about accountability versus the installation of a puppet. It's about what we were, and still are to some degree...and a reduction of the West into a neo-Feudal empire run by Globalists, managed by their technocrats.

I have some issues with Kennedy's beliefs. I don't know what to make of this woman with the alien name - but I heard a long-form interview, with her recounting her past and her entry into both the military and political worlds.

How much is candidly presented, I don't know. But in her conversation, she sounded intelligent, well-educated, not-at-all hesitant, and candid. None of this word-salad and giggle fits. It was a conversation with a very smart, informed individual.

And we need such persons to join forces in removing these puppets and the Globalists' operatives.

Liberalism is a mental illness. The brainwashed can't see past their seething anger towards Trump. He could do one thing and the sheep are outraged, but if Biden or Harris did the same thing they are singing praises. Don't know about the rest of you, but I am sure glad that my mind doesn't work like theirs.
The more you listen to Kamala videos the more you realize that she literally knows nothing about anything. 40 days to do her 1st interview and she said nothing of importance and 2/3's of it needed to be deleted. It's obvious the left isn't looking for a leader. Just a figurehead so they can continue with their Agenda to destroy what's left of America.

And why hasn't the 25th been invoked to get the brain dead turd out of office?
The more you listen to Kamala videos the more you realize that she literally knows nothing about anything. 40 days to do her 1st interview and she said nothing of importance and 2/3's of it needed to be deleted. It's obvious the left isn't looking for a leader. Just a figurehead so they can continue with their Agenda to destroy what's left of America.

And why hasn't the 25th been invoked to get the brain dead turd out of office?

They sure like to preach about democracy yet have no issues with pulling off the equivalent of a coup like you would see in a 3rd world country. of course, the brainwashed idiots don't see it for what it is.
The more you listen to Kamala videos the more you realize that she literally knows nothing about anything. 40 days to do her 1st interview and she said nothing of importance and 2/3's of it needed to be deleted. It's obvious the left isn't looking for a leader. Just a figurehead so they can continue with their Agenda to destroy what's left of America.

And why hasn't the 25th been invoked to get the brain dead turd out of office?
The D's don't want to do it? The R's don't want to do it either because they're getting too much mileage out of leaving him in floundering....
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